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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. From Googling "Current Time in Portugal" I got two responses: Current time in Lisbon & Current time in Azores. So it depends on which of these two general areas you live in. Lisbon - 8 hours ahead of SLT - Friend's party at 4 pm SLT Azores - 7 hours ahead of SLT - Friend's party at 3 pm SLT
  2. Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote: I'm not really sure of the protocol on this one. I bought a brilliant item for Halloween, listed as copy and modify. As it turned out it wasn't quite what I'd expected, and not copy or mod, but I do like it loads, so while I can't use it as intended, it's still cool..... it was a sky platform. So then I tried to land in it to get a closer look around, and fell right through it. It took me a while to realise the whole thing was phantom, and therefore entirely unusable by me. It was quite expensive for me, so I contacted the seller, as the ad in Marketplace had no mention of it being Phantom. I had no response. I IM-ed AND notecarded the seller 2 days later and still no response. Granted it could be that the seller is away, but I don't really know what to do about it now. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. ) As a merchant I WANT my customers to let me know if they are having ANY problems at all with my products. My included notecards all say to IM me if there is an issue and if they have not heard from me within 48 hours to IM *and* send notecard as that means I did not receive the first IM. You did exactly that. Does the merchant have any info on his profile about his preferred method of contact and/or how long it may take to get back to you? I had a very recent situation that was similar (without the phantom floor). A customer contacted me re: one of my items she had purchased that is mod/copy. She tried resizing it and could not. I was horrified and immediately pulled the item off the market until I resolved the issue. It was a very simple, but overlooked, mistake on my part in the building. (One prim was 0.010; thus cannot make the linked item smaller.) I knew that but my mind was apparently in lala land when I used that value on the build.) From that experience I would ask and hope that customers do first contact the merchant on issues; however, after making two attempts, then I would definitely flag the item as well as leave a review. It doesn't have to be nasty but just state the inaccuracies. I hope the merchant contacts you soon. Merchants who ignore their customers make me want to slap them; they make the rest of us look bad.
  3. The issue my customer was having was not due to Pathfinding, different viewers, etc. It was a combination of three scripts that didn't play nicely together. The issue was very random, ie. it worked for me and some friends who tested it, but not always for my customer. The solution turned out to be the order in which a person accessed its two options. If one always did A then B, no problem, but if one did B then A - issues. On the advice of the brilliant scripter who finally figured it out (after a week of me tearing my hair out) I purchased an updated script that she felt would work. Thus far it doesn't work any better, in fact worse in some cases but my scripter friend said it may need to be tweaked and is checking it out. Although frustrating, I learned a LOT about many things in SL as well as scripting through this experience.
  4. Telefunken Peliatropis wrote: Upgraded a Toshiba Satellite L355D-S7901 from Windows Vista Home Premium to Windows 8 Pro this morning - now no SL browsers run on it due to driver incompatibility. I have reinstalled drivers from Toshiba and from ATI, and tried the --noprobe trick on startup, and tried running in compatibility mode, but still not working. Any suggestions? I upgraded my workstation to windows 8 and after updating the NVidia drivers on it, SL runs perfectly on it. I spoke to a customer today who had just upgraded to Win8 from Win7. She uses Firestorm 4.2.2 and said SL runs on it pretty much the same as it did for her on Win7. She too needed to update Nvidia drivers but that was all.
  5. jwenting wrote: As to the WoW information, I can attest that a lot of people do play alone a lot. BUT, that's often not by choice. They want to be part of guilds, go raiding or pvp with others, but many or even most such guilds and teams won't accept you as a member unless you're max level and have expensive and hard to get equipment. I've had this same discussion on the WoW forums when I played regularly. I played EQ for 7 years straight (logging in for at least 2-4 hours/day), then intermittently for another few years. I played WoW from Dec. 2011-May 2012 as a break from SL. In both games I prefer to solo. I have met many others who also enjoy soloing. I never try to join guilds. The 3 guilds of which I was a member in EQ over 10 years all approached me and even then I soloed most of the time. Grouping is too fast and furious for me. I never thought I would play WoW but a friend I met last summer on EQ talked me into trying the free demo - loved it. Re: guilds, WoW was a lot different than EQ in that EQ never spammed guild invitations nor IM'd random people to try to get them to join their guild. Getting at least 5 random guild invitations each play period on WoW were totally annoying. I did learn how to turn off the auto-invitations but still got a lot. Again joining a guild isn't my style but when a similar discussion came up on the WoW forums another person kept insisting all the advantages I'd have from being part of a guild and what I was missing. Yes there are some advantages but some people...and me specifically...prefer to solo. My SL is similar. I never get it when people post saying they're bored. I never have enough time in the day to do what I'd like in SL. I can go weeks without ever leaving my parcel and be happy as a clam - building, working on my shop, etc. I have quite a few friends, but a lot of them are also builders so we touch base every so often, but definitely not every day...or even every week. One or two people I talk to more regularly but generally while we're each doing other things like....building. Maybe it's an only child thing; I learned at a young age how to entertain myself.
  6. Build, photoshoot my builds for ads, make ads in Gimp, list builds on MP (and in world after I finish rennovating). Rinse/repeat
  7. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: The purple shop color I arrived at night and it wrecked the colors of the skirts. I don't know if it's my settings, or the way the shop was built, but it was weird until I set it to noon sun. Hi Arielle! Just popped by your shop. I love the cloud base. Also thought the shop build was so cute. I use a custom setting for lighting suggested by the designer of my skin and never change it so I never know when it's day or night in SL...lol. Anyway, on that setting and running lower graphic settings due to the limitations of my PC, the purple shop color looked great. There has been some discussion on these forums about how things look in SL based on the graphics settings. With so many people using a variety of viewers, settings, etc. trying to build something that looks great in all circumstances is likely a losing battle. With that said - your clothes are really cute. The one suggestion I would make is, as best as I could tell, all of the clothes have no permissions. This would personally stop me from purchasing. Clothing designers may correct me here, but I think the "standard" for clothes currently is copy/mod. Many people like copy to be able to mix & match pieces within their wardrobes. I personally like mod as well, especially on sculpted prims, but prefer it on all clothes in case I want to adjust the skirt length, etc. I have personally agonized over what permissions to set on my furnishings and it is the choice of each merchant what perms they feel comfortable offering. I would suggest at minimum copy perms. Another suggestion is to add the permissions to your ad vendors. Even if you choose to set no permissions (no copy/no mod/no trans) - I still think stating that on your ad would avoid angry customers who assumed what the perms would be and didn't do an edit on the ad boards. Great start! ETA: Just re-read Nefertiti's post and wasn't thinking "mesh" when I looked at the clothes. I'm not real familiar with mesh clothing so that may explain the no permissions thing. (Do permissions still work the same with mesh clothing, anyone?) In that case, I would definitely add the word "mesh" to your ad because people like me who can't see mesh would not want to purchase thinking it was not mesh. A good discussion on this topic is in Deja's post about designating an item as mesh or not. ETA (again): Well gah! I forgot that you said the clothes were mesh in your OP. :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Still curious about if perms differ for mesh clothing and why.
  8. Tamara Artis wrote: I would love to see that house. Sending an IM in world.
  9. Hermione Lefevre wrote: Can you put a link here for your store, I love shopping :-) I think this was for the OP. She has a link to her store in her signature banner.
  10. iCade wrote: Personally I would love more environment changing houses, that gives you the option of the normal house and 1 covered in snow. Also, and this niche is lacking so ridiculously much it makes me sad because I'd buy it, is windows with environment. I found a skybox or two where you could touch the windows and select between normal, rain, frost and snow. It's perfect if you don't want particles all over the place or accidently raining into the house. Only found this with a few skyboxes so far, and no house. Just thought I'd throw that out there. (Emphasis mine) YES! Love this idea. I recently went to a shop I adore - the merchant began creating particle-related items (he's a master in that) then expanded to unique fountains and all kinds of items for home and garden. On this recent visit I saw that he created a house that fits on a 512 parcel, was designed as a sky home (not sky box) but can easily be used on the ground as well. It has a lovely balcony/patio (depending on if one is in the sky or on the ground) that leads into a large open concept living room. Stairs lead up to a loft bedroom. The really cool things about this house is that it is totally furnished including patio seating with animated chairs plus the ability to rez a candle, champagne, etc. The patio also has a fountain where the water goes into a koi pond. The living room has a working fireplace...I'm pretty sure it is furnished as well. Bedroom is furnished - the contemporary artwork above the bed changes scenes as well as color/lighting. Bed is animated. Includes a ceiling fan. Lighting effects throughout the house. But what really caught my attention is that the patio has options for two types of rain - a light rain and a thunderstorm, complete with lightning; snow; falling autumn leaves; and a few other similar effects. I must have spent at least a half hour or more playing with all the environment effects. I love, love, love rain and rainstorms. Ok, I've talked myself into it...going to go grab that house. And the cool thing is, it isn't very expensive, especially for how well done it is and what it offers. ETA: Correction, it does not include snow, but other patio effects such as hearts, dragonflies, fireflies, suspended stars, and dandelion seeds.
  11. This is now 6 days and counting I've been trying to resolve this issue. What has been tried to date: 1. Took out the 2 door scripts and replaced it with the one posted above. The door opens and closes nicely however, when selecting the choice to go through the animations the avatar is taken into the closet and goes through the animations...except the door doesn't open/close between each one. That may be some issue with the door script and the animation script but don't want to get into yet another issue. Have the above script tucked away for use on future doors/lids/etc. 2. Sent a copy of the closet to a friend who tested it on the same viewer my customer uses (Firestorm 2.2.2) as well as the Zen viewer. No issues. This rules out the rotational value theory. 3. Friend suggested that my customer try resetting scripts after the door goes wonky. Customer tried that - didn't work. 4. Friend suggested pathfinding as the culprit. Customer is on an estate sim. Contacted her to find out if pathfinding was turned on or off. She wasn't familiar with pathfinding but researched it and later said that was something she could not do without the estate owner's permission, so still waiting on that theory. However, even if it is a pathfinding issue, would I not also be experiencing the same issue when I tried the same closet (the copy I rezzed) on the same estate? 5. I find this very interesting - customer said the door went wonky after the first time she went through the animations, but when she did that a second time...with the door still wonky, it corrected itself, but when she thought it was now fixed, she went through the animations a third time and back to wonky door. The fourth try corrected it again. So the door works every other time during the animations. I'm wondering if this could be corrected by a ||reset in the script as suggested by another poster. 6. Will be meeting with my customer again tomorrow. In the meantime I am going to take the original closet that works for my customer (on the same estate land, pathfinding enabled or not) and just shrink it to the size required and retexture instead of building from scratch as I did with the one that works wierd (for her only). Technically if the original closet works for her, then just stretching it as one piece and retexturing *should* work. I may also fool around a bit with adding a ||reset on the original one for the heck of it. Although this has been frustrating as all get out, I *have* learned a lot in the process that will be beneficial to future builds. Thank you to everyone who has posted with help and suggestions.
  12. Coby Foden wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Wow! If it only took you 2 hours to make those...I'm impressed. First I made one half only, then mirrored it, and finally did the string going down under. Saved some effort. :matte-motes-wink: Ah! Very clever. (I never think of time-saving building tricks like that.)
  13. Quinn Morani wrote: I've been mostly away from SL for quite a few months. I've seen a couple of references lately to pathfinding, which is new to me. I have no idea what it is; is it something new to SL? Can anyone point me to where I can learn more? Thanks. Hi Quinn, welcome back Still love that outfit. I finally got around to trying to put it together from the info you provided to me a long time ago and the shop that sold the sari is no longer in SL.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Quid satellitum scilicet.
  15. Qie Niangao wrote: I assure you, you're 100% mistaken. Nothing is 100% absolute. In that case, maybe she's only 99% mistaken. There's an exception to every rule. Except the rule about exceptions. And the rule about excepting the rule about exceptions. And that last rule, too. And... uh oh. Runs for more caffeine before re-reading that again.
  16. Ethereal Faerye wrote: Still have to fix this stupid glitch too that put other people's pictures on my stuff. Main reason i totally quit and just deactivated everything when the changover happened, waiting for stuff to get fixed. Had no time and didn't feel like editing 300+ listings again and again. How are things here atm? I didn't keep track at all and just took a break from it all. The mixed listings bug is still on my MP and I see them on other merchant MP stores as well. I think the last comment on this from CTL is they are aware of it.
  17. For me it depends on the type of house. For example, if is Japanese, I would look for traditional Japanese elements: simple, minimalist design; large rooms (if a small home even 1 or 2 would work, for a larger home more, but still open spaces); no doors, but walls that slide open and closed; nice details like a koi pond or a sand garden are nice touches. Now if it was a Victorian theme, then I would expect at least 2 stories; many rooms, but smallish, maybe a balcony (I love balconies no matter what the style); wallpaper consistent with the period, perhaps chair railings, etc. I also love unique skyboxes. Personally not big on contemporary homes but if a kitchen/bathroom is included, that would be the style for it. Actually the Victorian could have a cute bathroom with a vintage claw foot tub and similar accessories. I personally never want a kitchen in my SL home and never a toilet. I like pretty bathtubs. I also like houses from other cultures such as Middle Eastern, Indian, already mentioned Japanese. Really anything that is either exotic or somehow different from RL houses.
  18. The baby looks like a photo from RL. From your post you just morphed the two avatars. That is crazy wild. I have to try it!!! Thanks.
  19. Gadget Portal wrote: Pathfinding scripts are like any scripts- they're executed entirely server side. Viewer doesn't matter. It only matters if you want to change pathfinding attributes in the region, then you'd need to update your viewer. If you scripted an object and it doesn't work at someone's sim, they need to have an estate owner turn pathfinding on for the region. Thanks Gadget...I was wondering if it was pathfinding on that could be causing the weird issues. ETA: The strange thing is, whether pathfinding is enabled on the sim in question or not, I stood right next to the other person, we both rezzed the same item (exact copies); the item worked perfectly for me but not for the other person. So, with pathfinding being server side, I would think I would also have difficulties. I also had this build tested by my alt, who has no problems, and a friend who tried it with two different viewers and had no problem. Whatever is wrong, seems somehow to be connected with the user or the user's environment.
  20. Coby Foden wrote: Once I had nothing special to do, so I started to play with small prim spheres... In the end this was the result after some two hours: Total of 234 spherical prims! :smileysurprised: I noticed that it was not very comfortable to sit on. :smileyfrustrated: :smileylol: Wow! If it only took you 2 hours to make those...I'm impressed. It reminds me of a friend I knew in RL who made chainmail items for his SCA group. Talk about something that takes a long time to make and is extremely tedious work. He was asked to make some items for a fashion show once and made a chainmail vest a "Michael Jackson-type" chainmail glove, and iirc, a chainmail bikini.
  21. Raven1 Short wrote: These are undies not a bikini. Couldn't decide so I'm posting two. I can't see anything but boxes with pink X's in them.
  22. Thanks Perrie and Solar Agree with all points. I, too, have never had an issue with the two TPV servers I've used - the current one and the one I used for years prior.
  23. This may be a stupid question but...does pathfinding work on the v. 1.x viewers, such as Phoenix The reason I'm asking is that I am trying to trouble-shoot one of my scripted items that works fine for me, my alt, a friend - all on various viewers including Zen and Firestorm. The item also works for me on the estate of one of my customers, BUT not for her. The only variable I have narrowed the issue down to now is if the estate is pathfinding-enabled and I'm using the above Phoenix (item works for me on that estate) and the customer is using Firestorm 4.2.2 AND has pathfinding enabled (doesn't work for her). I haven't verified if the estate is pathfinding enabled, but after days of trying to troubleshoot the issue..that is the only variable left. Thank you. :)
  24. "Then someone's brother's cousin's dog's neighbor's left toe lost everything because of it...." I love this line...and was loling in RL.
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