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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. Left upper corner "Sprache", change to English
  2. Then I would like to have a macro with the 100 most populair search words all with -. So I only have to + the one I need.
  3. Pamela Galli wrote: Something like this is just beyond their technical ability, is what I include. I'm a complete n00b when it comes to scripting and programming, but with a bit of logic thinking... they can choose in what fields is searched and in what fields not. The item description field is not searched for example. Since the merchant name is not in the item title, not in the keywords and not in the product features... it seems simple. Exclude all other search fields mechanism for this item tab.
  4. Please watch you agree: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4697 It is not easier to find something in the jira system then to find something in the marketplace. But as far as I could find, there is no jira open about this issue. According to Brooke the problem is fixed since December 2010. While searching in this jira system I came along something that made me hestitate to post this issue. They have too much on their plate already. I think it is time to add some more people to the MP team. *edited, changed 'vote' to 'watch'. Thanks Sassy
  5. Are those older creations, Snickers? Not sure if it is connected, but a few weeks back I discovered some of my older textures (uploaded about 4 years ago) showed grey and added to objects the objects could not show the textures. It was not just normal lag, seemed more like the UUID of the texture was lost completely. I did not check the creator name, it was only two textures I needed at that moment so I uploaded them again. Hope the best for you, to get them back. Anything from support yet?
  6. Drongle McMahon wrote: I can make some statements about expected behaviours, one or more of which may contain the explanation.... 1. Traingle-based physics shapes (the kind you get if you specify a mesh but don't click "Analyze" and choose type "Prim") increase in physics cost wioth decreasing size. 2. Convex hulll-base physics ahapes (either the default you get by choosing "Convex Hull" type or the decomposed shape you get by clicking "Analyze" then set type "Prim") do not change with size. 3. The automatic LOD generation is non-deterministic, meaning it can give different meshes on different occasions despite identical inputs. These can sometimes result in different download weights. 4. If (some of) the mesh has no UV coordinates, the uploader seems to use uninitialised data, which can lead to large differences in download weights. 4 is not the case, the complete mesh has UV coordinates. Actually I'm not sure I get the meaning of 'convex hull'. In my mind convex hull was just another name for physic shape, but now you speak of triangle based physics shapes and convex hull based physic shapes, I conclude this cannot be the case. Can you please explain or show what exactly is the convex hull?
  7. We have these two tabs in the marketplace, 'items' and 'merchants/stores' When I want to find a merchant called Joe Graves, I can find him by putting his name in the merchants/stores field. When I want to find an item, in this case a grave, I'm not able to find it, because all merchants that have 'grave' in their first name or surname show all their items in the search results. When I'm looking for an item, I want to find this item, not complete shops of merchants who don't sell this item at all. Please make it so that I only get items, when I'm looking for items. Thanks in advance.
  8. I did make better models for the several LOD levels. Result: LI 1 for the whole lenght
  9. bigoldbum wrote: the items got reinstated today i guess its ten buzness days not ten days.the hair is modeled after truth hair but not created buy him acording to the notecard it has another creators name on them that i wont mention to respect his privacy that came with them,i know making something that looks like someone elts can be considered a copyright issue but hair styles?i mean he had to have copyed someones hair to begine with i dont think you could copyright a pony tail or anything? It is horrible indeed for the merchant who's items are stolen, that they get a counter dmca from someone who is not the IP right holder of the offending item. Ask back your money from the person who sold you these stolen items, and buy legal stuf to go with your complete avatars. Send the name of the person who sold you this stuf to the original creator. As long as the selling goes on he is damaging more people like you. Help to stop these practices, in stead of defending the abuser.
  10. How can I show the physics hull mesh here?
  11. It doesn't matter what psysics. In both cases prim or convex hull this land impact shows up. As long as I have the object in a size of 2,4 m height and 2,0 m width the LI is 1. I think I should finetune the LOD levels a bit, to see if I can get better LI results for bigger size.
  12. I have made an item, that shows at some point a larger landimpact, while the object is smaller. Anybody seen this before?
  13. It are not sales, it are items you have purchases from the marketplace. When you sell something the description says: MKT2 Item Sale
  14. Rya Nitely wrote: As a merchant selling items as copy will save you many headaches with failed deliveries etc - just hit the re-deliver button. With no copy items you will always wonder if you just gave it away free. I have one brand that has mod/trans items. And indeed, it is typical how much more often people claim that in item is not received with trans items then with copy or full perms items. So I'm quit sure that now and then I am giving a second copy for free. But you never can tell, I don't want to hurt the customer who really did not receive the item, and therefore the ones who are just trying to get a free one come away with it. For me it depends on the item what permission I prefer. For furniture or decorative things permissions don't play a role for me. When I really like the object I just buy it, no matter what permissions. Most of the time I don't need more then one or two anyway.
  15. Arwen Serpente wrote: Long skirts or dresses that don't crumple. I have tried virtually every mesh demo that I can find, but they all crumple under the bust when the avatar sits. The long skirts are worse than system skirts (imo) because they not only crumple, but, because of the alpha, from certain angles the viewer can see "up" the skirt and there's no body part there, or if the wearer has shoes or boots on, their legs are invisible and the shoe/boot looks like it is just floating. I bought a FP long dress (stupid me, no demo), but the skirt part was as stiff as a sculptie (not a good look for a long skirt that's supposed to move with the avatar). I tried a few shorter dresses that were well made and constructed so that you couldn't see "into" or "up" the mesh, so that was good...they just need to be long. Right now, I haven't seen anything in a builders pack for this clothing type that's good enough to work with and use in my creations. And the UV maps are not easy to texturize at all (from what I've tried). Ultimately, I would prefer to buy the entire file (meaning be able to upload the Mesh myself) - most FP Mesh right now just relies on the creator to attach a root prim (some offer the whole file, but not many). I'm sure there are technical details I don't understand that prevent what I'm looking for. Maybe you're just the person to breakthrough with something wonderful! I wish you the best of luck! I think it's not the best time yet, Arwen, to buy or sell mesh clothes. I won't do any clothing items under the current conditions. Once the mesh deformer project is finished and integrated in SL I might give it a try. The biggest problem with mesh clothing is in my eyes that the clothes don't fit the shapes from avatars. How many woman will be willing to change their shape to be able to fit a piece of clothing? Onces the mesh deformer is finished, you won't have to hide parts of the body with alpha layers to be able to fit a dress or a pair of jeans. Mesh clothes will not change your shape anymore, the clothing will fit you, in stead of you must change to fit the clothes. When it comes to UV mapping, that is a piece of art on itself. I often find myself spending more time on making proper UV maps, then on making the mesh models. I think UV mapping it is often underestimated by mesh creators. A pretty dress that is has a very good UV map looks the same from the outside as a dress with a hard-to-texture UV map or a UV map that causes distortions in the design. And you can not tell on the outside what work is done on the UV maps, unless the creator shows his UVmaps with his products, then you have at least a bit of an idea before you buy. But most of the time it will be a matter of trial and error, and search as long till you find full perms creators who do a good job on UV mapping.
  16. Your question is about marketing mesh to merchants. Offering mesh items with full perms items on the market place is your starting point. The marketplace is where more then 80% of the merchants shop to buy mesh items, and they don't bother to look for limited perms items, so you won't gain any visibility from the merchants audience by listing them this way. Merchants go to mesh creators for customs builds when they cannot find anything on the marketplace that suits their needs. So if you are not there, on the marketplace in the right category, the change that anybody approaches you to make them something custom is almost zero. I myself get a lot of request for custom work, while I have never announced anywhere that I do custom work. But sometimes, when people come up with a good idea that I would like to make, and there is no strict deadline, I do make them the object they want, under the condition that I can sell it in my own store as well. It happens only seldom that people want an item to be unique for them. I don't do them, I would have to charge too much to justify my time investment. The few times I did calculate for someone what the rate would be for an unique item they found it too expensive. However when I can sell an item I made custom later to others as well, I don't have to charge high prices. Actually in most cases I just charge the price that the item will have when it appears in my shop. In my opinion the market for custom works in SL is not big enough to make a living from it, people are not willing to pay rl prices for custom work, people want it for SL prices (at least in 99,9% of the cases).
  17. Fauxglove Silverweb wrote: Who said anything about no transfer rights? You, by offering them on the marketplace without transfer rights
  18. Even with an in world store you cannot be 100% sure that sellers is selling you legal content. But the change is at least bigger then on the marketplace. You are so right, Pamela. As a second creator who ads value to a mesh by using it in your builds you can not take the risk of working with illegal content. It's your business that will get in a bad light, when a dmca report causes you to take an object out of your shop or marketplace. Not to speak about the work you added to it...
  19. Imagin Illyar wrote: At this point it seems senseless to design mesh clothing yet there is a market for it. LL makes money on marketplace sales, they should be concerned. I love to create mesh, but I'm not going to lay my hands on clothings as long as meshes don't fit the standard size. So I spend my time on other objects now. And LL makes it's commission on those now. I guess that counts for a lot of other creators as well. There is still a world to create in mesh, so the clothing can wait till the circumstance are okay to start designing them.
  20. Maeve Balfour wrote: UV-mapping is as much an artform in mesh as the actual model making process. Good quality UV mapping for SL meshes is I think just as important as the model making process itself, since the texturing can help make up for the reduced detail of (responsible) low-poly modeling. :matte-motes-smile: That is so true. I often find myself spending more time on making good UV maps then on the model itsself. At first glance I thought making mesh objects would save me much time above making sculpties. And for the modeling that is true, it's much easier and you have much more possibilities with mesh. But the UV mapping makes it time consuming after all.
  21. I think its a rule that limites merchants too much. This rule makes it impossible to participate in initiatives that are there to stimulate in world shopping. Basicly it makes initiatives like 50 linden fridays and such illegal, unless the participating shops also change the price on their items on the marketplace.
  22. Why are you aiming for the general audience on the marketplace, when you want to sell to merchants? A merchant can not do much with an object that is not transferable. Nor will merchants look in the general catagories on the marketplace when they are looking for items to use as part of their builds. Sell your meshes with full perms and make a user license in which you formulate the terms of use. List your items on the marketplace on of the subcatergories of the main category 'building components'.
  23. Flea Yatsenko wrote: Posting things requires no cost or risk at all. Thus, you get people who create lower quality things and sell them since they have nothing to lose. Then, the marketplace gets clogged up, search results get awful because of keyword abuse, and no one can find what they're looking for simply because there's too many items. Keyword abuse should be punished. That will be the an effective way to stop it, and make the marketplace a better place to shop for consumers. There should be set a certain date, till when people can clean up their listing, and take out the irrelevant keywords. When after that date keyword spam is found, people get a warning, and are asked to get rid of all keyword spam in their store. People get a second warning when still keyword spam is found. The third time the marketplace will be shut down for a week. After x time a shut down for a week, the merchant loses his marketplace store, he is permanent banned from the marketplace as a merchant, including all his alts.
  24. When you consider it insulting then I offer my apologies. I wanted to say that I'm going to end the discussion with you, and it came out this way. I guess that is because discussing with you is highly frustrating for me. You don't stick to the subject, you come with all kind of reasoning that is twisted so long till you can blame LL for all. Now you are even putting the blame for your own call for gaming the system on them. But those Lindens you despite so much, there are only a few hunderd of them. Customers on the other hand are with hunderds of thousands. I see it as unresponsable behaviour towards those hunderds of thousands to stimulate merchants to game the system, just because you have issues with those few Lindens. You know how I see it, and I know you see it very different. So there is not much left to say.
  25. Right, go on with playing the village idiot. It's your party.
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