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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Something you could try is putting NOT store name or NOT account name in the search box if the store name is too long, for example if i don't want to see ROC or KC Couture in the women's shoe section putting NOT ROC NOT Klari55a (had to use account name for KC) in the search bar will remove all listings from those stores from search
  2. If you have the latest V5.1 body you can use BoM and you will be able to wear such dresses as you would have done on a system body
  3. You might want to keep an eye out for the Yava pod boat, it does stop at Blake Sea locations going around Satori & Nautilus. I don't recall seeing a ferry round there in the last year or two
  4. It's a new feature first put in the LL viewer knowing it would be unpopular Firestorm put in a way to stop this happening
  5. I haven't seen anything to say doing this is not allowed, lucky chairs and lucky boards by the creator of Midnight Mania have this function you can set it to only or randomly pay a fixed or random amount between two values to a letter or wild card. These days I don't see anywhere using this or they use a different lucky letter device
  6. Try resetting your mailbox. Click it and hold for several seconds it should say it's resetting, once done click the mailbox stand away from your plot and try rezzing a new home stay away for a good 30 secs - 1 minute. If nothing rezzes still, make use of live chat
  7. If these regions can only be accessed by people linked to the camp it's all PG and they can't teleport elsewhere as much as I don't like that SL being promoted to 7 year olds I'm more ok with that. It's just very prominent that they are using Campwich Forest to promote their camp, prospective parents familiar with SL may think activities will take place there. before seeing their YouTube clip I was surprised they might be allowed to use Campwich with what's around it.
  8. Just cropped and region default windlight quite like the effect of the shadows
  9. Had to censor this a bit i never got a copy of the background pic but my no longer in SL friend Rocket (left) wanted to recreate a scene from Titanic
  10. I haven't skated since i was a teenager, there's a roller rink in my town when ever i drive past i think it'd be nice to have a go then i remember i have RA and if i have a tumble and don't break anything i wont be able to haul myself up so much safer to do it in SL
  11. I don't know if you've been through the newbie orientation process recently but part of the process is you earn money through doing tasks in the orientation region that can only be spent in a shop area there for some basic clothing and customisation items when you are ready to progress in to the big wide SL world there are portals that take you to places in SL you can explore including places that you can earn some L$. While you can kit out a new avatar for free it's handy to have a few L$'s in your pocket for any vendor that requires a L$1 refunded payment to get a freebie
  12. By the looks of the video running as the site background they are using Campwich forest the lodge in Bellisseria to promote their summer camp i highly doubt any camp based activities will take place there, there are peoples private caravans houseboats and traditional houses within camable distance. adult items could easily be on show or an owner might not have their privacy set up right and be using items with adult animations in which other people can see them using
  13. Are you wearing the appropriate alpha layer if your Kemono body/feet don't work with BoM it look like your system feet are poking through at the heels
  14. Am i a good singer? most probably not, i think i'd scare people away. If i'm alone in the car i do like to belt out whatever's playing on the CD or radio, Favourite Singers Male: Gary Lightbody (Snow Patrol) & Ray LaMontagne Female: don't have a favourite though quite like Lissie and Christine & the Queens
  15. If you use Firestorm Photo Tools on the tab after DoF (aids) is a whole load of options and near the bottom is a "Slow Motion Animations" tick box. You can right click > Edit on any item you are wearing too if you want to freeze an animation at just the right moment just make sure you don't accidentally click off your avatar or exit edit mode
  16. Linden Realms has always been like that, park your avatar for a moment get accused of being a cheat doesn't matter if you've AFK'd to go to the toilet, get a drink or food, answer the phone/door, need to take breaks for health reasons you are automatically a cheat. if you got certain crystals and knew when they would next spawn and went back to get them when they did you were also seen as a cheat. pretty much anything could get you branded as a cheat. I know people used to put videos up on YouTube or pics outside of SL of people they claimed were cheats and share them in the Linden Realms unofficial group
  17. Never really had much imagination on how to decorate my garden but i think i'm finally happy even if the LoD for the pergola set is really poor from a short distance away
  18. Baked on shadows, fine if you're keeping something as it was made not so great when you want to delete an element or resize
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