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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. CuoricinadiDrago Core wrote: pero lo ke yo veo mas frustrante que me ha tocado vivirlo es cuando pones un reporte de abuso si tu lo pones en español obviamente nadie lo leera ni te haran caso .. Lamento contradecirte, pero vcreo que no es exactamente cómo dices Si se usa el visor en español, los desplegables del Abuse Report (Denuncia de Infracción) salen en español, y puedes y debes ir elegièndolos en español PORQUE A LINDEN LAB LE LLEGAN EN INGLÉS No me preguntes cómo es eso técnicamente porque no tengo ni idea, pero cuando tú eliges tal item de uno de los desplegables en español (o en otros de los idiomas traducidos) al Governance Team lo que le llega es ese ítem de tu denuncia en inglés. Evidentemente, dónde sí es bueno usar el ingles es en "Details", "Detalles" (se llama así o algo parecido). Pero hay algo que varios Lindne nos han comentado muchas veces: usa el inglés AUNQUE SEA MAL INGLÉS o una mera copia del traductor de Google. Ante un Abuse Report, a los Linden no les importa si has cometido faltas ortográficas o gramtivales sino que se entienda, y para eso basta con cualquier traductor en línea. Es como si tú fueras una Linden y recibieras una Denuncia de Infracción que en "Detalles" dijera: "residente atacado mi con jaula y yo no poder mover y yo obligada a desconexión". Vale, es una cagada de español, ¿pero a que se entiende? Pues lo mismo en inglés .
  2. You asked: why can't I TAKE MY OWN MONEY back out to that SAME ACCOUNT DIRECTLY???? Two answers: Linden Lab rules (Irene) I don't know (Unklebob) And two suggestions: See a LL offcial document (Irene) Ask to Billing Team (Unklebob) Sorry if we don't know more, but you have answers and suggestions as far as we know.
  3. MasterEdward Avril wrote: I sought out the answer here because you are HERE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS! *NOT* be rude, ignorant, self absorbed a$$holes. Sorry, but why and for what I'm here (an the the others residents) is something I decide, nobody else. MasterEdward Avril wrote: And to the answer of "wire transfer", are you aware that they then charge a $25.00 fee to do so? I suppose you probably never checked that. It's an official answer from an offcial document of Linden Lab. But as Unklebob said, you can ask directly to Billing Team. I'm not a Linden, I only read documents .
  4. Unklebob.Hotaling wrote: I don't KNOW. Why don't you CONTACT BILLING, and ASK????? LOL Point for MAKE ME LAUGH
  5. MasterEdward Avril wrote: why can't I TAKE MY OWN MONEY back out to that SAME ACCOUNT DIRECTLY???? Linden Lab rules. But see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:How_can_I_use_my_US_dollar_balance%3F Process credit (withdrawal) You may choose to withdraw your US dollar balance via PayPal or bank wire. Note: You should only use the bank wire option under the following circumstances: PayPal will not permit payments to your country You're expecting payment of $10,000 or more For instructions on setting up wire transfer payments, see "Instructions for setting up Process Credit payments through wire transfer". PayPal will not permit payments to your country You're expecting payment of $10,000 or more For instructions on setting up wire transfer payments, see Instructions for setting up Process Credit payments through wire transfer. |} Depending on which withdrawal option you choose, you may be subject to fees and minimum withdrawal amounts. For current information on Process Credit requests, check out the Process Credit page on the Second Life website. To view a full history of your Process Credit transactions, view the Process Credit History page. Important: You must be in full compliance with the Second Life Terms of Service to receive any payment through the credit payment process. This includes, without limitation, the requirement to have accurate and complete registration information, including verifiable billing information.
  6. Gaueko Sahara wrote: Así que lo que ha pasado es lo que explica Irene, que no sé cómo lo hace pero siempre tiene la respuesta correcta para cualquier pregunta por complicada que sea. ¡¡MEEEEC... INCORRECTO!! Si te fijas, lo único que hago es copiar y pegar la información que ya está disponible en los distintos sitios de SL. Aquí l@s que de verdad saben son algun@s otr@s. Yo en cuanto me sacan del "Copy + Paste" me pierdo, mi conocimiento del ordenadores e internet se reduce a saber dónde está el botón de encender y apagar (y a veces hasta tengo problemas con eso jajaja).
  7. Irene Muni


    You're welcome. I'm happy that this has been useful. About computers & internet I only know where is the On/Off button ... and not always LOL
  8. Irene Muni


    Faubio.Alter wrote: Do contact your ISP and see if they can improve your connection. Have you read the OP?: "Now my service provider wants to know what is the IP address of the server we are logging into so that they can start tracing the problem with the lag (long ping times, heavy packet losses etc.)"
  9. Irene Muni


    Yolandi Parkin wrote: Now my service provider wants to know what is the IP address of the server we are logging into so that they can start tracing the problem with the lag (long ping times, heavy packet losses etc.)Can someone please help? I don't know if this will be useful. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Firewall_Configuration#Server_IP_Addresses Server IP Addresses For up-to-date information on IP addresses, see: What are Second Life's subnets? for Second Life server IP addresses. Can I use voice from behind a firewall? for voice server IP addresses. You can subscribe to these articles to be notified when the article is updated. You may also use the Second Life Viewer to access virtual worlds hosted by organizations other than Linden Lab. Contact the hosting organization for the IP addresses used.
  10. Y hoy ya sabemos la gravedad de lo que pasó. Lo explica FJ Linden en una entrada oficial del blog: http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/technology/blog/2010/04/29/grid-outage
  11. Jbanana Carnell wrote: The company should stop charging on the premium account the time spent on system maintenance. Well, it's like going to the bank to withdraw money that is your and manager say that the bank has no money to spend for you. This is absurd. 12 hours without SL... Premium account and free account ... all the same.... this is not cool... See TOS 4.2: 4.2 Second Life exists only as long as and in the form that we may provide the Service, and all aspects of the Service are subject to change or elimination. Linden Lab has the right to change and/or eliminate any aspect(s), features or functionality of the Service as it sees fit at any time without notice, and Linden Lab makes no commitment, express or implied, to maintain or continue any aspect of the Service. You acknowledge that your use of the Service is subject to this risk and that you knowingly assume it and make your decisions to participate in the Service, contribute Content and spend your money accordingly. See TOS 4.5: 4.5 Second Life is subject to scheduled and unscheduled service interruptions and loss of server data, which you do not own and for which you will not hold us liable. Linden Lab may on occasion need to interrupt the Service with or without prior notice. You agree that Linden Lab will not be liable for any interruption of the Service (whether intentional or not), and you understand that except as may otherwise be specifically provided in Linden Lab's Billing Policy, you will not be entitled to any refunds of fees or other compensation for interruption of service. Likewise, you agree that in the event of data loss, we will not be liable for any purported damage or harm arising therefrom. Linden Lab owns the bits and bytes of electronic data stored on its Servers, and accordingly will not be liable for any deletion, corruption or data loss that occurs in connection with the Service. Linden Lab will solely determine any disposition of the electronic data stored on its Servers and will have no obligation to reproduce, process, transfer, extract or recreate any data from its Servers. Our ownership of these bits and bytes of electronic data stored on our Servers does not limit or impair any Intellectual Property Rights you may have in your Content as set forth in Section 7.1 below.
  12. Tranquila, no te pasa nada raro Hace más de 12 horas que SL está teniendo muy serios problemas (y, por lo que parece, bastantes cuestiones de internet en la costa oeste de EEUU). Hay bastanres regiones y conexiones de SL que se han recuperado, pero la página oficial aun avisa de que hay bastantes problemas: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2010/04/28/post990/ (esta página oficial está en inglés, claro, pero se entiende sin especial problema). Así que no te preocupes. Hay que dejar pasar el tiempo hasta que Linden Lab consiga que todo vuelva a la normalidad
  13. It's better and more sure be connected See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Xstreet_quickstart If you cannot login when you are seeing Xstreet, you can add the item to your Favorites, and purchase it when you can be connected.
  14. Irene Muni

    Viewer 2.0

    Great! Could you please mark the question as answered then so it doesn't show up in the list of unanswered or possible answered questions? Thank you!
  15. LionKing, si te parece bien marca este tema como "Answered". Si no, cada vez que alguien dice algo vuelve a aparecer en la lista de No Contestados o Posiblemente Contestados jejeje
  16. Sí, pero si pulsas alguno de los grupos de esa captura de pantalla verás que te lleva a una página con información del grupo y ABAJO el link con la UUID que mostraba el visor 1.23.
  17. Para ser sincera, yo tampoco sé cómo conseguirla con el Visor 2. Supongo que habrá algún medio, pero sólo supongo jejeje Eso sí, donde es seguro que encuentras ese link con la UUID es en la búsqueda web. Prueba http://search.secondlife.com/
  18. In XstreetSl you can buy L$ in My Marketplace US$ > Second Life L$ (and see the green link: Quick buy). Or in Marketplace US$ -> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Xstreet_Currency_Exchange#Buying Buying To fund your USD balance: Click Deposit in your My Marketplace box, found on the left side of every Xstreet web page. Complete that process as prompted. To buy Linden Dollars (L$) on the Xstreet Currency Exchange: Click Buy L$. Enter the amount of L$ you want to buy (L$500 Minimum). Select how much you want to pay for them. This can be done three ways: Select the best price at which you can purchase L$ at the moment. No math needed! This is the quickest way to buy L$. Specify how many L$ you want to purchase for each USD$1.00. Specify how much you are willing to pay per L$1,000. Click the Place Order button to place your order. Confirm your purchase. A popup dialog appears, indicating that your order was successfully placed The My Orders page opens. View your orders here.
  19. Se me olvidaba. Si usas el Visor 1.23, pulsa dos veces en la foto para abrirla. Con la foto abierta, en el menú superior ve a Archivo > Guardar textura como.
  20. Suponiendo que usas el Viewer 2, lo más rápido es pulsar con el botón derecho del ratón en esa foto. Si tienes los permisos adecuados para guardarla, te aparecerá en un menú la opción "Guardar como". Por otra parte, recuerda que cuando vas a hacer una foto en la ventana que se te abre una de las 3 opciones que tienes arriba es "Guardar en mi ordenador". Saludos.
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