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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. I started to use my profile to post new products away back, not long after the social network option was released. But in march my webprofile suddenly stopped working. As a result my profile is not visible anymore for customers, friends or anyone who is interested to check me. I've send in tickets, filed a jira (https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4537), and learned that I'm not a only one with a broken profile. But LL doesn't seem to care at all.
  2. Nowadays I fill in the LI number for prim count. But I was confused as well, in the beginning when I first started to list meshes. In those days it was not even called 'land impact' but PE or something like that. I thought like: the prim count is a fixed number, while PE depends on scale of the object, so it is not fixed. To inform my customers it would be best to put all information about PE in the listings itself, and use the prim count for what it is: the number of prims in the product. Later I started regretting this choice, and began to use the LI number in the prim count box. I had to go through my listings again to change PE to LI when the name was changed. The whole point of this confusion is that marketplace was not ready for mesh, when it was released on main grid. Even until today the marketplace is not suitable for for mesh. This prim count - LI schism is not the only problem we have. There is still no check box to filter mesh objects or exclude mesh objects from the search. And how about the category, they just made one big 'dump all' mesh category in builders tools, while prim object and sculpts all have subcategories. It's a very bad job on integrating mesh in marketplace. LL should be more proud on what the mesh devellopers team has established and force that marketplace team to find a better solution for the current unfinished situation.
  3. Sofiee Aiten wrote: I know how to texture regular prim clothing. The clothing templates you use for regulair clothing are UV maps for the avatar. To texture a mesh you need a UV map as well. So see if the creator includes UV maps. In that case you should be fine.
  4. Linden lab doesn't have a history of promoting it's own product, except from free promotion in traditional media channels. Now since a few months we have this new VP of Marketing. "Lee Senderov joined Linden Lab as VP of Marketing in July 2012 with over a decade of experience in online marketing and e-commerce. Previously, she was VP, US Comparison Shopping and Online Marketing for Become.com where she worked closely with over 3,500 of the top online retailers as well as with strategic partners such as Google and eBay. She also ran Broadspan Commerce, a conglomerate of e-commerce sites (like Totalbedroom.com and Directlyhome.com) specializing in home furnishings and decor. Earlier in her career, she oversaw marketing for the Naked Juice Company’s East Coast operations where she was on a team that grew the business and subsequently sold it to PepsiCo in 2006. Lee holds an MBA from The Harvard Business School and a BA in History with minors in French, Spanish and Italian from Brandeis University." (source: dwellonit) Her background is interesting, but is she taking any actions yet? Anybody who saw improvements in how LL promotes SL?
  5. iCade wrote: I saw a product the other day, the one reviewer was gushing about how great of a product it was. And gave it 1 star. As far as I can tell it wasn't sarcasm. I've seen this with 2 and 3 star ratings, too where the reviewer writes that the product is 'great' 'awesome' 'perfect' yet doesn't even give it a 4 star rating? It's confusing. It's confusing because there are people of all kind of cultures involved in buying and reviewing on the marketplace. How people rate a product depends strongly on their cultural background. In several studies have been found differences in how people rate a product depending on where they live. For example in countries where it is dangerous to express strong opinions, the majority of the people tend to rate products safely somewhere in the middle. American people tend to rate higher then Europeans. When the product is good, Americans tend to give 5 stars, while Europeans rather vote 4 stars and reserve the 5 star for excellent products. Also there are countries where not the highest number is considered as the best, but the lowest. As a result people may interpret the ratingsystem the other way around, and see one star as highest place in rating and five stars as lowest place.
  6. Odelia Emmons wrote: Thank you all for the advice and input...i think my plan will be to continue inworld abuse reports, support tickets and if all else fails, the live chat. Eventually they will have to respond (I hope). Meanwhile looking at new locations for my business. Forget about live chat. They cannot tell you anything you cannot find yourself in the wiki. When your question requires more knowledgde then what is in the wiki, they will advise you to send a support ticket.
  7. Ben Stravinsky wrote: Hi, I've just come back to SL from taking a couple years off. I used to own a small outfit that sold a few things, and I'm looking to generate some spending money again. I sold my sims when I left, removed all my SLX items (as it was then) and vanished. It's not like it used to be. Back in the SLX days, most businesses sold 95% in world and just 5% on SLX. Now it is the other way around. Most sell 95% on SL Marketplace, and just 5% in world. Unless people promote their in world store heavily, then the percentage from in world shops might be higher. Many merchants give up on in world stores at all, and have only a presence on the marketplace.
  8. Kajl019 wrote: Hello Everyone! my idea is to allow consumers and business owners the ability to benefit from sales, What is the added value of your idea, above what already is happening in every sale: The business owner benefits from the money that the customer pays, and the consumer benefits from the product he has bought.
  9. You can go to max 8 uv maps per mesh. Make sure to make a selection for each UV map, and add one material to each selection.
  10. When you use in Photoshop the 'save as' button, the png file you generate will have an alphachannel included, even when there is no transparency at all in your texture. When you use the button 'save for web and devices' you can make a 24 bits png, that doesn't include this alpha layer. I guess this is what will solve the problem.
  11. Machinimatrix has some interesting tutorials for sculpties in Blender. But like others said already mesh is more easy to learn. Why do you want to make sculpties?
  12. Too prone to abuse when money is atomatically taken. But for example a pop-up message to all friends 5 days before the birthday or rezday, like: Your friend X will have her birthday over 5 days. Do you want to send a present on her birthday? o Yes, take me to her wishlist o No o Please remind me later When choosen yes, the order will be made and paid. The product will be delivered on the birthday.
  13. Talented Composer wrote: Then inworld in the residents profile could be a "My Wishlist" button that takes you directly to their wishlist on MP. Why not put the wish list directly in the profile tab? With the possibility for the resident to choose for 'don't show my wishlist', 'show my wishlist to friends only', 'show my wishlist to everybody'. Once an item is on the wishlist in the profile, it should be clickable (for friends or everybody depending on choice). A click on the item leads to a marketplace gift page. The name from the resident that will be gifted is generated by the in world click, so you don't have to fill that by hand on the page. From that moment is should not take more then 3 clicks to deliver the present direct in SL. When the item is delivered to the resident he gets a 'you got a present' bleep or sound, and de item gets automated deleted from the wishlist.
  14. I guess you are right. I did not keep an original file of the mirrored mesh, only the .dae file. When I open that .dae I have a clean mesh, without any extra verticals. Now when I export that file again as a .dae and upload to SL, my mesh behaves like I would expect. Rotation point is in the centre. But still I'm puzzeled, how can the .dae file that I upload to SL contain different information, then the same .dae file that I open in my program. The only thing I can think of is that it was late yesterday and I was tired, I might have saved over the 'corrupted' file after I upload it already... I don't remember exactly...
  15. I observed something strange today. I have a mesh where the pivot point is not in the centre of the mesh. Also the menu shows a different size then the original mesh. On picture 1 you see the original mesh highlighted, the mirrored one is next to it. I mirrored the mesh in my 3d program, I use Cinema 4D. I mirrored the original with the symmetry tool. When you do so and make the symmetry object editable you get one object that consist of both meshes. What I did next is delete the original, en exported the mirrored one that was left. After upload some things jumped in the eye. - The rotation point is not in the centre, as you can see in picture 2, where the mirrored mesh is selected. - When you rez the mesh on the ground, it does not rezz on the floor but a metre or so above it. When I compare the height of both meshes in the menu, they have both the same size, but the the mirrored one looks smaller. It actually is smaller though the menu says both have the same size. Apparentely the menu adds some invisible space to the object when calculating the size. This is extreme on the X axis. The menu shows the mesh more then two times as big as it actually is, and that causes a shift of the rotation point. For me this is complete unexpected behavoir, but still interesting behavior. Because normally when I want to give a mesh a different rotation point then the centre, I have to add an extra polygon to the mesh to force a different rotation point. When this can be reproduced, it might give us a nice work around for the pain with the pivot point. Any people who work with other programs then C4D, who have seen this behavior before? Or can reproduce? Has it anything to do that the mesh was mirrored, and that it sort of remembers it came from in object that had two halfs, with the pivot point right in between them? Or any other explanation for this?
  16. I wanted the small mountains in my shop, mainly to show the shapes. Now I have put them back from prim to convex hull and the result is good: LI jumps down to 2.
  17. Thanks for your reply, Arton. For the physic shape I used a low poly version of the highest lod. Though the mountains are mainly for decorative use, I still wanted them to be more or less walkable. So I have them rezzed as prim not as convex hull. Maybe that makes a difference as well? When I'm in world again, I'll have a look what the LI results are when I put them on convex hull. The lowest mountain is the physic shape I used.
  18. I made some mountains. When I rezz one on a scale 32 x 32 m, the LI is 4. When I rezz it on a scale 20 x 20 m, the LI is 2. Logic so far. But now, when I rezz it with a scale 2 x 2 m, the LI suddenly jumps to 7. Anyone an explanation for this behavior?
  19. I asked in the survey for subcategories in the Mesh Creator Tools. It is just rediculous that all is cluthered there in the same category just because the building technique is mesh.
  20. Czari Zenovka wrote: Amen to that!!! I ask my store group occasionally to please send any suggestions for the type of items they would like to see. Haven't received any responses to date. We have a suggestion box in the store since we started with sculpties. The box has been used a lot. But since the marketplace took over the in world sales, there are less costumers coming into the shop, so there are also less suggestions made. Since the beginning of this year we run a contest in our mesh store "Suggest a mesh and get if for free". Each month we pick the suggestion we like the most and make it. The person who gave us the idea gets the product for free. People can submit max. 3 suggestions per month. It is succesful, since there is an award people do take the trouble to come to the in world store and put their suggestions in our box. One of our newer best selling items was suggested by the winner of the contest in the month June.
  21. Porky Gorky wrote: In my experience, if something looks good enough then people in SL will buy it regardless of the tools and components used to create it. I find people care about how things look, about functionality, about the LI, about the price and about the after-sales support. Tick all those boxes and the majority will not care if an item is mesh or not. That is also my impression, when it comes to the general shopping audience. My customers are builders and creators and they do care if a building component is a mesh or a sculpty. I get a lot of request for custom work, and most of the time people ask me to make them a sculpty. When I ask if it can also be a mesh for about the half of my customers the answer is: No, it must be a sculpt. The most heard reason for this is: people with older computers cannot run mesh viewers, so I refuse to use mesh in my builds. I also get requests from people who ask me to make a sculpty of one of my mesh objects. It is never the other way around, so far I have never been asked to make a mesh object from one of my sculpts (which would be wiser then the other way around, in my opinion).
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