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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. The Good Building Practices Wiki section has a section on mesh and lod which covers some basics of UV Mapping and uploading Mesh (although I suspect you'll already be knowledgeable about the tips there): http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh_and_LOD Are you setting your scale correctly and/or including your texture with the upload?
  2. Take a look at Rolig Loon's post in lsl library about pre-loading: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/Preloading-Slide-Viewer/td-p/1723417 Basically you load the textures on other faces, but colour those faces black, so in theory the texture should have loaded for avatars before they view it, which should help with the speed of textures appearing when they change page.
  3. VonGklugelstein Alter wrote: Easy solution: Monthly listing fees.. if merchants do not want to pay listing fees they can sell their products in world for no extra charges or commissions.. You don't need fees, you just need to force people to relist items, that will deal with inactivity, although it will probably annoy the active.
  4. Snickers Snook wrote: I really don't know how to deal with this any more. Group notices (especially with attachments) are starting to fail at an alarming rate. I simply don't receive them. In checking the JIRA for the issue ( JIRA SVC-1507), I see 409 votes for it with 300+ watching. Yet, Linden Lab has put the issue on "inactive" status which means that no more comments can be added and the issue cannot be edited. Instead, Maestro Linden demands "reproduceble steps" via opening a new issue. WTH? The project the issue was reported under is inactive, the jira itself has been marked as needs more info, which Maestro asks for. Why they need a new bug reported is something I can't explain, it may be to do with the awful decision to change how the Jira works, which is quite frankly abysmal and this particular Jira is a case in point of why the changes are awful, if someone else reports a new bug, all the people who commented in the original Jira, are unlikely to be able to read the new bug, so what are they supposed to do? All file a new bug report?
  5. I think the result of part of a vector is a float, so cast the result as an integer and see if that works.
  6. Are you sure your integer isn't ending up being a float? Try doing integer ab = (integer)x.x - (integer)postarget.x; //the result of this is 1 As a float then cast it as an integer.
  7. Picks were not part of the algorithm in 2007, picks came after and a creator of a paid picks system was told his product was violating the system, yes NPIOF picks did not count, this was widely discussed but picks came in a later incarnation of search.
  8. Medhue Simoni wrote: The old search engine, before any GSA, was based on how many of the keywords were on your land, that people were searching for, how large the parcel was, how much traffic the parcel got, and how many Picks people had of that parcel. This was a great system as it included all the key factors that showed who the best merchants were. If you did a search for almost any word, the results ranked all the best merchants with the most keywords on their land. A merchant always knew where he stood and how he might improve his ranking honestly. Of course, not all keywords or markets worked this smoothly in the inworld search. This search engine was custom made by a resident who was directly involved with LL, as I remember it, and read about it online. No you're confusing some factors here, picks came later and like traffic, they ended up being gamed, remember that LL basically told the creator of a paid picks system that he should stop using it as it was gaming the system. Parcel size was speculated upon, there was never official information on how this worked and I'm pretty sure this arrived when GSA arrived, not prior to it. The old v1 search is available in the latest release of Firestorm, it's a simple system of keyword and traffic, nothing more convoluted than that.
  9. Medhue Simoni wrote: Actually, the marketplace and the inworld search are not based on Free Market principles. Years ago, when the marketplace was Xstreet, and inworld search was based solely on stature, we had a completely Free Market. Probably the closest thing to a Free Market the world has ever seen. Today, things are much different. Both the marketplace and inworld search, are now based on socialist principles, where LL directly influences who gets seen by the public. Possibly, LL just doesn't have any1 at the Lab that has seriously studied Austrian economics, but my guess is that they are all just Cali commies and think what they are doing is best for all, much like our current US government. This is not my recollection of search, search was based on keywords and traffic. Old search had the advantage that people who searched for your keyword, would have a chance of finding your keyword, rather than LL deciding that they might mean another keyword in the form of stemming (which came later). This gave smaller business more scope to be found, but when words matched the deciding principle in rank, was traffic and some people gamed that with bot farms, which had nothing to do with quality or even whether they had many items in the category you were searching for, people would even use the old tactic of using keywords for items their parcel didn't contain, all to boost their traffic scores. LL moved to a system that resulted in fewer people and products being seen, they also moved to pushing the marketplace at every opportunity, even to the extent of having a shop link in the viewer that takes people to the marketplace, not an inworld search of shops. The result is fewer people having the need to own land and knock on effects for social venues who could partially subsidise tier from renting out store space.
  10. Medhue Simoni wrote: For 1, I'm not a republican and I don't watch Fox news or any TV at all. Fox news is simply a socialist propaganda station, masking itself as the counter to NBC, and all the other socialist news stations. Behave! Medhue Simoni wrote: Even though I have completely explained how LL is controlling the MP, I'll reword it and hopefully you will understand. IMHO, LL believes that cheaper products help their own business model. I can imagine that they think that if people spend too much on MP products, they will have less to spend on sims. So, they create an algorythm that pushes free or cheap products over quality products. LL are pushing the marketplace at the expense of inworld land holdings, land holdings are dropping and continue to drop, marketplace sales were rising, we don't get the stats anymore but it was the big growth area. Search has no way of knowing which are quality products, it never has done and it never will do.
  11. Sounds like you're running the beta viewer rather than the official release. The beta viewer has had a recent mandatory update.
  12. I doubt that one in five SL residents can't run anything other than Phoenix. People are going to have to move to a different viewer from Phoenix and the vast majority will be able to find another viewer that works just fine.
  13. Are you on Blender 2.65? I have had some odd physics issues with that, although I'm starting to feel I need to save my object in edit mode rather than object mode for the shape to work correctly. I don't remember having to do this before mind you but maybe I was always saving from edit mode.
  14. Toysoldier Thor wrote: As such, one cannot compare the two and LL should not feel that a free classified section for MP listings would be ANY threat to their revenue stream - in fact they would likely see a positive as they would be getting 5% commissions on Merchant sales that may not have happened without the free classified. There is no threat whatsoever to either inworld classifieds or marketplace classifieds from having a new products forum. When we did have a new products forum, people would still pay eye watering amounts to place classifieds and if a new product forum was reintroduced, merchants would still pay eye watering amounts for classifieds inworld and on the marketplace. There is no excuse whatsoever for Linden Lab not having a new product forum, they know it, we know it and consumers know it.
  15. The advantage of a merchant classified forum is exemplified in the Land forums, where land owners basically do have a classifieds section and in the Help Wanted forum, people browse and see the information. There's nothing wrong with using your profile as an advertising tool. I don't really see why we should stop asking LL to do the right thing here in terms of supporting merchants. They did it for Land owners and they did it for events.
  16. Toysoldier Thor wrote: I know this thread is talking about the possible value of advertising in SL Profiles, but I still would like to see LL create a new sub-forum under the COMMERCE Main forum called: "NEW MARKETPLACE LISTINGS" Any Merchant of MP that creates a new listing on MP has the option of creating a respective new thread posting announcement of his/her new MP listing (i.e. with a link to the MP listing). The only restriction is that the new listing announcement must be made with 24 hours of the listing being created. It could not be used to annouce existing listings. Any violation of this rule for this sub-forum would ban the merchant from posting new threads in this sub-forum for 30 days. I am sure that even though it costs ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for LL to simply create this new sub-forum and provide a huge benefit for its merchants to promote MP products and increase sales that would also benefit MP in increased commision sinks..... We all know that LL will not help the Merchants by giving us this feature which they have already provided to all their land barons and land owners. I don't see why it should be restricted to Marketplace listings, inworld stores should be able to utilise such a forum too, but there should be a new products forum, it should never have been taken away in the first place.
  17. Might be better to take this to the scripting forum but as Rolig says, the for loop method will work, are you sure you're setting the texture to show on the correct face? You will need to use a variable of some sort in the loop or in the timer as Rolig demonstrates..
  18. You don't have to build it as one single linkset. If you need to keep it together for inventory purposes you're going to need a tool that can handle more than one linkset, I use Rez-foo for this.
  19. At the moment land impact is far more important than how a building is constructed. If pathfinding ever takes off, it will be important for people to know how a build is constructed as pathfinding attributes are based on linksets., but even then land impact should be the primary factor. The only other land impact score to consider is the land impact score on rez and the land impact score once it's in place, scripts still do weird things to land impact scores and if a scripted rezzer is required, the land impact score will be lower once the build is set in place.
  20. Blender, by a country mile, it's free for a start, plenty of folk here use it and you'll find hints and tips, for a beginner it's the way to go. If you have money to burn, Maya is a great product, but honestly, if you're starting out with Mesh, go Blender.
  21. Linden Lab closed down the affiliate program a couple of months ago, but they have been making much better use of Google Adsense lately, tjhey're also planning to expand Second Life to Steam. Patterns is already on Steam.
  22. I think Phoenix still uses the old legacy profiles. Go to https://my.secondlife.com/ Click on your name in the top left, then click edit profile. There's a section for real world picture, see if it shows there.
  23. Phil Deakins wrote: Question: The pathfinder tools were only going to be available to selected people - presumably those who actually build and apply for them. Is that still the case, or does everyone now have access to them? Pathfinding went into beta and you could apply to have it installed on your sim, there was a special pahtfinding viewer. Obviously as you had to apply to have it installed on your own sim, it was restricted, but it wasn't only intended to be available to certain people. I think you may be getting confused with Linden Realms and the tools they have been using there, they did use pathfinding on Linden Realms but they also had advanced experience tools such as teleport agent and temporary attachments, these were the tools that were being mooted as requiring some sort of creator program to use.
  24. Qie Niangao wrote: I'm dubious about using pathfinding to avoid static obstacles on a pre-defined course; pathfinding may be efficient, but it seems wrong to force it to solve the exact same problem over and over again. The potential win, I think, is for avoiding dynamic obstacles such as avatars and other vehicles, and (at least theoretically) for finding a navigable path on a new course. This didn't seem to work at all reliably when I tried early on, but maybe things are improved enough now to warrant another try. Or maybe I was just doing it wrong. I agree largely with you that pathfinding to avoid static obstacles repeatedly isn't ideal, but from a merchant perspective, when you don't know how people are going to use your item, it probably has some end user pleasing advantage, but yes, pathfinding should be about obstacles whose path is more difficult to predict.
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