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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. what about this script key ownerkey;string ownername;default{ on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { ownerkey = llGetOwner(); ownername = llKey2Name(ownerkey); llSetTimerEvent(30.0); //check every 30 seconds llRequestAgentData(ownerkey, DATA_ONLINE); } timer() { llRequestAgentData(ownerkey, DATA_ONLINE); } dataserver(key request, string data) { if (data == "1") { llSetText(ownername + " is Online", <0,1,0>, 1); } else { llSetText(ownername + " is in Real Life", <1,0,0>, 1); } }} it's from one of Alicia Stella's free script NC's i'm sure you can find them all on the marketplace or her inworld store it's nothing more than floating text that gives online status the people that you want to show the online status of would have to have their own prim with the script in rezzed to get their status. i use this script in an item i have rezzed inworld
  2. there's a well known and very laggy gaming centre in SL that uses a similarly 'agressive' device but it's not a security orb it's a device that tells you your wearing too many scripts and to get rid of them or you'll get kicked out, if you keep moving round the place it never does
  3. if it's only intended for occasional SL use you shouldn't have problems getting the SL viewer to run though don't expect to run on graphics better than the lowest with intel graphics the rest of the spec seems good, though i have never found acers to be very reliable machines
  4. when i first started out i used to put a price on the poster then when i uploaded the poster then i'd have second thoughts and decide on an entirely different price so i stopped putting the price on. in my store i have scripted vendors with all my items in that display the price and product name as floating text then i do have some boxed products set out for sale if you have hover tips on you can easily hover over and get the price or right click/buy for the price i think there can be advantage to not having the price as part of the poster if i have to right click and select pay or buy to see the price i am more likely to buy if it's somthing i like the look of
  5. if you want the best possible privacy in SL the only way to get it is to buy your own private island sim and turn off public access make a private access list with only the av's you want to get in your average Av won't be able to get in but it''s a very expensive way to have privacy
  6. the cam feature has many great uses for builders shoppers and anything else in SL savvy people will use a viewer that allows them to hide their cam target pointer so no one knows they are camming. after being in SL 3 and a half years i soon learnt there is no such thing as real privacy just like in RL if someone wants to perv over you while your getting intimate with your partner they will do
  7. there is a new privacy setting for land as long as you can edit stuff in about land you can toggle it, it's a handy feature to stop people camming in on you. i've tested it at my linden home the downside is if you're on your land with this setting activated you can't cam on your neighbours but as soon as you turn it off they show up again
  8. once upon a time in the days when the marketplace was known as xstreetsl there used to be a wishlist function you could add almost any item you wanted your friends could search it or you link them to it and they could gift you stuff from it on the item page you now get hundreds of share options where it says share this item or you can paste a link directly from the marketplace to your mates
  9. you can change your diaplay name but you can't change your account name unless you create an alt for yourself
  10. the only way to get round the problem unless someone knows better is to upgrade your graphics intel graphics just aren't cut out to handle something as demanding as SL even if you could get it to run on the lowest graphics thats the best it will manage in the short term you might like to see if there is an upgraded driver for your graphics that may help you
  11. i just assumed it was default behavior it's been like it since i first started making and uploading animations certainly during this year maybe earlier
  12. why not send LL a support ticket or open up a live chat if your premium they will know more about your bug than a resdident to resident help forum one possibility is you used a prim in your creation you didn't create and that became the root prim when you linked it together. if it's a real bug LL should be able to fix it
  13. you might want to try Meetro @ Shatgogae i think there are one or two booths or stall's left at L$10/wk min i think some might be L$5/wk
  14. i wouldn't say my Av looks like me i modelled my shape on me got a similar skin colour & eyes plus my av and i are both shoe obsessed but thats as far as my RL has crept in to SL, my hair is wildly different to RL just like my height there's no way i'd want to be a tiny midget in SL i suffer enough with that RL in SL i wear dresses far more than i've ever done in my entire life time as for other fashions i do have stuff that is similar to my style though a lot of the time i'll wear stuff i like that the RL me wouldn't bother wearing
  15. i do have an auto greeter of sorts it came with my subscribe-o-matic it just lets people know they can touch the subscriber and get any updates i may send out thankfully the greeter pop-up doesn't come up every time upon entering the shop it stores a certain number of names and or visits before it resets the count. in other stores i don't mind a pop-up or local chat announcement or two with the excption of automatic LM givers if i want an LM i'll make one at my own convenience. but what really grates my wick is any time i've tp'd to a certain well know gaming establishment your bombarded with about 50 pop-ups countless local chat announcements and some stupid device constantly telling you your lagging the sim and to remove all scripts or you'll get booted lol a few av's wearing scripts aren't going to make much difference to a sim already lagged to death by shed loads of gaming machines and the other scripted garb they use.
  16. if your using the LL V2/3 viewer you need to login in advanced mode to access inventory you can't do that in basic
  17. you need to edit your post it has no main text if your using internet explorer you need to set it to compatibility mode with more info we can help you better :matte-motes-smile:
  18. names in green mean that person has chosen to allow you to locate them on the map you can click the green name it will bring up your viewer and when you log in you'll be taken to their location if you are logged init'll bring up a tp which you can use the get to that friend. names in black mean you have friends that havent given you mapping rights
  19. what graphics card does the laptop have? the rest of the spec is great but if it only has onboard intel graphics your SL experience isn't going to be amazingly brilliant
  20. you need to remove the name for tos reasons that type of scam is the oldest trick in the SL book i've seen it hundreds of times the typical response is to get a job or buy L$ but they never respond if the beggars say they can pay it back the next day they don't need it in the first place the thing they want to buy will be there the next day and most landlords will give a day or two leway before kicking someone out when the rent runs out
  21. most if not all the part failed deliveries occur when someone has multiple items in their cart so 2 or more items it could be the region of one of the magic boxes is offline at the time or someone has previously rezzed a magic box then deleted it and not removed it from their magic box status and the marketplace is trying to deliver something from a non existant box
  22. me through the years i started off as a red head with my first non system hair and used tint mod hairs a specific red shade till i discovered a pinky-purple hair
  23. i'm not one for buying skins i've been using the same skin longer than i can remember it never came with cleavage but when a cleavage option was introduced it was very modestly priced at L$50 i bought it and always wear it i had been using one of those suits all skins enhancers before that costs a couple of hundred L$ that it was very good and i'd have no problem using it with another skin brand if they didn't include a cleavage layer.
  24. when you're searching for something in RL and wish you had an Area Search tool like in phoenix when your playing a consol game and you automatically want to alt cam around on things 
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