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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. What is worse: Giving away a 'free item' to someone who cheats you, or mistrust a honest customer who really did not receive the item? I don't want to take the risk to disrespect a honest customer, in order to prevend being cheaten by a dishonest one. Failed deliveries do happen as much for trans items as they do for copy items. I do give a new copy when my customers claim they did not get it. I do not redeliver from marketplace, but I send it in world where I get a message that the offer was accepted. When they come back in few days to tell me it is broken I do replace the item, but only after they have send the broken item back to me.
  2. Porky Gorky wrote: All the while as LL declines, allot of the open sim grids have shown increased growth in 2012. Which open sim grids have shown increased growth in 2012? Figures please...
  3. 23 pages! Time to start buying :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  4. 16 wrote: mostly bc support people are instructed to not teach people how to hax It is not a hax. It is a build in function that any resident can use his web profile. You just have to go to https://my.secondlife.com/residents.name/snapshots, click one of your snapshots and then you can delete them.
  5. Eve Greymoon wrote: I disagree that customer service has gotten worse though. In general, tickets are actually responded to now, usually within 24 hours. I had tickets sit for months on end without any response before he arrived. For me anyway that particular situation has been much improved. I has improved in speed, but not in quality. Live chat is not able to help you when you question goes beyond that is already available in the wiki. I don't even take the trouble to contact them anymore. The times I did contact them, they learned more from me then I learned from them, every single contact resulted in: please file a ticket. The ticket system worked well in the past. At least people with knowlegde were responding and in many cases the problem got solved or the question was answered. But since about a year or so, my experience is that nothing gets solved anymore by sending in a ticket. The answer I get nowadays is: please file a jira. A jira... that is not even an improvement in speed. Jira's just sit there for years... Last time I had an issue for what I contacted support was that my webprofile stopped working, after I tried to upload a snapshot to it. My profile showed a message like "Oeps, something went wrong, please contact support." The only thing support could do is telling me that they were able to reprocuce the error. And advised me to file a jira. I did, some people gave comments, even a Linden looked at it, and nothing happened besides that. Then half a year later or so, I saw a comment from a resident an the jira, who had the same problem, also caused by uploading a snapshot. He said had deleted all is pictures from his webprofile and since then his profile was showing normal again. I had no clue how to delete this pictures, since I could not enter the profile at all. I contacted him in world, and he explained how he had done it (on in world, but on the website). I followed the his instructions, deleted all my pictures and it worked! Why is LL telling me to file a jira, when there was a simple solution available for my problem? How is it possible that support lacks to knowledge to tell me how it can be solved, while another resident can help me?
  6. You must send a DMCA to the copyright agent of LL. Instructions are here Make sure you add all that is asked when writing you dmca. Then after receivement LL will delete the items from the persons marketplace store and from his inventory.
  7. Thanks for sharing your story, Dartagan. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: So V2 being the disaster that it turned out to be, LL turns around and admits this, fires M Linden and over 1/3 of the employees in a really tacking display of Phil Rosedale announcing this at SLBB and coming in like a white knight to save the day. Hmmz, I never have seen it like this, the M. was fired for the V2 disaster. In my idea was that he was hired to make this SL behind the firewall for corporations a succes, and that project failed like nothing had failed before. But looking backwards, I doubt. I think he might as well been hired to do the dirty job for Philip, who's compagny has grown him above the head, and where sooner or later people have to be fired. When you start small and devellop a succesful idea with some geek friends, and it grows most likely the twork of friends. But it grows too fast in a short time. party because Philip does a great job in promoting the platform in the media. (the next big thing: 3d internet, we envision the future). But he does not do a great job on the internal organisation of the compagny. It simply grew too big for his idea about how he wanted to work with people (use your talent, do your own projects, do it with passion, and send each other love points for well done jobs). It might work in smaller settings for a while, but not for a compagny of this size. When it became clear that SL behind the firewall was not going to bring the next ship of gold, the workpower, that it would be need to support it when it would have been a succes, became supernumerary. It was for M to do that job, because Philip just couldn't.
  8. Pamela Galli wrote: Some people are just not going to read a long notecard, no matter how organized it is. Indeed. What has worked nice for me is 'pictures'. I hardly use notecards to explain how things work, but I use textures. For example: I started to do so because I want non English speakers to be able to understand. In the beginning it is some time investement, but on the long term you just have to chose which instruction picture(s) to included to a new product. But video is also a good idea. It has the same power as textures: visual information. That is what many people understand much easier then written words. What I read from this thread your cs is a important factor in your business. It brings you repetive customers who can do the best advertisement for you there is: word of mouth. But it is not only good for the sales to be in contact with your customers, it can also feed your creative proces. Customers can walk into problems with your products, that you could not even have thought of. But sometimes brings finding a solve for a specific problem a very good idea, that is worth to think of when you make new products. But I can very well understand you don't want to explain 6 times a day how this or that is done. Though the personal attention might add value for the customer, it doesn't add value for you in these repetive cases. So indeed, you need to filter them out, they should not be in your working sheme. I don't know your sector of the market well enough to have an idea how important the personal attention is for your customers. But when you consider it of high importance, then you should try to find a CS assistant. A good teacher who has patience and likes to explain SL to people. As you see how many people voluteered to be a mentor for SL in the time that program was still running, who had to explain the same things over and over again to newbies, I think there must be people who really would to enjoy to have a job like that in a well established shop as yours. I think there are many, many people in SL who can explain as well as you how things in SL work (and how to handle things with your products). But there are not so many people who can create what you create. So it's plain and simple: your value as creator is many times bigger then your value as customer supporter. Keep in touch with your customers, but get rid of the part that is not inspiring to you anymore.
  9. Ciaran Laval wrote: I think you're putting two and two together and coming up with five. The Amazon link is only for US customers for a start, it's a newish process Amazon have launched called Amazon Game Connect for creators of free to play games etc. to use to sell their content to customers but it's not a means to replacing the marketplace here. Yep, that is the way I see it too. It is just a new way of marketing SL to possible customers.
  10. I might be a matter of flipped normals. What if you reverse them? Does the mesh then show up in SL?
  11. Creed Aldrin wrote: Well, i didnt ask to review my or anyone else items. I did not review your item. I just gave an example of a listing without related keywords. But since I don't want to make a big point of it, and I guess you have learned your lesson now, I deleted the post.
  12. Creed Aldrin wrote: Well, i didn't expected nor wanted anyone to pull my listing keywords and publicly discuss it here... Besides, how did you pull it out? I cant see keywords on Marketplace page and even in page source... I only see it while editing the listing. Then why did you ask for advise about you keywords? Keywords seems to be hidden at first side, but they are public information. I'm not the only one who can see them. Everyone can by looking in the source: It's even easier with a plugin, then they just appear under the listing picture when you browse the marketplace:
  13. Couldbe, it is a Grease Monkey plugin... see this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/marketplace-secondlife-com-tools-updated/td-p/774389
  14. Edit: Without naming the name of the merchant, this post showed an example of a product with unrelated keyword that screw up the search result on the marketplace, which is a reason for flagging. On request of the merchant I deleted this example.
  15. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: ETA 2 : wtf lol ? i deleted everything in the magic box except the 4 items that have a wrong clone and it gives me the whole ex content of the magic box in my manage listing lol.... well, im not anymore in looking for a logical in how SL and MP work... fortunately for me... In that case your magic box content is still available at the old xstreet market. Go to your xstreet page, delete the magic boxes there. Then log back in to the marketplace and sync your magic boxes. That sould delete all content that is no longer in your magic box.
  16. What is a planket license, Medhue? When it comes to copyrights I'm all against that Linden Lab is selling any of my content or my licenses outsite the services. When licenses for other platforms then SL are needed I can provide them very well by meself.
  17. Example On the left side you see the model, on the right side the two UV maps that are used. The white one is for the outside of the model, the blue one is for the inside. An ambient map is a shadowing map. It is the self shadowing an object causes. You can make these maps in your 3D program. Take a look at the blue uv map, you see that the corners are shadowed. That is done by using the ambient map.
  18. At what size and what file format do you safe your texture before uploading to SL? I hope you don't safe them as jpg's, because that makes you loose quality. Next the jpg that already lost quality looses again in the upload proces to SL. So you loose two times with jpg. When the texture is without transparency you get the best results with uploading as tga 24 bits or png 24 bits. For transparency the png 32 bits it most easy to use as upload format. Render them at at least 1024 x 1024. But 2048 x 2048 or 4096 x 4096 is also okay. Then scale them back by in your graphical program to 1024 x 1024 before uploading. I did experiment quit a bit with baking textures and light settings, but since the resultshardly satisfied me on the endproducts in SL I'm back to the manual methode. The only thing I bake is an ambient occlusion map, though they don't come out bad, I still often have to that I often correct by hand in Photoshop. It depends a bit on your object, for example for baking shadows and window refections on a floor of a room, I still would consider baking shadowmaps that are archieved by the use light sourses, but for objects where you can walk around in SL for me is working with just the AO maps the best.
  19. But I am curious what causes that someone makes this choice. What thoughts or feelings are behind it?
  20. Darrius Gothly wrote: Just to clarify one point Toy .. I don't for a second buy into the "L$ are worthless" clause of the TOS either. My explanation was to try and provide perspective as to why LL wants to maintain that fiction. Like you and most others, I hold fast to the opinion that L$ are very worthy and have a functional value that is easily determined just by referencing the LindeX, Virwox or any of the other exchange services. I think it is a legal issue, it is in the TOS to prevent that LL ever has to pay USD for once purchaised L$. As long as residents do agree (and they have to agree, because without excepting the TOS, you cannot be a resident) that the L$ is just 'play-money' then for example in a case of bankruptcy there is nothing to claim for all those who are holding L$ in their account. Not only on the Lindex but also on the marketplace is LL valueing the L$. You don't have to pay your purchases with Linden Dollars, you can as well pay with USD. LL keeps the USD and the seller gets the play money (which most likely is going to return to LL in the end as well, in the form of tier). The problem might even have to do with paying in USD. Something in the proces from paying out the merchants in L$, while the customer is paying LL with USD might go wrong... This is just speculation, because we simply don't know why or where this is going wrong. This just should not be possible in any way.
  21. Thanks for the insight, Chosen. Before I posted here I tried all kind of things, included uploading in different formats. The picture shown is the result of uploading a png 24 bits. I also tried tga en jpg. I never use jpg as upload format, but in this case it actually gave the best results. Still not good enough, and only slightly different, but still I was surprised. Might have to do with that the jpg contains less color info already, so the JPG2000 transfer gets less mixed up in this color range that seems hard to handle for JPG2000.
  22. The thread can still continue when you stick to the subject. But that is not what you do here. You come up with examples that have nothing to do with virtual economy, like when a disaster happens and people run out of water, and merchants can benefit from that as long as governments don't intervene. How does that translate to virual economy? Not at all in my opinion, since avatars can pretty well survive without drinking one drip in their complete existance. I don't think RL and SL have NOTHING in common, and I don't think rl economy and sl economy have NOTHING in common either. But I do think the model of a virtual economy is very different from the model of the rl economy because humans have very basic needs, like food and shelter. For that humans are forced to participate in the economy in one way or another, or depends on others who do participate. Not is SL, you can pretty well survive and even amuse yourself for years without spending a penny in the virtual economy. On the demand site rl economy depends on 'needs' and 'wants'. The virtual economy depends on 'wants' only. That alone makes the two very different species. But there are many more factors that make the virtual economy, where we sell 'imagination' for 'monopoly money' very different any rl economy we know. And ofcouse both also have some things incommon. But I just think you cannot apply economic models we know from rl to sl one to one. I would like to see a real good analyse from the SL economy. Because I think actually it is something that nobody oversees completely. Nor residents, nor Lindens. I don't expect this survey is going to bring answers to all there is to know, but it can be a start of something... somethings that brings more knowledge then we do have now.
  23. I came across something I have never seen before. I want to use a highlight on a teapot. The base color of the teapot is pink red. In Photoshop the gradient is smooth, however when I upload to SL there appears a darker spot between the highlight and the base color. And is seems it has to do with the color red, because when I use for example a blue base color for the teapot, the problem does not appear. Any one who knows what is happening here? And even more how it can be cured?
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