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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Solar Legion wrote: Unfortunately - it's not irrelevant. Here's the reality: No matter what it says in their Terms of Service, they allow users to convert Linden Dollars back into real currency. This alone is reason enough for them to shut down the Amazon "freebie" which was incorrectly set up to allow a single Amazon account to link, de-link and then relink several Second Life accounts. Any other unenforcable sections of the ToS you'd like to quote? They allow users to sell Linden Dollars, to other users, they are careful not to suggest it's a conversion, which is just as well as that would be one hell of a can of worms if you could just convert them. They are careful with their terminology, very careful and with good reason.
  2. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't making more money off MP commissions than they would from tiers from in world stores. So I wouldn't look for them to make any changes in the future. I'd be absolutely gobsmacked if that were the case, it would also mean LL could lower tier for everyone. Marketplace commission is not direct income for LL, tier on the other hand, is.
  3. Pussycat Catnap wrote: SL is a US business, not a sovereign nation. SL is a virtual world and as such the way it's structured means that some laws that would be applicable if you were selling content outside a virtual world, do not apply. For example, inworld transactions are outside the scope of VAT. People don't report their Linden Dollars holdings to the tax authorities for the purposes of income tax (it's different if you sell them for US Dollars), yadda yadda yadda, so there are differences in the reach of the law inside virtual worlds at this moment in time.
  4. How often does the avatar turn up? It may be a survey bot.
  5. The shopping experience is changing and yes the rise of the marketplace does unfortunately hit inworld ventures due to the lack of store rentals and such like. Unfortunately, this isn't going to change anytime soon and sims will have to shut down because of the change in cash flow if they can't find alternative means of offsetting tier costs. The only thing you can really do is to think about ways of raising revenue in other areas as the marketplace is here to stay.
  6. Do laws such as that extend inside Second Life? I could see a case for the marketplace whereby items can be purchased via US Dollars.
  7. Solar Legion wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: We're talking Linden Dollars here, it's not money, even LL point out in their terms of service that it's not money. Now there are issues with what has happened over the weekend and hopefully LL and Amazon can sort it out. Are you forgetting that Linden Dollars can be cashed out past a certain threshold? That is irrelevant, Linden Lab could declare the Linden Dollar null and void right now, they wouldn't owe anyone any money were they to do that, as they explain in their terms of service: You acknowledge that Linden dollars are not real currency or any type of financial instrument and are not redeemable for any sum of money from Linden Lab at any time.
  8. We're talking Linden Dollars here, it's not money, even LL point out in their terms of service that it's not money. Now there are issues with what has happened over the weekend and hopefully LL and Amazon can sort it out.
  9. Awesome surname, didn't know that one was avaialble!
  10. There have been many reports of extortion, his excuse for copybotting you is just that, an excuse, there are many reports of similar issues.
  11. From your pics, I honestly can't see a difference, admittedly I haven't got my reading glasses on but they both look fine to me.
  12. And there I was awaiting confirmation they've expanded to Steam, instead, they're on Amazon! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Second-Life-is-now-on-Amazon-With-a-Special-Promotion-This/ba-p/1798929
  13. Nuhai Ling wrote: 1. Did they confirm the Real Life gender of all the Virtual Life avatars they observed and their respective ages? 2. How can they make Real Life deductions from Virtual Life behaviors if things like body image, personal grooming, perfect weather, face lights, etc. are all instantaneous, consistent, and available in one social setting and not the other? 3. Did they consider personal self-image as the only factor for wearing less or did they somehow incorporate other Real Life factors such as social expectations, personal safety, etc.? 1. No they didn't confirm the real life gender of the person behind the avatar, but they do point this out in the report. 2. They are looking at behaviours and patterns of behaviour, they cite that in Second Life the issues of climate, environment and physical variables are unhindered in Second Life. 3. They look at issues such as body shape and roleplaying environments. Body shape does not seem to be a factor but the gender of an avatar (rather than the person behind the avatar) does seem to be a factor.
  14. I agree with you that the pay to play model for MMO's is dead in the water and I would like to see LL do something about tier which is way too high to be a sustainable business model going forwards, we lost 12% of private regions in 2012. However, they already charge commission on buying and selling Linden Dollars, so how exactly are LL going to get from where they are now, with tier being the backbone of their business model, to a position whereby they can slash tier or make land available for free, it has to be paid for somehow.
  15. Thaks Perrie, I'd only seen tongue in cheek reports about this survey and had been looking for the full report to get more context on what they were really looking into.
  16. LillyBeth Filth wrote: I am not sure whether I think it's fair to write it in your store description information but I DO agree with *some parts* of the statement. Edit- (Not the in world store business... its a dying trend to actually need an inworld store these days) I think if anyone wants to become a merchant then LL should make it a requirement that the account is premium and therefore by default the persons ID is known by LL. This is how it works at IMVU.com i believe, you have to pay to become premium via PayPal which then also acts as a way to authenticate your RL ID and as such people are accountable for their actions. So long as people can trade behind alias names with no traceable link back to their RL ID there will always be a weak link in the wall against copybot and premeditated IP theft. Cue Troll..... The horse has long bolted on the premium issue, which wouldn't really fly anyway as people who have payment histories with LL aren't premium, yet they're identified and then we have the alt issue, we shouldn't need our alts to all be premium or even for them to have payment info. You'll find plenty of tales of woe about content theft and the DMCA process over at IMVU too.
  17. Yes it can be done but I'm not sure how well it works. If Qie pops his head in, he knows more about it. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AGENT I think that's the one to look at.
  18. Hotwax wrote: The warning is not inaccurate, I copied it from their posts Sorry, I meant the warning itself is inaccurate, long standing merchant/resident is not a guarantee the content you purchase is legitimate.
  19. The warning is inaccurate for a start, long time sellers have ran into controversy and accusations about content in the past.
  20. Darien Calwell has used it with regards to HTTP-DNS: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Darien_Caldwell/HTTP-DNS Not sure if that's the sort of example you're looking for, but it is an example of its usage.
  21. There are left Libertarians you know, a long history of them and they would take umbrage with your suggestion that the only form of socialism means the government controlling everything.
  22. Yup I haven't been able to find the sandboxes for a few days either.
  23. You have until January 10th to give feedback on categories, see this forum post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Be-Heard-Proposed-New-Marketplace-Categories/td-p/1732083 Also see the wiki article linked in that post on category changes: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Marketplace/2012_Category_Changes As well as the all important survey which you can take many times for different categories: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KPP3BYC
  24. DracoTech wrote: I also wanted to point out that I am somewhat experienced in 3D modeling. I did create 4 LOD models, and a collision model. But the thing I wanted help with next, was how to use the uploader properly. I still can't see the texture when I tick 'Texture' below the small preview window. Its not a big deal, I uploaded my texture independently of the model and it works fine that way, but I could still use some help with what all the options do. This is why I suggested you'd be aware of the tips in the wiki link I posted. To upload the texture, use the upload options tab on the uploader, there's a tick box for including textures.
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