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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. See the Ellla McMahon's answer and report that groups if you consider ir appropriate.
  2. - Go to Advanced menu > Rendering. And unclick 'Volume'. That hide the Home (only hide, the Home is there) and you see the land. - But in any case you can open the 'About land' window:
  3. Still I don't like the UI of the Viewer 2. But it is certainly a very useful feature the many possibilities or "right clik".
  4. Sarasvati, follow the great Cinnamon's answer. I forgot that.
  5. Were you able to solve your problem?
  6. De nada Pero la enciclopedia es la Knowledge Base, yo sólo la repito como un loro jejejej
  7. Por cierto, acabo de ver que hay novedades en el proyecto de Display Name: http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/features/blog/2010/09/13/changes-to-display-names-based-on-your-feedback
  8. Totally agree with the two previos posts of Ceera Murakami.
  9. Wara Ysabel wrote: Cuánto cuesta? no sé... pero no será nada barato. Véase http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Custom_Name_Program_%28beta%29_General_Information (hay un caso especial, el de instituciones académicas: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Last_Names_FAQ#But_wait.2C_I.27ve_seen_some_Residents_with_what_looks_like_custom_last_names.3F )
  10. Lindal Kidd wrote: ... And it's given me the idea for one of my own. Ha! The building bug strikes again! Silly (or not) thread: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/264738#264738
  11. And please, if your other threads are answered can you mark it as "answered"? Thanks - http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/391909#391909 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/36375 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/34386 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/31861 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/29848 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/29713 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/27955 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/24561 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/18811 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/15332 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/12111 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/11728 - http://blogs.secondlife.com/thread/7988 Probably the helpers will be grateful to know that his help was useful.
  12. It depends on who is the owner of the two parcels. You can put in a single parecel as many prims as are admited in the total of your parcels in the same region. Example: you have a parcel in a region that allow 228 prims and aother parcel in THE SAME region for 228 prims. You can put 456 prims in one of the two parcels if you are the owner of both parcels (or if a group is the owner and the objecst are setting to thatr group). As the KB says (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_objects_%28prims%29_on_land_are_calculated): All parcels belonging to the same owner (or group) in the same Region share their object capacity- this is represented as Simulator primitive usage in the About Land window. In this way, it is possible for the Primitives on parcel number to be higher than the Primitives parcel supports number.
  13. A long time ago that these metrics do not include the number of Premium accounts. Why? I know it is not an essential element. But I think that the increase or decrease of that number over time is important (there is a thread in SL Answers about this question: https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/100420#100420).
  14. 3 hours wiothout answers... While you wait an answer in this thread perhaps you can answer in Wanted forum also: http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/commerce/wanted
  15. LOL Comments about the TPV and their possible use aren't a ad board
  16. Marigold Devin wrote: ... ... ... You will be getting a message up on your screen that says something like "the system is logging you out... account will not be available until (time) pacific time". IGNORE the time it gives you and just keep trying to log in. Try, try, try, and with patience and persistence you WILL be able to log in between 1 and 30 minutes. ... ... ... See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/When_I_log_into_Second_Life,_it_returns_an_error_saying_%22The_system_is_logging_you_out_right_now._Your_account_will_not_be_available_until...%22 ... ... ... Please wait until the time specified by the error before attempting to log in again. Repeatedly attempting to log in when you receive this message may result in the process taking longer, preventing you from logging in at all. ... ... ...
  17. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/When_I_log_into_Second_Life,_it_returns_an_error_saying_%22The_system_is_logging_you_out_right_now._Your_account_will_not_be_available_until...%22 An earlier Second Life server update (1.9) made major infrastructure changes to how your login session is maintained on our servers. Occasionally, the server that handled your last login session may take a few minutes to recognize that you have logged out. Please wait until the time specified by the error before attempting to log in again. Repeatedly attempting to log in when you receive this message may result in the process taking longer, preventing you from logging in at all. Mainland regions After waiting at least fifteen minutes, if the time until your account becomes available continues to change, please submit a ticket through the Support Portal and we can investigate further. Providing the error message and the last region you were logged into will help speed up the process. Private regions If you were on a private region owned by a Resident and are able to contact the estate owner or a manager another way, they're able to restart the region to clear your "presence" and allow you to login again. If The restart did not solve the problem, submit a ticket.
  18. Torley explain in this JIRA the technical problems of that: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-357
  19. You can :-) See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_open_a_box#Unpacking_a_box_on_your_avatar Important: Only do this if you're comfortable dragging and dropping inventory items, or you may accidentally misplace stuff. You can unpack a box if it's attached to your avatar. This may be useful if you're having a hard time getting to rezzable land, since you can always attach an object. However, this lacks the convenience of the Copy to Inventory and Copy and Wear buttons. In your inventory, right-click the box object and choose Attach To HUD or Attach To, then select an attachment point. Attach To HUD may be preferable because the box is attached to a point on your screen instead of your avatar, and is less likely to mess up your appearance. Or, you can simply choose Wear, which attaches the box to its attachment point — if none has been specified, which is typically the case, it gets attached to your Right Hand. Right-click the attached box and choose Edit. In the build tools, click the Content tab. Drag each item from the object's contents to a folder your inventory. You can also hold Shift ⇧ or Ctrl to select multiple items. If an item is (no copy) this will only work if you click and drag the folder above the items from the object's contents into a new folder in your inventory. Dragging the folder rather than selecting one item at a time will select all items in the object's contents, and it may be helpful to create a new folder in your inventory before attempting to use this method. Now if you are using Viewer 2.0 you and you are opening an object with this method and its (no copy) then you will have to select each item one at time from the object's contents. Close the build tools.
  20. Disagree. It's true the public open hour has been limited: "Live Chat Support! Live Chat is available 8am to Midnight PST, M-F; and 8am to 8pm PST Saturday and Sunday". But there are acces to Live Chat for Europe (aprox. 17pm to 9am) and other time zones.
  21. Have you tried rez a platform at 5,000 or 6,000 meters? It is not infallible but avoid many problems with griefers.
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