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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Creshosk wrote: Sound files and textures can be harder to get ahold of because they can be embededed in a script. Which means you'd need that script. If this is the premise of your security function, think again. The standard viewer gives up this information in a wink.
  2. There is a merchants forum a little further down, this sort of post would be better there and may be seen by more merchants, more familiar with the merchant side of marketplace. Also a popular group in world for merchants is "Second Life Commerce Merchants"
  3. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: I wish there were servers still in Boston.. I would get better FPS again.. The only servers left are in Texas. Distance to data centre won't have any impact on the rate at which your graphics card renders a scene.
  4. Sure, go to places where men hang out while wearing a shirt that says "Need single man for sex". That should provide a basis for a starting point.
  5. ipisoft have just changed their pricing model to subscription for v3 which has upset a lot of users but may work for the OP. Depending on timescale, have a look on Kickstarter, there are a number of very low cost sensor based suits coming. The ones I ordered for two actors have been somewhat delayed but there are others too. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1663270989/project-perception-neuron https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/controlvr/control-vr-motion-capture-for-vr-animation-and-mor https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/yeitechnology/priovr-suit-up-game-on ipisoft with cameras is here:- http://ipisoft.com/ and an alternate:- http://brekel.com/ Other than that, what Medhui said, more detail needed really.
  6. Yes it's possible. The majority don't make that. When LL used to post the statistics, that amount would put them in around the > 0.5% of top earners.
  7. Yep that's the one. No problem with the term being corrected, like I said in my post "or whatever it's called". It is a long time since I was last in Blender but I knew what I meant
  8. Sanjaria wrote: Okay here's my process I made the mesh in marvelous designer with the "Unified UV Coordinates" check box checked To convert the tris to quads I used Zbrush and still managed to unwrap the UV in zbrush when I imported the mesh into blender, I got the UV by just selecting my mesh and then saved it. Once I had the uv map saved, I began rigging my mesh and when I finished that. I exported the .dae and imported it into second life when I uploaded the uv map that I had saved earlier, the uv map is repositioned incorrectly What Gaia said, plus, unless i'm mistaken, using zbrush is fine but creates a new mesh and doesn't preserve the UV layout. With Marvelous designer, if you upload the tri model, having used Unified UV Coordinates, the pattern layout in MD *IS* the UV map but you're destroying that when you go via zbrush. (Someone more familiar with zbrush may be able to correct me here if what i've just said is junk) In Blender, I also believe that you're going into the texture window and just doing "Export UV map" (or whatever the menu option is). My suggestion is that after any editing (including zbrush remesher), you're going to need to UV Unwrap following the normal process. Without some work though, you're going to lose the MD pattern layout = UV map relationship that you began with but you can get back to that. Plenty of tutorials on UV unwrapping, this isn't meant to point out the obvious but pick ones which work for you https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blender+uv+unwrapping+tutorial
  9. *when* did you UV unwrap in the process? We're missing a lot of detail about your process which just leaves us guessing at the moment.
  10. One obvious question, did you upload the model and *then* do the UV unwrap and upload the texture later? You need to UV unwrap it first and then upload the model and texture to match.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: So you are saying that if a Merchant defrauds me I should have no recourse and that I should just suck it up? No, as per studies, a good experience is share with only about 5 others. A negative experience is shared with at least 20 others. Did I mention that Hippo banned me from their products? That was a negative experience that I like to share.
  12. Your texture has transparency in it.
  13. No you don't need to add them as friends. Assuming that the item was created b y the same merchant, just right click and edit it, choose the Creator button and open profile, from their profile, choose the Send IM button. (If they prefer a notecard, usually indicated by statements to that effect in their profile, send a notecard instead)
  14. Contact the merchant and ask. We have nothing to do with this transaction. As to whether it's possible, anything is possible but what the merchant chooses to offer is up to them. They're not obliged to clear up someone else's mistake. Just the same, there's nothing to stop someone swapping to a male avatar and saying "look these clearly cannot be for me", getting a refund and then re-assuming their female character. It's up to the merchant.
  15. Can the problem be inverted and instead of trying to keep other avatars away from you (push etc. which may not work), can it be scripted to move YOU away from them? That'll work anywhere although the script would also have to check first to see if there's an obstructing object in the direction to move you otherwise you could just as easily get stuck against buildings, sim edge and such like.
  16. An object which is "physical" can only comprise something like 30 prim (land impact) (about that many, can't remember precisely). This makes it a challenge for anything with lots of detail, plus as soon as you furnish it, you'd need to link all the extra items which would further increase the impact.
  17. It's downright bloody annoying to be added to a spam list merely because the shop was visited, that's what's wrong with it. I don't want to have to go back later just to receive myself plus there's one merchant who was plain obstinate and refused to remove me when asked and insisted that I waste my time to visit his unsubscribe. Revisit the shop, bingo, get auto added again. As far as comparison to RL shops, in the UK, it's a requirement that customers OPT IN and although plenty of merchants assume it's ok to have a small opt out check box instead, there are cases where those affected have successfully claimed damages against such auto spammers. I wouldn't compare SL legality to RL though, SL has mute which is sufficient.
  18. Don't move anything except the upper limbs. If you add any rotations to the hips/legs, they will be included in your animation.
  19. It's very much a game. One where we find out how to make money, then buy stuff, then we have to battle with the system operators who steal this paid for inventory, then we have to negotiate the pool of crocodiles while trying to recover things, taking care not to wake the grumpy trolls under the bridge. Meanwhile, the end of level boss tells us all that everything is fixed and the outlook is rosy while simultaneously plotting to destroy the world. Yep, it's a game!
  20. Just to add to existing answers:- Depending on system, web based ones will give you an ability to do certain things offline (from a phone for example), such as redelivery (in addition to inworld self redelivery), price, product whatever. If you sell at different locations, you can update the vending system and the remote locations just sell what comes from the server. You only have to manage the vending system servers for content, not prim by prim Easier to change price or advert picture (see above for multi-locations) You can offer affliate vendors Do you need it? No. Might you need it? Who knows! Would you benefit from the features that have been described? You tell us I used a vending system from the very beginning, now on the third system (migrations are so much fun ) but this is our own developed system and does things for us that no other off the shelf system does but for a single creator who is also the merchant, off the shelf ones would suit. I'm banned from Hippo, I asked difficult questions that they didn't want to answer so we never got to deploy that one, it didn't meet our specific needs. :matte-motes-nerdy: It may suit yours though so get the "demo" ones from each and try them out.
  21. Do I understand it correctly that you're proposing that a default could be to call a language translation API to automatically translate to the other languages, while also allowing manual entry where suitable? Guess Also. The whole of MP listings are NOT managed within the viewer here. This is mostly about the inventory management part only.
  22. CommerceTeam Linden wrote: VMM-20 Include product listing ID in audit listings window results I've updated the JIRA but that was my first observation but that's redundant UI design and actually not that helpful. My later observation was that the audit dialog is completely redundant since the objective appears to be to show listings with faults in them. Better would be to reflect this in the main dialog where the folders are listed. Change the folder icon to a broken one, turn it to an alternate colour, provide a tab to then show "Broken listings" along with the other tabs on that dialog box. That's where we would have to go in order to edit it anyway so having a separate dialog where we have to then cross reference a number back to a location where we actually fix it is superfluous. Similarly, there's no point listing all the listings in the audit that have no errors. See why it's redundant? If you absolutely can't code this and insist on the lazy approach of a generated list (which I appreciate is a fraction of the coding time), then I would suggest a filter to only show broken listings and make the entries in that list hyperlink to the actual listing in the Marketplace Listings window. Think about the workflow, how the users will act upon the information returned. Let me put it in coder speak. If you've just hit the compile button in your compiler and it generates output, the output window doesn't list every line with no errors, it lists the lines of code WITH errors and then if it's a decent compiler, you can click on each and get taken to the line of code to fix it. You don't it pop up in a window and then have to go and find the line in your IDE. I'm asking for the same. Also, you missed another suggestion:- Limited stock items, since there's a count maintained within the Marketplace Listings system, this would be helpful if it were reflected on the listing page for the customer instead of just (Limited Quantities Available). (I appreciate this is a web change and not core "Marketplace Listings" code change but c'mon, it's not exactly out of scope of the whole point behind this update to Marketplace delivery in providing new functionality for delivery of limited stock items).
  23. Mmhmm, my point remains that they can't stop it. They have no way to audit out of world private arrangements and inworld would see only a L$ transaction from A to B.
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