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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. Chosen Few wrote: So you know, with a simple image like this, you may want to consider using Illustrator's Trace Image feature. It could save a you a few steps. I'm not familiar with Illustrator at all, and I don't have to touch it with the method I'm using now. I just have to save it in PS as .ai file, and then can import it right away.
  2. Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge, Chosen. This was exactly what I was looking for. I never even noticed that button in the right upper corner, so it was on the default tolerance, which must be 2. Putting it on 0,5 give me exactly the result I was looking for. I use the path for 3d modeling. I export it to AI first, and next I can import it in Cinema 4D.
  3. Thanks for your replies. The black and white option does not work. So I guess I have to refine by hand. I was hoping for an option in Photoshop, where you can 'tell' the bezier curve to use more points, then it actually does when you just hit the workpath button.
  4. When I make a workpath from a selection in Photoshop, de path is not exactly the same as the selection. Is there a way to refine the workpath, so it is following the selection more closely? Picture: on the left the selection, on the right the workpath.
  5. What I find interesting to see, is that there are two sides to consider when you choose for folders or boxes: ease of use and storage. My conclusion so far is: Folders are for people who like the ease of use. The less 'clicks' the actually object is away from them, the better they like it. Boxes are for people who like an organised fast loading inventory. The less obects you give them, the easier to organise the inventory and the less loading time.
  6. Em que língua você procurar no marketplace? Português ou Inglês?
  7. Dans quelle langue voulez-vous lancer une recherche sur le marché? Francais ou en anglais?
  8. En qué idioma que deseas buscar en el mercado? Español o Inglés?
  9. In welcher Sprache Sie suchen den Marktplatz? Deutsch oder Englisch?
  10. Thanks all for responding. Now I think of it, it is logic that people who read and write in an English forum will also browse the marketplace in English.
  11. What language do you use to browse the marketplace? And what language is your mother tongue?
  12. see: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Why-do-items-come-in-boxes-when-they-don-t-need-to/td-p/1987761
  13. That won't work, the objects that sends these messages belong to the customers who have bought these objects. It is not just one object, but ten or more. I already went to the inworld store of this merchant and blocked every single objects she sells, but that did not help. I keep receiving these messages. The residents name is different every time, because it is the name of the customer shows up in the chat window, who is (after the buy) the object owner.
  14. That is what I thought as well, but this is not the issue. When this problem started I did contact the owner. She told me she used the same script that she had used for years already, and she did not change a thing about it. She copied the script in a notecard to show me and the group UUID is very different from my UUID.
  15. I receive messages from a group I never joined. Every time a customer buys something and rezzes it, the person gets a group invite. The person can join or decline, and I receive the results from this. When I'm in world I get this message in chat, when I'm offline the messages are sent to my email, like for example: The object '*Shop name* Objectname' has sent you a message from Second Life: █▓▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Declined group invitation --> Resident name █▓▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ = *Shop name * Objectname is owned by Resident name
  16. Rya Nitely wrote: There was a survey in the general forums (where you find customers) about a year ago and it showed - The vast majority of customers who responded preferred folders The vast majority of merchants who responded preferred boxes Thanks for sharing. I'm glad to read this. When I make desissions about these kind of things, I always try to approach the matter from the point of view of the customer. But a problem with this, there is not a 'model customer' that you can follow, everybody has its own shopping habits and preferences. So maybe you tend to listen mainly to your own shopping habits and preferences when you work for this imaginairy customer'... That is at least what I thought, when I was reading the comments in this thread, where the majority seems to prefer receiving items in boxes.
  17. Today I did get an email that told me an items was reviewed. I checked it, and the customer wrote that she had send me a notecard twice, because the downloader did not work for her. She thought is was bad customer service, and though she liked the item she had bought she gave a 2 star review, because of the bad customer service. I did not get any email about receiving notecards, nor I see any notecards in my inventory. Actually the most recent notecard I received is from 14-4. That is more then two weeks without notecards. That is not a normal pattern for me. Any other merchants here with customers who did send you notecards that did not reach you?
  18. I have bought products that came in boxes that contained boxes that contained boxes. For example when you buy a multi-pack. You get one box, that contains store information, product information a landmark and three boxes. Unpacking those three boxes, every single box gives go again: store information, product information a landmark, and several boxes that contain the actual products. Unpacking the actual products give you a again the same landmark, store information and product information. You have a lot to clean up afterward, when you care about a well organised inventory.
  19. Porky Gorky wrote: As a consumer there are a couple of reasons why I prefer boxes. I don't shop often but when I do I will buy lots of stuff, some things I may use straight away, others things are purchased for future use. When I get home I will just dump all the new **bleep** out in a corner of my build space and there it stays until I want it. If I can't see it I generally forget about it because I use multiple avatars all of whom have very hectic inventories so I find it really handy to have stacks of boxes lying about with nice pictures on to remind me of what I have purchased. My inventories are very overloaded and a larger inventory results in a longer load time once you get over 30k to 40K items. Unboxed products tend to fill up the inv faster resulting in slower load times when opening the inv. When i am finished using a product I generally archive it rather than delete it. Boxes help keep my archive orderly and if I have items that are not boxed then I will box them. So given the choice of boxed or unboxed I will vote for old skool boxing anyday of the week. Thay is a nice method for someone who has enough land with unused prims. But many people don't have land or are limited in prim count. They can just let the purchased items sit in their purchased items folder, till it is time to use them.
  20. I prefer to sell unboxed. Because it gives customers the possibility to have a look in the content tab on the marketplace, where you can see all different parts of the products and the permissions each part has.
  21. LillyBeth Filth wrote: Thanks Maddellefste Yes, I agree with your concept that 90% of people purchase by visual and as I sell textures I guess more so. The point is though, how do you catch those eyes to see your pictures? It might be worth to experment a bit with the keyword fields. When you have items that you sell about the same amount each month, you could use those for the experiment. Translate only the keyword fields for those items. When your sales for these items go up, after additing foreign keywords, it might be worth to do it for your complete collection.
  22. I do list my items in alternative languages. I started to do this years ago, when I listed my items on SLEX (later called Xstreet). I'm not sure if it is worth it. Marketplace stats doesn't tell you in what language people browse or buy your items. The only indicator I have is that now and then a customer who has a question about a product starts talking to me in Japanse or German after a recent buy. But what does it say? Not much, the customer might have bought the item as well when the description was just in English. My view is that more then 90% of the items are sold by picture. When I first started to use alternative languages, the main reason was to be very clear about the service we offer and the terms of use of our products. Many people in SL understand English good enough, but there are also people who's knowledge of English is very limited. In the beginning I hired a translation service in SL, that works with native speakers as translators. At that time I found it worth it. The minus is that it takes time, you often have to wait 7 days or so before your translation is finished. So after a while I started doing it my self, with the help of Googe translate, since it is only the product descriptions that need translations. If I had 500 items on the marketplace just in English, I don't think I would start to do all the work that it takes. Recently Spanish was added as a language, and since Spanish is het second language spoken worldwide, I decided to add it to my items as well. It is a hell of a job. It took me two days already, and I'm far from done with it yet. And in the meanwhile I was thinking: Suppose that 90% is sold by picture, then there is 10% left of people that must be convinced by the words. From those 90% understand English well enough to understand my listings. So it is maybe for just 1% of all my customers that I invest time in these translations. Why do I go on with this? Maybe just out of habbit... It is a good service for that 1% anyway, but is it really worth the time investment? Maybe not. Once you have all your listings in other languages, it is more easy. When I add a new product I use 'quick fill' to make the listing. This fills in all the languages from my other product. I still have to change the title, the product description and keyword, for all languages. The keyword field is what motivates me most to use other languages.
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