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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I like to imagine some nice little old Victorian Granny saying, "Oh, I was quite taken with him!"
  2. Am I the only one who enjoys being perved in SL? I would not like it in RL, but in SL it's kinda fun.
  3. I did a rudimentary internet search on the words racism and Australia, and surprise! You do it too. Perhaps not you personally but take a look at your statistics for deaths while in custody and sure enough, "It is evident in assumptions that Aboriginal people seeking medical assistance or who are held in custody are affected by drugs or alcohol, rather than seriously ill. It is evident in laws and policies which apply to all people, but have specific and foresee-ably negative impacts on Indigenous people, such as public order offenses and restrictive bail laws." https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/23/racism-pervades-australian-society-and-the-effects-can-be-lethal
  4. An atheist, a vegan and a Crossfitter walk into a bar. I only know because they told everyone within the first three minutes.
  5. my peeve is when people get peeved by other peoples peeves.
  6. @Beth Macbain and @Madelaine McMasters I was surprised to discover I moderately favor Transgendered over Cisgendered. I knew I liked my nephew, but I didn't' realize I liked him that much! I did the racial one and got the result I expected but didn't like. Have to work on that some more.
  7. I think the crux of the matter is that the reluctance to talk about racism is misconstrued as racist. That is where the whole fragile meme comes from. Too fragile to discuss difficult topics. The problem is that racism will not go away by itself. The other thing is that acknowledging racism exists does not equal we whites are bad racist people. It means we are willing to look at the unhappy truth that we benefit by doing nothing since the deck is stacked in our favor. I want to throw out the stacked deck and the only way to do that is to recognize it is there.
  8. No, that's not white privilege. It means that whatever other problems you may have, they are not exacerbated by the color of your skin.
  9. yeah, PTSD, talk about fragility! It's damn hard to see how systemically unfair the world is. I bet it's a damn site harder to be one of the ones to whom the deck is stacked against. And then there is the fact that the one per cent at the top of the heap get to stay there by dividing the rest of us against each other, and wow! That's a real eye opener.
  10. Why it can feel hard to talk about racial inequality, and why you should do it anyway.... So, anyway, as i mentioned in a couple of other threads, the company I work for gave us a paid day off in response to the crazy whacked out state of the world these days, between the plague and the quarantine and 9 minute film of a black man killed by a white cop and the reaction it set off. I'm not black, and I do believe wholeheartedly that black lives matter. Since I am white, I benefit by the racist status quo. This was not something I was aware of really, but I didn't have to be aware of it as I wasn't adversely affected by it. I'm not even sure how I even heard of the idea of wokeness. I did know that it was slang for an awareness of something that I didn't have, that it was a "black" thing. And I knew I should be woke. And I knew I was not. So I did what I generally do about anything that troubles me, I went looking for answers on the internet and I found there were books tackling the issue and I started to read. I read one called "I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness" by Austin Channing Brown and now I'm reading "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism" by Robin DiAngelo. This white fragility is really difficult to read. Not that it's not well written or is too complex to digest, but because of the way it makes me feel. And since I love SL and I'm an introverted recluse whose only social outlet is SL, I would love to talk about it here.
  11. My company did a very surprising thing for us. They offered us a paid day off to be taken between now and July 10, called a June day of Unity, so we could participate in the events in response to George Floyd's death, educate ourselves about racial injustice, celebrate Juneteenth, and it's our choice how we use this day. So anyway, since I am high risk and can't go marching in the streets, I downloaded another book, the White Fragility one by Robin J. DiAngelo so I can get more woke.
  12. I'm shocked and pleasantly surprised that the company I work for decided to give all us worker bees a paid day off for Unity, to be taken in order to participate in the Black Lives Matter events that began as a result of the death of George Floyd, and Breanna Taylor.
  13. I've always believed in noblesse oblige, those that have are obliged to help those that don't have.OR as Marvel comic's Spiderman tells us, "with great power, comes great responsibility". That's the way I was brought up. It's what I tell my daughter. Now mind you, I'm not rich or powerful. White working class born of white working class parents. But I do know that there are others that are less fortunate than me. And I do what I can to help.
  14. I knew that there was something wrong with my response, but I forgot how to sub. ETA I mean, how to be the sub. did I get it right yet?
  15. You are very good at looking up stats Tolya, I've read many of your posts with stats. I've never called you out on it, because I generally enjoy your posts. Math is great stuff. I like it too. I've also take a couple of statistics classes and I know that you can prove anything you like with stats. Just because you've looked up some that back up your assertions, doesn't mean you've proved your point to me. This time I really disagree with what you're trying to assert and when I have the time I will look up some stats of my own.
  16. I don't have time right now as I'm supposed to be working. but your stats of cops using their guns don't help much when the force is a knee on a windpipe.
  17. Wait a minute. This is just not true! If this were true we wouldn't see so many video's of them beating on regular people. This is what the whole protest has been about in the first place. Cops are abusing their power.
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