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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Athena Mornington wrote: There are no more half stars or partially filled stars showing a true average of ratings in the SL Marketplace. Even if a seller has an item with a zillion 5's and just one 4, the rating shows up as a 4. It was reported by the sellers but it doesn't seem to be something that will be changing. ??? At this moment I have an item rating with half star: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PARACAIDAS-Y-SITIOS-PARACHUTES-LANDMARKS-gratis-freebies/274137
  2. AFAIK you create and add that "token" (a box - or whatever you want - with the landmark, instructions... buy examples -are free- in the Marketplace) to your Magic Box. Then Marketplace > Merchant Home > Manage Inventory > Sync Marketplace with Magic Boxes. Give it 1 or 2 minutes. Refresh the page. Your "token" appear in your inventory and now you can list in the appropriate category, etc.
  3. You can set the land. You cannot deed the land. From http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Home/FAQ -> Linden Home parcels cannot be deeded to group. You can Set your parcel to group.
  4. Great notice! Good thinking, Linden Lab .
  5. You're welcome. The "token" is for the buyer, he/she will reveive that "token" with a landmarj when he/she buy your land in Marketplace. The buyer "then needs to purchase the land in world or arrange the transaction with the Merchant. The purchase of the token does not result in the ownership of the land".
  6. Lamest? I think is the correct answer. You must sear in XstreetSL or shoping inworld. Or perhaps you prefer ask in Wanted forum: Are you searching for something you just can't find? Post it here!
  7. The answer is the last Commerce blog post. See the free temporary solution at Commerce blog: Real Estate Listings on Marketplace - Mainland and Private Island Categories on Marketplace are live
  8. Linda Brynner wrote: Activate the Advanced menu <ctrl> + <alt> + <D> Then go to Debug Settings. PitchFromMousePosition set it to 0. This disables the vertical range. YawFromMouse Position set that to 0. It disables the horizontal range. ... ... ... I am referring to the official viewer 1.23.5. I do hope they are not named different in 2.x. You are OK, same in Viewer 2
  9. It's in your viewer (in game). In the side menu open the People s tab and click My Groups. Click the Group and then click the little "Options" button. You will see the option for leave the group:
  10. Perhaps this Cinnamon's answer about Alt + Click: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/105847#105847 (same by Void Singer: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/196578#196578).
  11. Irene Muni

    Having Problems

    You're welcome Enjoy SL!
  12. Irene Muni

    Having Problems

    Try this tips: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_do_I_look_like_a_particle_cloud If that doesn't solve the problem, we will find another solutions
  13. Unfortunately, neither you nor we can do anything but what you've done.
  14. How many times have you read in blogs entrys and forum posts something like "Viewer 2 needs a system for completely remove the sidebar"? Well, once again: thanks for the progress, but Viewer 2 needs a system for completely remove the sidebar
  15. Irene Muni

    Too new

    GuitarDan Silversmith wrote: Thanks again, Ill give it a shot. I have no idea what Im doin here, HA! The quick start guide is NOT quick, its long and boring. Is anything free here, to start with? Or am I gonna have to buy EVERYTHING? : ) Personally, I would start here: http://secondlife.com/my/whatnext/basics/index.php?
  16. Irene Muni

    Too new

    GuitarDan Silversmith wrote: Thank you very much. You're very welcome GuitarDan Silversmith wrote: So I need to do this even tho I already paid for the account, correct? Yes GuitarDan Silversmith wrote: And it wont charge me again? No
  17. Irene Muni

    Too new

    Go to secondlife.com and log in. Click the "Get your Home now" button and follow the instructions. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_home#Signup_for_your_Linden_Home You receive your signup bonus 45 days after your signup date. And you receive the weekly stopend (L$300) on Tuesdays.
  18. See this thread: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/373997#373997 The thread have not an answer to your problem, but you will see a open JIRA.
  19. Have you tried http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_do_I_look_like_a_particle_cloud ?
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