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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Have you tried clear the cache from aoutside of SL? -> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clear_Cache or http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Moving_the_cache Or a FULLY uninstall? -> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_do_I_fully_uninstall_and_reinstall_Second_Life%3F
  2. Have you tried all the possible solutions of http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_do_I_look_like_a_particle_cloud%3F_%28Formerly_known_as:_I%27ve_suddenly_and_unexpectedly_turned_into_an_ugly_woman.%29 ?
  3. You're welcome. Could you please mark the question as answered then so it doesn't show up in the list of unanswered or possible answered questions? Thank you!
  4. Yes, you must be logged. See my post os the Cinnamon's post about where are the items for abandon land.
  5. If you are asking about your Linden Home: Choose World > About Land and click the General tab. Click Abandon Land. After confirming, the land is removed from your account.
  6. Thanks for ALL the answers. Although this question is not answered, I think it is time to close it. Maybe the future brings new data
  7. Your thinking is very interesting and very wise As always hehe). Anyway, I do not understand why LL hides the number of Premiun accounts. In a sense, residents Premium are showing any kind of "confidence" in LL. There are only to possible reasons for Premium: own mainland and/or extended support. The Linden Home and the stipends are less decisive reasons (I think). So, Premium accounts + Region owners is a important number for LL: that number shows how many residents are "comfortable" (more or less) with LL. But LL knows .
  8. LOL Thanks, but I must disagree. "Irene always answer" does not imply that Irene knows everything. In fact, Irene only knows Copy+Paste the Knowledge Base
  9. Try also access and wear a default avatar, see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_do_I_look_like_a_particle_cloud%3F_%28Formerly_known_as:_I%27ve_suddenly_and_unexpectedly_turned_into_an_ugly_woman.%29
  10. Support ticket: add a comment requesting an answer Beta grid: Use Ctrl + Shift + G IN LOGIN SCREEN for show the selector of grids. Clear caché in Viewer 2: see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_2_Moves#Clear_browser_cache
  11. https://secure-web25.secondlife.com/my/?lang=pt-BR --> Ajuda --> Emviar un tiquete --> "Click here to submit a ticket" (parte inferior da pagina) . Na pagina tiquete:Type: Special Questions - Basic account or Guest login Basic or Guest access: Account Issues. Account issues: I cannot login inworld with my account. Details: Explique seu problema em detalhe (escrito em Inglês, mas você precisa usar o tradutor do Google).
  12. Irene Muni wrote: And perhaps LL will show in the next statistics the number of Premium accounts ... and their increase (Linden Home) . No, not given this information in the Q1 metrics (http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/features/blog/2010/04/28/second-life-economy-hits-new-all-time-high-in-q1-2010) Only two references: "The introduction of Linden Homes drove an increase in the number of premium subscribers, both from new Residents, and existing Residents, many of whom reactivated their premium subscriptions in the quarter." and "The first quarter saw two significant changes that affected the dynamics of the Second Life economy. One was the dramatic increase in Linden dollars sourced as stipends due to the growth in premium subscribers as a result of the success of Linden Homes."
  13. Por favor, copie aqui a mensagem exata que aparece no seu computador. Obrigado.
  14. The best and only way is the support ticket: Can I trigger an auction for this land that looks abandoned? If you find that a land parcel's owner no longer appears in search, there is a possibility that the land may indeed be abandoned. If the land is owned by Governor Linden, the odds are greater. If you have a Premium account, you can submit a support ticket which includes: A SLurl to the parcel's location. The concern that prompted you to investigate the parcel's status. In many cases, the land goes to auction if no owner can be determined. Will Linden Lab sell abandoned land directly to me if my claim on it is good enough? This can sometimes be tricky, but there are cases in which a Resident may have a pretty good claim to abandoned land. These can include but aren't necessarily limited to: The land I own borders three sides of an abandoned parcel. The land I own completely encircles an abandoned parcel. There is a parcel of abandoned land directly between my land and another Resident's land, but the other Resident has stated that he has no interest in owning the abandoned parcel. The land must always be less than 512 square meters. Remember that these parameters are only guidelines; each parcel is considered on a case-by-case basis, and the Land Team may not sell the land to you even if you meet some of the claims. In many cases, there's no single Resident who has a very strong claim to a particular abandoned parcel, in which case it goes to auction. (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Abandoned_Land_FAQ)
  15. Lusus Saule wrote: Isn't it against the TOS to solicit RL information about residents....? No .
  16. Of course. You can use a simple script for open your web (http://cterport.ed.uiuc.edu/technologies_folder/SL/link.html/) or use Shared Media (Only for Viewer 2 and third party viewers that enabled that feature): http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Shared_Media
  17. Additional info at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:I_want_to_sell_real-life_items_through_Second_Life. Consider the following scenario: Bob Avatar encounters, inworld, a store called CompuBuyPlace selling computer equipment. He finds a kiosk with a picture, taken from real life, of a nice wireless optical mouse, which he decides to buy. The Kiosk asks him to pay L$1,000,000 and supply his real-life address. Bob Avatar pays the million Linden Dollars and enters his address. Sure enough, two weeks later, a box arrives at Bob Avatar's real-life apartment from CompuBuyPlace containing the nice wireless optical mouse. Can this actually happen? Nothing in the Terms of Service prohibits this, but you should be aware that Second Life generally isn't designed to be a platform for "real world" business transactions, as Linden Dollars aren't designed as a "currency" or currency substitute. You therefore take these steps at your own peril, including potentially subjecting yourself to potential fraud (such as fraudulent L$ exchange), and subject to any relevant tax, licensing or other laws. Further, Linden Lab doesn't own, operate, or insure third parties like the one described above, and therefore will be unlikely to be able to resolve any disputes that arise. If you have any other questions, you may wish to consult an attorney.
  18. With the Shared Media feature of Viewer 2 you can use Commerce Software in SL. It's only a idea. PS. I'm not sure about if SL is a accurate way for sell REAL items. Sometimes we have problems buying online, then maaany problems for buy in SL. But realy it's possible, just my opinion.
  19. Irene Muni


    You're welcome
  20. Irene Muni


    You can fill a support ticket for change your real info. Log in to your Dashboard > Help > Submit a ticket. Under Type, select Special Questions - Basic account or Guest login Under Basic or Guest access, select Account Issues. Under Account issues, leave it blank. In details explain your problem and give your real data. Wait for instructions of Suupport Team.
  21. Por cierto, ¿podrías marcar el tema como "answered" para que no siga apreciendo en la lista de "posiblemente contestadas"? Gracias
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