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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Iwan Balogh wrote: How can I adjust Revenue Distributions on al my items at once As you've been told, you can't but careful what you wish for. LL would go and implement this in a sweeping across the store change instead of a more logical granular approach. Ideally, it would be better to be able to group items into a revenue split group by assigning them to this group. So what you'd do would be to set up your revenue split groups, define the split members and percentage and then against each item, you just assign that to the revenue split group. Manage the revenue split group at a high level and it would immediately enact upon anything sold. Doing it per product is dumb, doing it globally as a single element is dumb.
  2. Gadget Portal wrote: Further, the seller would IM the buyer repeatedly, telling them ... that they must be using the product wrong I didn't realise Apple were selling iPhones in SL? Besides, what's a Review? Nobody leaves any. Of the one or two a year that I get, I can't say that it bothers me either way but one time, I did get a 1 star because they didn't understand the product so I just added a comment.
  3. They are always online, so they actually keep a server of pc or something running just to keep them online? Yes it's no big deal, there are text and command line clients so it's trivial to have lots of avatars logged in with tiny resource use.
  4. Nothing new, just a box of bots in the sky to make a place look popular. Very quickly you realise it's not busy at all.
  5. Hmm it actually makes sense to me what LL are doing regarding Maya. They need to validate content against a known file format and while I understand your sentiment towards it all being FBX, the same could be said about DAE as an import format for SL. It's more efficient from a development perspective to reduce the number of variables when dealing with any root causes of potential unknown causes of error. It wouldn't be much fun to find that their importer struggled with a peculiar but non compliant FBX file, so they'll just constrain the output source. As to who they've chosen... *shrugs*. I'm less excited about it being optimised for oculus rift. That niche, development only kit that has been superseded by far cheaper alternates. I remain to be convinced as to whether OR as a standalone product will even ever end up being a commercial offering. Actually, I'm not excited about it at all unless the avatar motion is real time animated from a motion capture input. Simply looking at higher quality 3d content via a headset, is that actually what will drive the next environments? LL can't articulate who their current customer is and what that target customer wants so I'm not exactly confident that they have a clue as to what's wanted next but I'm sure the devs are living the dream playing with cool stuff but there's so much marketing bull in that part of LL's, it's hard to find out what it's actually all about. I'll watch with passing curiosity but I guess my enthusiasm has mostly waned.
  6. Once you find the offending word, please be sure to raise a JIRA against each listing that was affected. One JIRA per listing. It's very important to make sure that you share the pain of this utterly retarded waste of time word filter and LL needs to have their time wasted attending to each and every JIRA per item.
  7. Radical idea... Find hair you like and ask the merchant if they could help by providing an unrigged version. The only difference to the merchant is an upload without checking "skin weights" in the upload. It's really no trouble and if they've done the hair the usual way for attachments, I'd expect the upload fee to be L$11. Textures will already be uploaded, so explain your predicament and ask what it would cost. Also worth suggesting including an unrigged version for your response stated. It seems some want to rig mesh for the sake of it, not everything has to be rigged and some things positively work better when not but there's really no issue in a merchant including unrigged as a nice helpful value add.
  8. I've no idea what g&s is but have you actually tried visiting the multitude of sims that cater to the theme? They're not hard to find and most seem to have malls.
  9. Logical, effective, useful. Definitely one for the "won't do" basket, along with all the other amazingly simple yet high value things. There's so much low hanging fruit to be picked, it's pretty much weighing the branches down and touching the floor. Give it a bit longer and the fruit will ferment. Darrius, you should know that you have to come up with useless ideas if you want them implemented, something like... a request for smaller product pictures or a reduction in the number of listings a merchant can have. Oh wait! How about a Share this on Google+ button? (do we have one of these already?)
  10. I see it both ways. Creating a piece of mesh clothing in the first place is a time consuming process, many hours. So to see it be completely devalued by being dumped in the L$60 sale catagory is devaluing that item across everyone else who sells that item from a template. The next move is often to bundle more and more in, tops, shoes, bottoms, complete outfits and flog that as low as possible, just to get that sale. The result is that the customer is indoctrinated into believing that mesh *should* be cheap because they've seen it cheap elsewhere, the same item. Now, along comes someone asking for a custom mesh outfit and they themselves post in their advert terms like "don't think i'm paying more than a couple of thousand L$ just for a custom item" and they get this notion because they've seen full perm kits for that price and complete outfits for a hundred or less. The fact that their custom item may take 40+ hours to make of someones very real time seems to completely pass them by. On the other hand, I can sympathise with your sentiment about having pricing imposed but that's also the same from other content creators who would wish to see their work have a value for all concerned, racing to the bottom of a price war is a mugs game. You have two choices, you can either accept the terms as written or pass them by and choose a different creator from whom to purchase the items you wish to use. Nothing new here. Oh the other option is to just do what the hell you like and make up your own rules and sell regardless of any agreement, nothing is likely to happen anyway *shrugs*.
  11. In the UK you may use your own name as a trading name whether someone else has the same name or not, however, I once knew someone with the surname "king" and he traded as "King's Computers". He received a letter from the appropriate dept at Buckingham Palace or wherever it was, I forget. He was allowed to be " King Computers" but not represent himself as supplying the crown with computers.
  12. A mix of whatever works best. There's little point in mesh underwear, it never sits tight enough unless made specifically for the shape and even if it, typically pokes through anything higher. So it's fine if you want it as the only garments but it won't layer well, I prefer system layer underwear. Mesh for things like jackets, dresses, skirts, anything which needs "body" and isn't supposed to be tight fitting like a tank top, which again is usually better as a system layer item. Either way, wear what you like best for the situation.
  13. Make them together at the same time, with the same weighting, there won't be any poke through between the two items if this is done properly. This is one of the problems with mesh avatars, now the avatar and the clothing ideally needs the same weighting, which may be different from the avatar from another creator and so on. Different jacket from the shirt creator will be a recipe for issues.
  14. With regard to store RL websites in the US protecting you from the abhorrent horror of seeing nipples and clearly wanting to avoid the ensuing mayhem, riots and bloodshed that would result.. If the sheet bra or whatever is a worldwide brand-name, just use say a European store website instead. We don't suffer from nipple phobia. Google will help you find them.
  15. Rhemah wrote: i want to create like five different OwnerSay, can someone give me an idea? integer sayit = TRUE;default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { if(sayit) { llOwnerSay("First!"); sayit = FALSE; } else if(!sayit) { llOwnerSay("Second!"); } } }} // i want to like create more llOwnerSay("Third!"); to Fifth if possible Well, since you have declared an integer, use it as an integer instead of a boolean. TRUE/FALSE are two states but that integer can contain lots of numbers so just use 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and test for 1,2,3,4,5 instead of TRUE or FALSE.
  16. I have to agree, I'd call the template "faulty" and just explain what difficulty is causing. One of two things will happen; the creator of the template will understand and appreciate the issue and will fix it, thank you for bringing it to their attention or, they'll say that they don't have to make it work with anything else, it's your problem etc. At this point, you have the choice to never buy from them again and if bought from marketplace, submit a factual and objective review of the template. The template creator may then apply to LL to have the review removed which should only happen in the case of the review being not objective. Most likely, the LL droids won't even check and will remove the review with an apology to the creator that they were affected by such a review. Alternatively, the creator could just relist the item as a new product and start again with no reviews. Also against the rules but plenty of merchants either don't know the rules out do it deliberately and its not really policed by LL. Choices choices! I hope you get the first result.
  17. Stiletto Moody was the project of Jonty Glaser (Google him) and was a project to see if he and a team could create a high value brand in a virtual world. They outsourced actual creation and there are various stories about the actual creators not being paid in the end. I don't believe they were first to do prim feet but forget who it was instead. They were definitely the most successful at it at the time though. They had a marketplace store for a while but were very late to join the marketplace concept and as a result were competing against better quality, cheaper, established and more importantly, better reviewed items. There were a few reviews of the SM products but they were all pretty bad reviews. They didn't move into mesh and as a result poofed. The texture quality was always very high though, beautiful renders. So, summary..Stiletto Moody did not stand the test of time. What also has to be remembered is that creators can lose interest, circumstances change etc. so the desire it opportunity or other reasons may exist that influence a creators decision as to whether to keep up or just let things slide.
  18. You're taking a walk and stop in the street. You take a photograph in a public place. I'n the street scene of your composition is an art shop displaying paintings behind the window. You move closer and take another similar picture where the shop is prominent in your photo. You move even closer and this time, only the shop window and the paintings are in the photo. Next, you fill the frame of your picture with an image of just one painting and you take the picture. Finally, you enter the shop and repeat the previous composition. The question is, did you infringe copyright and if so, at what point? (Question is for fun and discussion, not based upon a specific event. Assume that the artist is still alive and has not granted any free use.)
  19. The terms of service document is not that difficult to read or search. If you're going to jump on the AR bandwagon due to a belief that someone has breached the tos but I'm the next breath ask a very basic question, easily answered by a quick look at the tos, that's a big clue that you ought to go and read it. After all, you did agree to it before using the service... You did read it right?
  20. C'mon Perrie, we can do better than that, try this reason for example http://metro.co.uk/2015/08/03/man-upgrades-to-windows-10-it-shows-his-wife-his-entire-porn-collection-5324588/
  21. Siri: "The 'Like' button was added to Marketplace listings following an overwhelming LACK of requests for it. Other really useful features were ignored for a long time and most of them remain so."
  22. What would your question to these assistants be and what would be their answer? Q: "Hey Cortana, What who are Second life merchants?" A: "As the name implies, Second Life merchants are second class citizens in a virtual world, thanks for asking!" Q: "Ok Google, how does Linden Lab value the merchant community in Second Life?" A: "I'm sorry but I don't understand that question, Linden Lab only recognises the value of the community of cube dwellers that write code." Q: "Hey Siri, why do I STILL get errors when trying to use the Second Life Viewer Managed Marketplace ?" A: "You're using it wrongly of course *rolls eyes*" Please continue... :matte-motes-evil:
  23. C'mon Arwen be fair. The intially overdue roll out of VMM was then rushed towards the end and an unreleased viewer thrust upon the great unwashed mass (aka 'Just Merchants'). Please don't pose difficult questions at this time, ask about fun stuff like RAINBOWS or UNICORNS instead. Thanks! :matte-motes-inlove:
  24. VictoriaJuliette wrote: Come on, Singularity! Hurry up, Firestorm! We're drowning over here. Oh please, don't forget to throw some mud in the direction of LL for their poor planning, rushed end to this migration due to internal issues that they revealed, which required the use of an unreleased viewer and failure to make available to the TPV devs the required source code. After all, there's no need to go through the proper code validation cycle "just for merchants", they can use what's kinda probably working as after all, they're "just merchants". I vote Oz for the new PR guy, at least he's honest!
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