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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. make sure you don't have any corrupted links in your current outfit folder this can prevent an outfit from saving
  2. Don't be such a downer on yourself i'm a fellow no mesh that doesn't stop people acknowledging me or chatting to me or giving likes on here, all you really need to do is make your profile bio more positive treat yourself to some new clobber a few mesh pieces will really lift your look and can be mixed with your favourite non mesh clothes and a more up to date hair cut
  3. I think it's just an outlet store these days everything on the marketplace L$1 lots great stuff for anyone still clutching on to their classic av bodies
  4. Stumbling home from the pub after a few pints
  5. In case anyone's interested Fedora - *COCO* Hair - [e] - Thea - excluives Fair Isle Jacket - *COCO* Vest - The Sea Hole Jeans - NOHO Boot - drd - Lazy boots
  6. In the groups tab there is a group titles button on the right click that and it will show all the group titles you can use you can choose one or scroll to the top and choose none If you create your own group make sure you have an alt or another person join your group or it will be disbanded after 48 hours, creating your own group tags can be fun at the same time they can ruffle peoples feathers up the wrong way if you try and make yourself out to be better than others or use it to try and get L$
  7. Going for a bike ride the crate of beer kept me hydrated even if if it was making me wobble all over the place
  8. If you need mobile access you can get an Android device quite cheaply i've seen (uk based) android phones as little as £10-11 all in with call credit & sim i've heard Apple are very strict as to what they allow on their app store and what SL viewers there have been haven't met the requirements
  9. You might want to give the sim Anastasiya a look up on map with in the last few days i saw it was for sale
  10. Over the years i've been more of a water person always having a pool of some description so i'd go water i think it's only my current home that's had a fire feature i don't mind it but it takes up prims i could put to better use
  11. Some favourites suitable for default feet From left Adjunct - New Reality (has colour change hud), JD (Just Design) - UGZ, 2Real - F-wings
  12. Some of my Slinks from top Garbaggio - Chandelier, GS// - Ana, Sky - Lulu, Tee*fy - Betty, *COCO* - mega platform
  13. They certainly look like skill games if they aren't free play i.e. click to play or require you to make a notional L$1 payment that is refunded they shouldn't be in a non skill gaming region. there is a free play skill gaming sim mentioned in this linked post each game is run as a contest with L$ prizes for the top 5 scorers i don't visit skill gaming sims so can't say if the ones in the free play sim are the entire crop of legitimate single player skill gaming machines however the games pictured aren't in the sim and look old enough to be banned games i have a vague recollection of them from the days pre skill gaming policy
  14. I don't even know where i first landed in SL but minutes later i tp'd to freebie dungeon having been given an LM. i think i spent many days just in freebie dungeon filling up my inventory with stuff i didn't know what to do with at the time. Having heard a lot about SL in the media it was a magazine article that finally got me to try it I first rezzed in 2008 and been here ever since i've never really left SL but when my RL health issues were bad i was only managing at best to get on once a week. I have fond memories of my early years and the great communities i was part of, I can still remember the excitement of getting my first place to live in a tower block on a "free land" sim that got cleaned every two weeks, which led to getting my first 512sqm rental and then my 1024sqm
  15. Found this old build i totally forgot ever making whilst looking something out in inventory, thinking i might put it on the marketplace before i forget about it for another few years
  16. Could well be something placed on the land border by a neighbour to annoy you i had a similar experience when someone in a neighbouring sim rezzed particle spammers the owner would not remove them so i AR'd most days til they were removed If you are able to activate "highlight transparent" mode that will show you exactly where the offending particle emitter is
  17. @PaganShadow these clouds will try and teleport you home whether you are actually cheating or not, they were put there to catch out speed cheaters that used to blight the lucrative sims but i used to find while i was still allowed in the realms you could be clouded if you were griefed by someone using a "speed bumper", moved out of the way of a rock monster too fast, or it would be random when you were running towards a crystal, you could get the "are you cheating" trying to go between sims. Unless things have changed since last in the last week being AFK won't get you caught out if you don't want to get teleported home every time you have three options if you are close to a neighbouring run in to it the cloud wont follow you over the border, if you are near a rock monster get caught by it if it takes you to another sim lastly open up your map and teleport to the nearest sim with resurrection circle
  18. To verify if it's truly lost you need to check with a different viewer LL will expect you to use the official viewer for support purposes, if you are seeing the items in a different viewer Firestorm has a helpful page dedicated to missing inventory http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory
  19. Maybe this topic might help explain
  20. I think the only thing i've used poseballs is in furniture with adult animations, for single poses and animations i went over to an anti-poseball script then an easy adjust system, in my studio where all my poses are tested i use a menu driven pose stand i can hide with a click. As a buyer of furniture i do prefer to not have poseballs as it saves on prims
  21. I've learn't that when coming across things on map that you probably shouldn't be coming across it's not a good idea to try and visit if you still want to be able to access your favourite places
  22. A store worth checking out is Alli&Ali on the marketplace they have a lot of free and L$1 hairs https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/9759? you can also find free hair in the Avatar accessories category to weed out most of the demo products put NOT demo in the search bar then go in to the hair category and choose the price range L$0-L$10 i did notice some sellers are putting xyz_demo in their product title to bypass the NOT demo search trick which unfortunately means there aren't very many non demo hairs in the men's category
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