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Ghosty Kips

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Blog Comments posted by Ghosty Kips

  1. *ahem*

    @Ghosty Some web browsers show a special icon or other indicator that enables subscriptions. Various newsreaders like Google Reader also have feed detection.

    @Torley yes, I know this. However, a direct link on the web page to the RSS feed helps those of us who may be using something other than Google Reader, or aren't using one of those web browsers as they're on a dumbphone or other mobile device that's not so web-savvy.

    And, a mobile version of the web site would be nice for those of us who *are.* :)

  2. I am so psyched to see you in the world, actually LEARNING how to do stuff. This is NOTHING but good! I hope you break out your alt and get involved with some of the social groups, and learn how Residents use the platform - equally important, and frequently where LL has missed the mark. (And you didn't overdo the plants at all.) Welcome Rod!

  3. Joshe, actually, they do take them back for services already. You can cash out your lindens to pay your tier and Premium membership - I did that for two years. And cash out the rest to put in your bank account if you have enough. Those lindens came from my customers, I didn't buy them. Did you think LL was just giving away free money?

  4. Incorrect Joshe. They do "print" the lindens, but they dont give them away for free. Any lindens given to them are bought and paid for - it represents money already in their pool. If you give LL L1,000, that's actually $4 or so they already have.

    And the 'ruin inworld search to drive the marketplace' is almost a meme by now.

  5. A 115% increase in web sales does NOT mean there are more shoppers, or that there is more shopping. Since we haven't had a 115% population increase in SL, it more likely means the same shoppers are shopping on the web site instead of doing it inworld.

    Why would people do that? Oh, let's see ... search has been borked for over a year? The newest changes favor large parcel owners over smaller ones? The inworld population has been dropping?

    "Although there may have been fewer economically active accounts in Q3, this suggests the L$ in those accounts did not exit Second Life."

    Meaning no one had enough to bother cashing out with. HOW MANY "fewer economically active accounts" are there now? Where's THAT number?

    [GUIDE] What's a skybox?

    I've never been able to rez a prim "in the air." I have to have a surface - another prim, or the ground - to create the prim on, or to drag one onto from my inventory.

    The easiest way is to be on the ground, create/rez a platform prim to work on there, then sit on the edge of it. Once seated, edit the prim's z-axis to whatever height you like, and you'll move with the prim to the desired altitude.

    Make sure you're wearing a "flight feather" if you move the prim very high, since when you stand up there's a very good chance you'll have nothing under your feet - and you want to be able to at least fly back up to stand on your platform.

  6. We were promised - PROMISED - that the Marketplace would not be opened until the work was done. THE WORK IS NOT DONE. The listings are not up to what merchants need to sell product, the emails are still not in a format we really need, our stars and reviews are not completely migrated over, relevant search is not working right, the favorites list is wiped out - but off we go anyway.

    The mysterious "boxless" system has me irritated the most. Until it's rolled out so we can at least SEE it - because you've given us nothing as far as details on how it will work and how our product changes can or will be handled - our listings with version number in the product names are held captive. Completely unfair to people who have marketed good products for the long term.

    NO MAJORITY OF YOUR CUSTOMERS, NOT EVEN A SIZABLE MINORITY OF THEM, ASKED FOR THIS MARKETPLACE. In and of itself it's a fine idea, a shiny new marketplace sounds nice - but as usual, you took it upon yourselves to dismantle a working system and replace it with an as-yet unfinished one. And I'm tired of making the point over and over that half-baked product from Linden Lab replacing what actually works is one of the key issues driving the numbers down. When will you people figure it out?

  7. Giving the 13-15 year old kids their own place on the grid, under the auspices of an educative community, is way OK with me. As those accounts can't go anywhere on the grid except the sims they're limited to, then wonderful.

    But ... any kid can take a throw-away email, create a free avatar on their own account and wander anywhere on the grid they choose (save those sims that need adult verification). Linden Lab stopped any pretense of preventing this once free unverified accounts were allowed. So I fail to see why some of you are all uptight about little Johnny or Jane camming in to your sim - they've been at it for years already, and Linden Lab will do nothing to prevent it.

  8. "Some of you have suggested disallowing the Display Name from matching any previous Username, but as we have used many millions of names for accounts already that would make Display Names very hard to use as most names would be blocked."

    "Along with many other services across the Internet, Second Life needs to separate the unique identifier you use to log in with from the name you are known as inworld. By insisting that the two needs be served by one name, we make it nearly impossible for anyone to use their real name, nickname, role-play name or their social Web identity within Second Life."

    "We recognise that we need to offer this capability in a way that best preserves your unique inworld identity and protects you, as much as possible, against the risks of impersonation and griefing which are the areas where a large bulk of your concerns lie."

    One of these things is not like the others ...

    I appreciate the changes, and your listening to our concerns. But these statements show us all that you people are STILL not on board as to WHY Display Names was a bad idea in the first place.

    I'll mimic what Ceera Murakami said above. I am registering my name as a DBA, and I already have the paperwork drawn up for a trademark. I want the ability to protect that name from fraudulent usage. If I need to pay a nominal fee, so be it.


    Bear in mind the #1 reason why we're doing this: we want to fix more bugs faster and more transparently. This is far from the only work that needs to happen for that, but it's a big step towards it.


    As always, a concise and detailed answer. I appreciate the explanations ... I was having a rough night last night. And I agree, anything that makes the JIRA more efficient is a good thing.

    As for that example -

    My bookmark to WEB-2218 takes me to the dashboard after the ID login redirect. If I use that bookmark (or any bookmark) to an issue after that login, it takes me to the intended page.

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