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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. There is a JIRA request that, somehow, include your idea: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2325
  2. Para los que se defiendan con el inglés: Tema reciente en SL Answers:http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/87259#87259 LL plantea el debate en 2007: https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/features/blog/2007/10/12/the-big-prim-problem Casi 30 páginas de debate en los antiguos foros: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/13/b7/216541/1.html En español, atención al aporte de JJ Valero (y otros) sobre la página 2 de este tema: http://foros.secondspain.es/component/option,com_joomlaboard/Itemid,42/func,view/id,31084/catid,8/limit,6/limitstart,6/
  3. ¡¡TACHÁÁÁÁÁNNN!! Acabas de hacer una de las preguntas más debatidas en SL jajaja De hecho, es tan debatida que, desde hace años, puedes encontrar respuestas perfectamente razonadas tanto para decir que sí producen más lag como para decir que no. Personalmente sólo sé decir cuatro cosas: No causan más lag si se usan prudentemente y si están bien construídos (esto es, si su centro coincide con el centro físico del megaprim y no está "fuera" de lo que se ve del megaprim). Causan más lag si se texturizan a lo bestia, pidiéndoles que repita 10000 veces (es un ejemplo) una textura en cada cara. Causan más lag si están pegados al borde de la parcela o la región de otros y su centro (como antes: no el centro de "lo que se ve" sino el centro del megaprim que aparece al editarlo) cae en esa otra parcela o región. Causan más lag si son físicos, si se les habilita la opcion de phisics. También si dos están entrelazdos, pisándose el uno al otro. Pero repito que es sólo MI OPINIÓN PERSONAL. No tengo ni idea de cuestiones técnicas, sólo lo que he leído con más o menos frecuencia tanto en inglés como en español. Pero repito que esas tres opiniones mias a lo mejor están equivocadas. Algún dato más (en inglés) en http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mega_Prim (Y también la "Talk") de esa página.
  4. Morrison.Humbridge wrote: ... ... ... I also looks on the tutorials of this new version and they dont't say nothing about it. So... A helpful document for future references: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_2_Moves#Friends_permissions
  5. See many tips at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_do_I_look_like_a_particle_cloud
  6. Hi. If you don't find answers in this thread in SL Answers, perhaps you can ask in the Building Forum.
  7. But what means "no home"? Have you received an email with the SLurl (location) of your Linden Home? Have you completed the request of a Linden Home (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_home#Signup_for_your_Linden_Home)?
  8. You're welcome. We all are learning day by day about this new feature of Shared Media :-)
  9. Are you Premium account? Perhaps Live Chat can guide you.
  10. Have you tried this tip for show ONLY the movie? -> https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/community/tnt/blog/2010/03/16/viewer-2-tip-shared-media-show-youtube-on-a-full-prims-face
  11. Sabara Hotshot wrote: You can pay it all to me and I will hold for how long you need. HEHEHEH Just kidding....the other suggestions are better Your suggestion is a real option :-) Past year I made a presentation of SL at my University showing my account, and previously I gave all my L$ to a friend :-)
  12. RumbleR Boa wrote: Hey guys, I tried to find if there is some way how to hide money in a viewer... AFAIK no (if you are asking for hide the Linden Dollar Balance window in the top of the viewer).
  13. The friends drop-down list in Map ONLY shows your online friends who have allowed you to find them on the map. You will only see thar friends, not the others. You don't need do anything for prodice that list because that list is produced forum the choice made by your friends. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_do_I_use_the_World_Map%3F#Tracking_Your_Friends Tracking Your Friends You can use the World Map to track your friends' whereabouts in the Second Life virtual world. To track a friend, type their name into the My Friends dropdown menu. If your friend is online and has allowed you to see their location, they will appear on your map as a red destination marker. Note: Your friend must grant you the ability to see their inworld location before you can track them using the World Map. To let someone see you on the Map, highlight their name in the Friends list and check the Can see me on the map checkbox.
  14. Perhaps (I'm not sure) you should contact witrh the LL editors for Destination Guide: How do we contact Linden Lab editors? For questions or update requests to existing entries, please contact the Linden Lab editors via e-mail. Please note that we are not able to respond to all inquiries about individual submission suggestions. However, we do welcome all comments, feedback and suggestions. (from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Destination_Guide#How_do_we_contact_Linden_Lab_editors.3F)
  15. Untameable Wildcat wrote: Firstly, open the LIBRARY folder in your inventory - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... More sources: Official Scripting forum:http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/forums/scripting Official Scripts Library forum: http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/forums/scripting_library
  16. Try this link (there was problem with ! in the link).
  17. About Invisible Avatar you cah try this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Invisible_avatar_Try_these_things!
  18. Liliya, hopefully is solved the Danielle's problem. Danielle had the problem 4 months ago :-)
  19. CuoricinadiDrago Core wrote: Irene mira yo he mandado muchos reportes abusos y jamas he tenido respuesta ... ... ... - - - - - - - - - - Ni tú ni nadie. Como se explica en el correo-e que LL te manda cuando haces un reporte de abuso (y como explica la documentación oficial: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Abuse_report ), LL no informa a nadie de qué actuación ha llevado a cabo. Y personalmente pienso que hace bien en no informar, pero eso es otra historia. _____________________________________________ CuoricinadiDrago Core wrote: ... ... ...a lo ke yo me refiero es cuando tu cuenta te la han deshabilitado y ni sikiera sabes el motivo te dan un numero telefonico y hablas y no hay opcion en español solo ingles yo he llamado y pues nada solo ingles yo no se si el numero telefonico que tienen en España en second life hablen español solo ke yo estoy en Mexico y no se puede hacer nada... ... ... - - - - - - - - - - Como bien dices, cuando tu cuenta es deshabilitada (o puesta en investigación) no hace falta llamar al número de teléfono. Desde luego que es más rápido por teléfono, claro. Pero si hay problemas con el idioma para eso está el tique de soporte, como explica la documentación oficial (que puede verse traducida en http://manualesdesecondlife.blogspot.com/2010/02/second-life-no-me-deja-conectarme.html). ____________________________________________ CuoricinadiDrago Core wrote: ..... ... ... ya e hecho un ticket con mi informidad y bueno si claro recibi contestacion ke en 72 horas tendria noticias de mi reclamo ya ha pasado mas de 15 dias y no he tenido ninguna respuesta en fin asi es esto - - - - - - - - - - Totalmente de acuerdo con que los retrasos que está teniendo el equipo de soporte en contestar están siendo enormes e inaceptables. Pero eso no es con la lengua castellana (que es de lo que va este tema), eso le pasa, desgraciadamente, a todo el mundo.
  20. No problem! :-) You're welcome. Fingers crossed and touching wood for you, good luck, sure everything will be solved :-)
  21. Your welcome. Pitifully, the answer to your question about "Is there any further action" is no, as I said in my previous post, sorry.
  22. There are not further actions, only the appeal. See the end of this document: Linden Lab Official: Why is my account on hold?: ------------------------------ My account has been unfairly or incorrectly suspended or permanently closed by Linden Lab — how can I appeal this decision? Linden Lab takes violations of the Second Life Terms of Service and Community Standards very seriously. The decision to apply a suspension or permanent closure for your Second Life account(s) is reached after investigation of your use of the Second Life software and service. Residents are not allowed to participate in the Second Life virtual world if their accounts have been suspended or disabled for violations of our Terms of Service. However, if you can maintain in good faith that the violations were not due to your actions or negligence, or the actions or negligence of others working for you, you may appeal the suspension or closure of your account(s) in writing to the address below. Please provide any relevant information that you believe would explain the violations we detected. Linden Lab reserves sole discretion in considering whether to take any action on a written appeal. If you would like to appeal your warning or suspension, you may contact Second Life Support, in writing, at the address below: Second Life Support, Linden Lab 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Or by fax: 415-651-9221 We also accept appeals filed electronically using the ticket submission process described above. Tip:At the time of this writing, responses to electronically filed appeals usually take between 48-72 hours. We cannot guarantee this time frame, but we will do our best to send you a response as soon as we can.
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