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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. It certainly feels whizzier to me, on ultra usually I struggle rather quickly, I sometimes up my settings to that to try and get better snapshots, but turn it back down quickly. I am able to go around on ultra on the beta viewer.
  2. I run the beta viewer quite regularly, yesterday I had a forced update, after installing it I received a message about my graphics preferences changing due to improvements in the graphics subsystem. My preferences have changed by default from high to ultra. Now I welcome changes and improvements to graphics and texture loading speeds but I don't know why on earth my graphics have changed, there's no real information in the release notes. There is mention of http textures, but as we can't read the Jira on the linked Jira, I don't know what that entails. I don't want to put too much strain on my graphics cards, so I'll be happier running around with ultra settings when I can find out what's changed and why my card is now considered capable of working at a higher graphics setting. Anyone got any information about this?
  3. Medhue Simoni wrote: Here is a test for you LL. Create an algorythm that caters to the most expensive items and display those for 1 week. When it is over, go check and see how much you made it total commissions. It's sad that I have to explain this to so called professionals. LL, go look on Youtube's movie section. They don't show all the free movies at the top. They make the user have to change the search options. The problem is, only LL have the figures on how much they make from commissions, commissions are not direct income, tier is. Commissions are a bit more complicated to follow through in terms of adding to LL's bottom line.
  4. Thanks Drongle, I didn't even think to search the Jira. Ah well, it's not a showstopper I can still get on with my workflow.
  5. I've uploaded a very simple Mesh, it's just a floor with five faces (as it's a floor I don't need the underside). When I upload and leave my Mesh floor as convex hull, the physics shape doesn't go all the way to the edges, so you fall through the edges. I can see that the phyics shape doesn't go all the way to the end when I render metadata/Physics Shapes, they are green at the edges. My workaround is to change the physics shape to prim and then everything seems to work nicely and there's no green edges. However, I feel I'm missing a trick here, should convex hull physics shapes cover the whole mesh item?
  6. There's information about sandboxes on the Wiki; http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Building-tips/ta-p/700041#Section_.3.1 Another option to consider is using the beta grid, bearing in mind that what happens on the beta grid stays on the beta grid, what you make there won't be in your inventory on the main grid but it does have the advantage of allowing you to test at no cost. There are a couple of levers you need to pull to gain access, details here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Beta_Grid
  7. Ela Talaj wrote: One should probably start thinking about secure communications when messages do leave the grid, which includes HTTP to off-world backends, like web servers etc but, to think of it, the gain of intercepting such communications is pretty miniscule as compared to effort. How about http communications between inworld objects? I've been playing with this and there's nothing I'm doing so far that requires secure comms for my testing, I wish there was an object DNS but that's a different issue.
  8. Darrius Gothly wrote: I don't mean to make them invisible, just to exclude them from Search Results by default. Maybe we're misunderstanding each other, but are you saying that you want Demo's included in Search Results by default? That seems entirely upside-down to me. Most folks are searching for valid products and are only interested in Demo's after they've found things that interest them. I would think the number of cases where people want Demo's included is considerably lower than those that want them excluded. But .. that's only conjecture as I don't have any solid data .. it's just my sense of how folks use Marketplace Search. I want what the OP wants, demos should be available from the main item page, they shouldn't be a separately indexed search item, they clutter up search results and browsing stores. Demos are the sort of thing people want when they see them, they should be visible from looking at the main item and nowhere else.
  9. Darrius Gothly wrote: I'll even take this request one more step ... Please make DEMOs excluded by default. Make the Search Option read "Include Demos" and have it unchecked to begin. Then a shopper must check the box in order to include DEMOs in the Search Results. I make this suggestion because the number of cases where people are specifically searching for DEMOs or where they want DEMOs included in the Search Results are incredibly small. People come to the Marketplace to buy things. Once they find a small selection of items that they find interesting, that is when they can view/purchase a DEMO version that might be available for each of those items. However almost no one ever goes searching just for DEMOs or wants DEMOs included in their results. I disagree, people may not search for a demo but they appreciate the chance to get one. However, I'm sure we went through this ages ago where it was suggested that demos should not be a separate item but linked from the main page of the item, which would serve the purpose of not cluttering up results with demos. I'm sure a similar point was made regarding items in different colours too.
  10. If you've followed all the instructions on how to setup a Paypal agreement with Linden Lab then it may be that they only accept payments from verified Paypal accounts. Generally you need to verify your account using your bank, you don't need to set your bank account as your primary funding method though. https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/security/verification-faq
  11. Villa Park, a version where Man United can lose too, so would need some powerful scripting!
  12. Medhue Simoni wrote: When a region goes down, this is not a ticket situation, IMHO. It is a live chat situation. Live chat will often tell you to submit a ticket for a region down report.
  13. Well If Obama hadn't won we wouldn't have been treated to Donald Trump's Twitter meltdown, I thought it must be a wind up but apparently, he really meant it.
  14. Norton Burns wrote: Posting the relevant section of log here might have been useful, or even a jira link ;-) Jira link isn't likely to be any good as only Lindens and the reporter can see new Jiras for bugs if they're filed correctly, this is an example of why the Jira change is a bad idea. However agree with you about the logs, if posting logs is allowed.
  15. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Never mind..........Lindal Kidd did what I would expect you to do. It's not my fault you blinked, I posted it, thought about it for a minute and unposted it :matte-motes-silly:
  16. Yup very disappointing news that the rumours have been confirmed to be true, he was an excellent communicator.
  17. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Oskar was fired? Link it. A link will probably get pulled, it's on SLU.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: Lydia Craig wrote: Yes, was announced late last Friday and seems to be going to be implemented tomorrow, check technology, viewers, and I believe the third item for the official statement. Are you referring to this: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Third-Party-Viewer-Policy-Changes/td-p/1399141 That is from last February. I am unable to find a more recent announcement. That applies to Third Party Viewers, not In World content. At the time of the original announcement last November, the Lab had said they were also going to disable llGetAgentStatus but after a huge amount of input from many people the decision to disable it was reversed. Disabling it would have broken too much valid existing content. Unfortunately that JIRA is no longer viewable. If there is a more recent announcement, can you provide a link. Thanks The Jira should still be viewable, old Jira's are supposed to be, you just can't comment.
  19. Maestro has just posted the info on the server rollouts, don't know if that will be a permanent role.
  20. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I would assume Osdar made the decision on what is best for Oskar (most people do, real life). Oskar didn't make the decision. The new Oskar has a lot to live up to, Oskar was very engaging with the community and communicated extremely well here.
  21. I'm not sure posting that was a good idea, but I think most people in this thread are in agreement that profiting off someone else's IP without permission is a no no.
  22. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: Kim Stanley Robinson had an accout in Second Life, he was a guest speaker at an evet but he already had an account. I don't know if he's still around inworld. Very interesting. I didn't know that. http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2009/01/sf-legend-kim-s.html Don't go stalking him :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  23. Kelli May wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: Kim Stanley Robinson had an accout in Second Life, he was a guest speaker at an evet but he already had an account. I don't know if he's still around inworld. Terry Pratchett did too, although I believe it was only to promote the book "Nation" when it was released. He did a live Q&A in-world which I attended dressed as Susan Sto-Helit. Digging around to find pictures, I realise you know all this (apart from the bit about me as Susan) because you put a transcript of the event up on your blog. Haha yes that was a great event, I wish I had better pictures but my PC back then struggled with any busy sim and that was busy that evening. That was a most enjoyable experience, some Lindens sneaked in too! Harmony was definitely there.
  24. Agreed, I don't think it's a strong enough use case to justify LL opening up the potential headaches from security risks and scammers trying to get people to let them see their balance, it's something we have to accept may happen and accept the limitations as being in the overall interest of the platform.
  25. An avatar can have a negative balance, you go into the red, your account balance will have a minus sign in front of it, this happens when for example, group liabilties are due, they still get taken and you end up with a negative balance if you don't have enough in your account to make the payment.
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