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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Pathfinding will evolve, the current issue for me is that we can't make NPC's with rigged skeletons. it makes progress in the area of NPC's extremely cumbersome and as such I'm not going to spend much time on it. However as Pathfinding evolves and hurdles are overcome, people will embrace pathfinding. New gadgets and toys will arrive that become popular. Builders will change the way they create builds to embrace pathfinding, they'll start doing it intuitively. However we're at an early stage still, but give it time.
  2. Click My Settings. Click Preferences. Untick View signatures in posts.
  3. Use the links in Darkie's post, this is a nice scripting project to get started with, there are examples in those links.
  4. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Look for sims for sale that include 'estate' rights. You can get them for various prices depending on the due date of the next tier payment and how fast the seller needs to sell the sim. I've seen them for sale for as little as 200US. There is a 150 US transfer fee which is paid by the seller or buyer. Who pays it is entirely negotiable. You may move the sim and rename it at the time you process the purchase with LL for no extra cost. If you decide to do this later it will cost you. Do it via the ticket system, estate rights are included and the seller always pays the transfer fee these days, LL will take the fee from the seller.
  5. Darren Scorpio wrote: Aha! Well in my case the officers have the default permissions, so maybe compare with a group that has officers with the officer's default permissions and see what is different. EDIT: I will bet anything that it is "Set landing point and set teleport routing" Ah I wouldn't have checked that to be fair. If officers are bypassing the routing by default then there must be a group perm that allows it.
  6. Innula Zenovka wrote: Could it be that she owns the sim and I'm an estate manager, for example? Or is there a way that we might have done it by group roles, and I've forgotten what we did? That's what I'm wondering. Estate managers and owners can bypass the routing settings, yes. We wanted to do something like this on a sim of mine and we couldn't find a group role for it, it would be handy if there was. If something has changed and it's now possible, I'd be very interested to hear about it, it's a useful function.
  7. Teleport routing needs to be set to anywhere. This means people will be able to create their own landmarks, but landmarks you hand out or the map should take them to the landing point you've set. Actually it probably won't work for the map, it should work if they go via places.
  8. I used that one on prefabs, that's why I bought it but then when I got more into scripting I realised there are other choices. That one should allow you to set it up once a build is rezzed, I can't remember exactly what you had to do but it seemed to work for my testing.
  9. I've used this one in the past: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Teleport-device-TP/585005 Make sure it's the builder's version. However if you want to get creative, look at: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Teleport llSit was how I used to do it: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Sit/Teleport You fake a teleport via that method, worth a look, it's fun to test and play around with.
  10. The latest official beta viewer contained some improvements to the graphics subsytem which certainly seemed to improve the performance of my viewer, maybe they've implemented that.
  11. MadMunk Steamweaver wrote: The default is currently EVERYTHING. Adding your choices would now give us 1. DEFAULT Everyhing 2. MESH only 3. PARTIAL MESH (builds made with both legacy prims and mesh in the same build. or did you mean a mix of mesh and no mesh which is certainly NOT "NO MESH"?) Words mean things and I find some obfuscation going on here or we're in different linguistic universes.. your statement is impossible. Try again but thanks for playing. There are already checkboxes for Mesh and partial mesh when people list items. Now bearing that in mind, it seems a bit silly that there's no corresponding search for those flags. One would think there was at some stage, some purpose to those checkboxes being included in listings other than stumbling across it on the item page. I don't really see a problem with adding an exclude Mesh option, but the Mesh and Partial Mesh flags are already in the system, hence why people suggest using them.
  12. I've only played around with patrol points. There's a Jira about characters getting stuck: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/PATHBUG-154
  13. Do both scripts have the mono box ticked?
  14. Well it would be easier if they gave an idea of what they feel the beta grid should be used for, I largely use it for playing around with Mesh, which is something my alts with smaller inventories can't do and will never be doing.
  15. Public services are largely funded out of taxation. VAT is a regressive tax and when you throw in European Union directives, it becomes one big mess. VAT has risen and been extended into all sorts of areas it was never intended, at the same time income taxes have dropped, so it's just shuffling the cards to some extent.
  16. valerie Inshan wrote: I updated the official viewer this morning and was puzzled by the new login screen. The "forgot password" feature is now above "login", no big deal. But what is this new "create your account" feature (on the right) for exactly? Clicking on it leads to "open your web browser", and then direcly to "choose an avatar". Many new residents create their account on website PRIOR to downloading the viewer, so will that be hepful for anybody besides creating alts? Any thougths about this? I may be a bit dumb, but I'm having some difficulty understanding where the effective improvement is on this one. : Well if you download the SL client from somewhere other than SL website, you'd need to create an account. Someone pointed this out to me the other day, but a place where people should soon be able to Download SL from is Steam and in that context, it not only makes sense, it's also a sign of LL thinking ahead.
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: International Business Law is a very complex subject. You are dealing with, among other things, trade agreements (treaties) between Nations, etc. It is a specialization all of it's own. For a simple example, consider the Barbary Treaties. You would be correct in saying that the EU would have no right to regulate HOW Linden Lab conducted business with someone here in the U.S. or with someone in another nation. But the EU would and does have a right to stipulate terms, subject to the Trade Agreements we have with the EU, in order for a Company to transact business with a citizen of the EU. Bottom line, it would take getting the U.S. government putting its foot down, by way of a trade agreement, to stop the EU from mandating that a company collect VAT in order to transact business in the EU. Sort of. Linden Lab can't be made to follow the EU directive on electronic services, but as a company who want to stay in good standing, it's in their interests to do so. The US and Europe are good trading partners, with the exception of the odd tariff war, so the US would want their companies to comply with directives such as this one. Although the EU can't do much if Linden Lab don't comply, I'm sure there would be some sort of leaning on Linden Lab in the background were they to not comply, along with a bit of political sabre rattling.
  18. 16 wrote: thats quite interesting so if i was a UK land baron and linden charge me VAT then i can claim it back on my return? and bc any L$ i might get off my tenants is not a VAT-rateable acivity? then i end up with quite a big tax credit? is how that would work here where i live. so just wonder if is the same in UK? or not? if so then if under the old ways when linden was sell/rent sims to EU/UK inclusive of VAT then that be quite a big advantage to a EU/UK land baron if it works the same way as here that is No, you can't claim any VAT back because your goods and services are outside the scope of VAT. The UK land baron, if they were only working in Linden Dollars inworld, would foot the VAT bill, the VAT chain would end with them.
  19. Take a look at this Jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4748 There are suggestions for using invisible prims and such like.
  20. 16 wrote: the blog not take into accountt that EU entrepreneurs, if they are actual entrepreneurs, can claim back any VAT that is collected off them by linden. offset against the VAT that they should be collecting from their own customers/clients.which they actually should be doing under the EU taxcode. and how many of them were doing that at the time? like none probably. VAT, in the UK anyway, would only be due on service charges outside of Second Life, such as Paypal payments. Linden dollar transactions are not within the scope of VAT, which would mean someone who only deals in Linden Dollar transactions is at the end of the VAT cycle, meaning they pay it, there's nowt to offset..
  21. Unfortunately that's the way it works, but you could try the beta viewer which has improvements to the texture fetching process: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US Below the main download link there's one for the beta viewer.
  22. Did you apply the modifier before saving the cube? Are you saving it as .blend file first and then exporting it? Have you started using materials for textures? There's an eight matertial limit per object, you can have several objects per upload but each object can only support eight materials at a time, so you could upload a build with two objects and each one could have eight materials, but on object with nine materials would be problematic. if you have more than eight materials on an object, that would cause missing sections when it was uploaded.
  23. Have you got any peripherals connected?
  24. You should be able to detatch the hud from your inventory.
  25. You've highlighted my concerns in a far better way than I did in my OP. I'm not convinced my graphics card is really upto Ultra level, it's a Radeon HD 6670. The ultra settings were set by the viewer, not me. Now a lot of people will think "Great" and as I said in my post above, it does feel better, but my concern is, that it may be asking a little bit too much of my card and I don't want to be a party pooper, but I generally err on the side of caution. I'm also concerned about the lack of available information on these changes, but thanks for providing some extra info about the txt file.
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