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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. irihapeti wrote: but i add more (: + is $7.92 whichever way you look at it bc the $1.58 isnt paid by LL. LL are not the taxpayer. LL are the tax collector. The $1.58 isnt LLs to do with as it pleases. It dont belong to LL. The tax money belongs to their customer. The customer is liable to pay it. LL is only liable to collect it and pass it on to the taxman In this part you are correct, LL are the tax collector and they will collect $9.50 from the customer so all customers are paying the same $9.50. LL then pay the $1.58 to the tax authority. It's not difficult is it?! What's incorrect is LL's choice of words saying that the VAT is not charged. It IS. It's just that the base subscription has been lowered such that the overall price is the same. LL cannot chose to NOT charge it, in that we agree. However, this is no different from sales that you see on the high street "VAT free weekend sale". It's not correct. It should say "20% off sale".
  2. irihapeti wrote: is incorrect from a business pov Care to state why you believe that? Refuting a complete post without stating why is somewhat lame. I'll state it again, a business can reclaim VAT from inputs where the input good or service relates to the business in whole or in part and where it's in part, there will be a percentage claim of the VAT, not the whole amount. That's it, you cannot just claim VAT on a fridge for example where that fridge lives in your home and is wholly unrelated to the business. Nor can you charge VAT on outputs which are a) not related to the business and you certainly won't charge VAT on transactions inside SL. If you think you can, then I suggest you seek better tax advice!
  3. Freya Mokusei wrote: . There won't be a day where a billion people wear the Oculus Rift, ever. No but give it time for when we have direct connection to the optic nerve and other such sensory inputs direct to the brain. It'll come and at that point, the real market explosion in virtual sex products will launch into hyperspace. People don't want to strap things to their head to chat with friends no but take it to a different level. The film Total Recall has it spot on. Sales of "experiences" which feel real, virtual holidays for example, not just 3D view but feel 100% real in every respect...
  4. irihapeti wrote: Wandering Soulstar wrote: All this does is bring the playing field a bit more into balance from a business perspective, completely levels it in respect to residents from Non-European/Non-US countries, and nearly levels in respect to US residents incorrect from a business perspective then any VAT that LL invoice you for, then your business can offset this against any VAT that you invoice your own customers for unless you not invoicing your customers for VAT. if not then you not running a business. You just a consumer, same as everyone else who dont run any business ONLY if the person paying VAT is VAT registered AND the cost of SL is related to the business and customers of this business would only pay VAT in SL if the output of the service was a real world good or service. Example creating a mesh object and selling it for € or whatever local currency. What would you like to do next, claim a VAT mileage allowance based upon use of an SL car? Also, you appear to have missed the point. LL haven't said they are reducing the price that the customer pays by 20% so your claim of $7.92 is invalid. That may be the amount that LL will take in revenue but the end customer will still pay the extra 20% VAT on top just that LL are marketing it as not being paid. It IS being paid. Everybody will pay $9.50 (or as appropriate depending on subscription taken)
  5. Precisely, their wording is incorrect, they are STILL charging VAT but discounting the subscription. Different thing. Their statement that they are not charging VAT is wrong. Hugh, please can you cite the source of your statistic that 25% of the user base is EU.
  6. What to expect? I hope they make the end of level boss at level 10 easier to defeat. I've been playing SL for a few years and i'm stuck at level 10, any tips?
  7. I'm curious as to the latest blog post:- "We will also no longer charge VAT for Premium subscriptions. If you live in a region where VAT applies, this means an effective savings in some countries of more than 20% below what you would have previously paid!" So do tell LL, what changes are now in place in your accounting that make you except from collecting VAT to EU member states? I can't find anything that has changed other than you can now delcare one EU member state with which to register and collect VAT and they will divy out the proportion to where the end customer resides. If you've changed to not charge VAT now, why did you collect it in the first place if you feel you have a different view? (I know, I know, I won't get an answer but i'm still curious)
  8. It's not difficult to export in a format such that you just paste in a whole column but yes the easier way is to use an update product like I mentioned. I also have a custom version of Zanara's postmaster script which integrated directly into my vending system. Zanara's awesome
  9. Katelyn Dominquez wrote: As for my theft claime. Two people had a written agreement (which should hold up in court) about a transaction. I payed my half and the other person logged. Therefore a breach of agreement. Am I wrong? If you have a written agreement with the other person as a real world named entity and hopefully notarised, then sure, take it to court. It's nothing to do with LL and none of us can help you. That was easy! (Also, it's "paid" when dealing with monies paid out. Payed is when you let out a rope. Handy English Tip #592)
  10. You can set the segment size to be quite large which will significantly reduce the number of triangles from the default but MD doesn't have ANY ability to weight the clothing so it will just turn out a static object file. That's where another tool comes in, you weight and export as DAE and import to SL.
  11. Buy a product that deals with mass redelivery. Or even easier, one that does updates to your product but the horse has already bolted from the stable for this one! I'd recommend a delivery product that checks for avatar online presence first as otherwise sent inventory may become lost due to capped messages when blind sending from a scripted product. (Basically, you just need to export from Marketplace, the list of sales in CSV or whatever, take the column of avatar names or better still, their key and pop those into the notecard of your chosen delivery product. Add your item to be delivered and go and make a cup of tea/coffee or other as you please.
  12. That's what I assumed they would be but when I checked my listings, they are not. I let my store be auto migrated and haven't touched listings for months so to have some LL interference is just plain poor.
  13. Practical TO YOU or not, it would definitely work, unlike a vague text description of a dress. It's not difficult to go through history, you can filter on phrases and search within history. Take a few minutes.
  14. Exactly and to the OP (and anyone else who doesn't understand), please don't go flagging things that you just think are expensive by using the "inflated listing price" reason. That's not what it's for! There is no such "I think it's too expensive" flag and neither should there be. Inflated prices flag is for use when the MP price is higher than inworld or other e-commerce sites.
  15. Close, 27 if I recall (It might have been 26, you may have a better memory about it)
  16. It's a tough crowd when you do get to post here. When you get your MP working again, have a look for "thick skin", you'll need one to survive the SL forums
  17. Christin73 wrote: After spending alot of time on mp lately, I have noticed prices for things have gone up. Not only have they gone up but they have gone up to a rediculously ridiculously high amount. Is the SL ecconomy realy all that great that merchants feel they can rais their prices? Merchants can do what the hell they like with prices, it's an open market, don't buy if you don't like the price. If they don't sell, either the merchant will:- a) change the price (maybe up or down, cheap doesn't always sell because people can assume it's poor quality and thus the reason for cheap). b) not care at all. How many L$1,000,000 pose balls do you think i've sold? If you say zero, you'd be wrong :matte-motes-delicious:
  18. No I think you're wrong, I think sendlife is like blood donation but it's a bit terminal to the donor.
  19. "building your own" and "laptop" don't generally sit well in the same sentence! If you want performance on a budget and swappable hardware then a laptop is not the way to go.
  20. Rathgrith027 wrote: Tegg, this is not just about convienence. Most of us have put our hard earned money into SL, and refuse to just drop everything and start again on a new platform, For me, I want to be able to transfer my funds, and my inventory and avatar, and to also have better performance. Two different products, end of story. You don't buy The Sims and necessarily expect to be able to transfer your content, funds, status to a totally different game. It makes no sense and the error here is anyone calling it Second Life 2. What will be interesting will be to see whether LL discover a loyal user base willing to transfer or whether they'll end up in a self compete situation. We've had "this will be awesome/better" virtual worlds thrown at us before, where are they now? Just because we're customers of Second Life (by Linden Lab), it does not automatically follow that that's an automatic and instant user base for their next product. They've poorly understood their own customer base so far, i'm to be convinced that they have got any better at it!
  21. If it were me, i'd be looking through my browser history of MP pages that i'd visited.
  22. I concur, mine are equally screwed up and I haven't touched anything with MP listings for months. I left LL to automate the migration to VMM too so it's clearly nothing end user.
  23. Other than making the initial draped object, everything else that you asked about is accomplished in your choice of 3D modelling software. MD just drapes cloth. The only exception here is that the pattern layout from MD can be used as the UV layout or you could completely re-do it in other software. Thus the answers to your steps would depend on which software you choose to use after making the initial draped cloth model. Blender is popular and there are plug ins to help creation for SL.
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