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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. June was my worst month in two years. July is a bit better but still not like it use to be. I still loose a 35% compared to what I consider to be an average month.
  2. Yeah right, another pain in the ass is the mesh versus sculpties categories in 'building tools'. There are no sub categories at all in 'Mesh Creator Tools'. Since mesh can be anything at all it is going to be one big fat pile of 'anything anyone could use to build or create'. I do have 'mesh creator tools', but I'm not going to list them in that category as long as there are no subcategories available.
  3. Last three weeks my sales are far from normal as well. My sales have decreased for more then 50% compared to last month.It is along the whole productline, for both sculpties and meshes. I has nothing to do with DD or magic boxes, I'm fully on DD for several months now.
  4. Reecie Aries wrote: I have heard many accounts get frozen for fraudulant activity (such as a large number of dollars, being put into your paypal account at one given time. Paypal mistakes this as a fraud. For some odd reason I have no idea why.) My account was frozen once. The reason was that I received more money in a year then is allowed in my country (when I remember right the amount was 1500 euros a year). As soon as you get over this amount Paypal seemed to be obligated to ask for your pasportnumber. Maybe also social security number, I don't remember exactly if I had to give them that as well. But anyway It had to do with taxes. When you make more then 1500 euro profit in a year, you must pay taxes over this amount in my country. I'm not sure if Paypal is obligated to report this to the taxes, but at least they have to have copies of your identification documents. After I did send them the things they asked for my account was unfrozen again. The whole process of unfreezing took about two weeks.
  5. Pamela Galli wrote: My only other work experience besides my SL business is public school, so that is what I was imagining applying the TOL to. The result would be not unlike the apparent chaos of LL. If I got to choose my work, it would not have included grading papers. If I only chose the work I wanted to do in my SL business there would be quite a few things that would never get done, like listing stuff on the marketplace or updating products or boxing things up. But Pamela, you choose to do the dull stuff for your business. You do'nt have to pack boxes or list your stuff on the marketplace. But you choose to do so, because you want your business to succeed. Your passion that drives you to do so might be the creative part of the job and the motivation of an income to feed your family, but you do see the need to take care of the whole proces. Would that be very different for someone who is driven by the passion of coding? Aren't it all grown-ups at het lab who can take responsibility, and that take the less attractive part of the job as well, next to the more exciting part?
  6. This whole TAO is not so bad, in my opinion. There is nothing wrong with people working together, choosing their own jobs, being transparent and making progress. Those are not the weak points. It's all about the desired culture on the work floor, and that is in my opinion not the problem from Linden Lab. The true problem is: the vision about the product is too vague. "To expand the human experience by building an online world allowing people to interact, communicate, and collaborate in a revolutionary way." Half of the vision is marketing talk, when you leave that away the vision is: building an online world allowing people to interact, communicate, and collaborate. That world is there, for quiet a while now, they did what they planned to do, and people do interact and collaborate in this world. And now? What way are we going? It's like a they have build a ship, invited people to join for a trip on the ocean, a wild revolutionary experience, to discover once aboard actually nobody is sailing the ship. There is a crew, to prevend the ship from sinking, polish it all the time and to add new bells and whisles, and nobody seems to care that we are out on the ocean without a compass or even an idea in which direction to go. As long as the water carries the ship all is fine. And those paying passengers on that ship? Does it matter if they are satisfied, angry or worried? Not according to the TAO Linden Lab has for its residents: - Avoid residents at all costs - Act like they don't exist - Never, ever listen to them - Ignore them
  7. For me it was a normal week, sales had a normal average.
  8. 'shoes, skin, hair, gown, handbag, nails, eyes, shape' and still 4 spam keywords to go.... I feel more for a system in this direction: first you get one or two times a warning and a chance to repair your listings. Third time your marketplace store will be blocked for a week. Fourth time your marketplace store will be blocked for a month. And when this still not helps you will loose all merchant access to the marketplace. .
  9. Flea Yatsenko wrote: I think the most important thing for us as merchants is we need better, more reliable tools for customers to find our products. Search is all over the place and is sometimes reliable and sometimes not. Trying to find things on marketplace can be horribly confusing for a new user. I've gone over this before but a good marketplace experience is good for everyone. Merchants are happier, new users can find new things and find what they want, and transactions work and they're happy with things. I think we need better merchants to make the search reliable. As long as people who want to sell a shoe keep putting keywords like 'skin, hair, gown, handbag, nails, eyes, shape' and so on in their listing, search won't become reliable. This flagging doesn't do the job. In the time it takes for a Linden to have a look at a flagged item, ten new items with keyword spam have appeared. Because there seems to be more profit in keyword spam then risk. The only risk is that the item can be taken down and you have to relist it. I think keyword spam will disappear soon enough when the risk is higher then the profit. The will clean up search for the largest part.
  10. This means he has put your item in his shoppingcard on April 8th, but did not check out the order in his shopping card until May 2nd. Some people use their shoppingcard simply to collect what they like, and once they have the money available buy all at once.
  11. Myrylyn wrote: Unfortunately, pulling these figures into a database for analysis is still rather hard-- I don't actually do it yet. But I can imagine writing a web page scrubber that pulls this wonderful information out, tags it all by date, and allows you to do item-by-item analysis. Running the scrubber once a day should be sufficient to get great data. I will try to whip a system up that does as I've described above, but it sure would be easier if the Marketplace compiled and displayed that data in a more useful form. After all, it would help their constituency to move more product, thereby increasing Linden Lab's commission. I'm sure it would be interesting to study the data, but in the end, what would you actually know? Do these data say anything that help you as a creator, when you are making new items? Okay, some things can be useful, you can for example see that in fashion red sells better then green and black sells better then white. But why thís dress became your best seller and not another one, depends on many factors, factors you won't find your data. And even when you could find out what it is that makes a specific item a top seller, there is no garantee that you can replicate the succes with the next item you make. Each creation has its own creative process and outcome. You can do your best to make something that has also this top selling 'wow factor', but there you only find out if you succeeded after the item starts selling. (And even if your item doesn't start selling, does not necessairy mean that it doesn't have a wow factor, there might simply be too many other items in the way to gain any visibility for you 'potential top seller'.)
  12. Ghehehe, the first sentence in this video: "I want to talk today a little bit about predictable irrationality", turns right on LL.
  13. Roadmap Kill almost of all commerce and shops on the grid, make at least 95% of all merchants depend solely on marketplace. Find a way to compensate for the loss of tier that merchants used to pay. Declair MP out of beta and start charging 30% commission on MP sales. (Not that I would like this scenario, but I can see it happen in the current situation).
  14. Casandra Kumsung wrote: The commission is nothing compared to paying rent unless you are doing thousands of $L sales a week and I doubt there are stores that bring thousands a week. There are stores that bring ten thousands a day. Not so many as there used to be a few years ago, but still they exist.
  15. We hardly participate in hunts. Actually we participate in a hunt in May, but that is only the second hunt we participate in since the existance of cYo. The first hunt item was an item that was unique for that hunt. I never set it later in my stsore as product or as freebie. But now and then I give it away to someone as a 'thank you'. For example when someone warns me that he has seen infringments on my copyrights. Then this former hunt item is a nice present to say 'thank you so much'. For the hunt in May I made something that fits the theme. I'm not sure yet, what I'm going to do with it later. Maybe I will sell it for very comforable price. When I would not have made the item specific for the hunt, I would price in the range 250-300 L$. But now, it will have rather a price like 100 L$. If I decide to sell it at all, because I still don't know. This one might end up as a gift item as well.
  16. Guess we have luck then they made this 'missing connection forum' just in time to report the problems here
  17. I cannot login on secondlife.com any longer. My browser says the website is not available. Anybody else having this problem?
  18. What is the difference in how you constructed this one compared to your other ones then?
  19. Medhue Simoni wrote: Pic of the Day annoys me, but only cause we do have our own pic system, which is in the profiles. I watch my profile all the time, and send all my customers there. The little social network there is pretty handy, and it's like it's own little community. People can post picks directly to their profile. If it gets votes, it makes it to the trending list. It's handy when it works. Mine is stuck... and there is no support available to fix it. It one of the many bugs that sits on the jira to wait for a fix.
  20. Thank you so much for explaining, Drongle. The metaphor of an elastic wrapped around is very strong, that really makes it understandable for me. Also that I must think of it as only points makes some things clear. You did a great job explaining this complicated stuf.
  21. Go to your merchants home,choose inventory, choose listings. Find the listing, if you don't see it in the list, put its name in the search field. Then when you see the item, choose actions, choose edit.
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