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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Grace Evanier wrote: Contacted live support .... they reset her, it didn't work... Told me to file a ticket !!! Great solution from Live Chat :-(
  2. Delete the avatar or delete the account? If you are asking for account and you receive the account of your friend, what about the real data of that account (as real name)? See TOS 3.1 (http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos3): You may not transfer or assign your Account and its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party without the prior written consent of Linden Lab.
  3. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: Greetings from another Irish resident :-) "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling..." :-) Greetings from Spain. I learned in school that song when I was 9 years old :-)
  4. As you know, then this thread is nor a Sl Answer :-) SL has several forums. But this is "SL Answers" and: Second Life Answers Format Information: SecondLife Answers is a basic question and answer style area. If your topicis really a discussion or conversation please feel free to go to the Second Life Forums and start a thread so the community can join i Probably your thread is accurate for the General Disccusion: http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/forums/general :-)
  5. What are the criteria for this thread gets the score of "Answered"? :-)
  6. Use Support. Log in to your Dashboard > Help > Submit a ticket. Type: Account Issue > Change Account Details
  7. Calliope Brentley wrote: What exactly do you mean by a foundation, and what is the point of one? Do you just mean what will be the floor, or something different? Different. A foundation, a base of the building. With this foundation is easier to put the building level (flat) in rough terrain (see the foundation of this building in a slope land: http://www.sweden.se/upload/Sweden_se/english/other/second%20life/second_house_of_sweden_daylight_.jpg). Calliope Brentley wrote: I have heard of megaprims and think I have a free set of them but I have not worked with them before. Are there any details I should know to work with them? Read http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Megaprim
  8. Are your Premium account 14 days old? See http://usd.auctions.secondlife.com/scripts/faqs.asp#acct1 Can anyone in Second Life buy land in the auctions? No. Only residents that have Premium memberships and are at least 14 days old are eligible to participate in auctions. If yes, fill a Support Ticket: Land & Region > Land Auction Issues Or use Live Chat.
  9. ¡Bravo, bravo, bravo! Anotado tu comentario para actualizar esa página del foro. ¡¡GRACIAS!! :-)
  10. AFAIK no. Use a account with false real data is against the TOS. See TOS 3.1: "You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the registration form ("Registration Data") and to use the account management tools provided to keep your Registration Data accurate, current and complete." ... ... ... "You may not transfer or assign your Account and its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party without the prior written consent of Linden Lab.".
  11. ¡Qué bueno saberlo, gracias por escribirlo! :-)
  12. Rachael Roxley wrote: is there any way to unlink the small parts?? Edit the whole object > mark Edit Linked parts > click the prim > Unlink
  13. In that linked object is there a prim with the smallest size possible (0.01x0.01x0.01m) ?
  14. You cannot access ANY control? (Info at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Home_Help_Guide#Linden_Home_Control_Panel_.28Beta.29)
  15. Ejem... Mi mensaje anterior queda un poco raro. pero es que has editado el tuyo y le has añadido, efectivamente, la página oficial de LL jejeje Nada, sólo era aclarar eso, que si no parece que contesto diciendo lo mismo que dices tú jajaja :-)
  16. Es que el Risk API no evalua a Virwox, evalua tu cuenta, el "no" es a tu cuenta :-) (loe xplica la página que se enlazó). Por eso dice esa misma página que ese "no" no significa que seas una ladrona ni nada por ele stilo, sino que, por la razón que sea (a veces por líos con otras cuentas en los que una se ve implicada sin comerlo ni beberlo) el Risk API considera tu cuenta como cuenta a ojo, ejem, buf... Pero eso, que puede cambiar.
  17. Nada que añadir a la perfecta respuesta de Nagi. Efectivamente, si el sistema de Risk API da un "no" a tu cuenta el operador externa puede denegarte la operación. Con todo, lee el último párrafo de la página bien citada por Nagi: el Risk API a veces fluctúa, y el "no" se puede convertir en un "sí". Por lo demás, sólo añadir que el que el Risk API diga "no" a tu cuenta no tiene remedio. Ya puedes ser perfecta y honrada que si ese sistema dice nones no hay nada que hacer.
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