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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. The old avatar might be using some texture that hasn't been used by anyone in a long time and SL just refuses to load it. I would try switching back to the default linden avatar and see if that works. I'm not sure what the new avatar problem is. Is it partially invisible?
  2. One thing I've got to say about Second Life is it OWNS avatar customization... and crafting.
  3. You need to rez them on the ground first. From there you can right click and edit them. Ctrl-shift-L unlinks the prims. Then you can take back the unlinked items into your inventory and try to wear them.
  4. It looks like they are sold as copy/mod so I guess you should try unlinking the pieces if possible.
  5. You can just get a set that is modifiable and resize it.
  6. You should take pictures with a 2nd avatar. Log both in at the same time. Pose the model and look at the photographer. Use your photographer to take the picture. You can also have your model look at a rezzed object that is placed wherever you want the model to look.
  7. Hey, I'm 2m tall and I'm a shorty in SL. LOL. I'm guessing you want a tall skinny fashion model type look. It's pretty much a matter of proportion than actual height and I agree with the other replies that say you just need the shape.
  8. It would be difficult to get textures of an outfit changed by a person who is not the creator. The outfit would have to be full permissions allowed for you to give the outfit to someone to modify and then return to you. Not many outfits are full perm unless you buy one of those expensive full perm items on the marketplace in which case you could certainly modify it or have someone modify it for you.
  9. Oddballs http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Serena%20dAlliez/242/135/23
  10. Are they still following you? Why would they follow you anyways? Did you have some relationship with them? Was it some kind of... romantic triangle? Did you get your SL client from a reputable source? Or... was it on a burned cdr with 'secondlife' handwritten with a sharpie? Have you tried doing multiple jumps to different sims in a short period of time? Are you absolutely sure about the attachments? I'd take them all off, including the huds... and burn them.
  11. When the guy started singing in elvish I had to laugh.
  12. I would prefer a prefab house that has the lowest land impact possible. I think mesh houses are capable of offering more detail and better design with less land impact. I just want as much prims as possible for putting in furniture. I've seen many houses in SL that are just a house with absolutely no furniture or decoration. I'd look at the prim usage and see no prims available.
  13. I would try the marketplace for finding things and then going in-world to the stores. There's lots of what you mentioned. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/
  14. No, there really aren't any problems with say... pulling an animation from a chair you bought and putting into another chair that you will be using in your home. The only issue is if you try to resell a chair with someone's animation but that normally can't happen unless the animation is copy/transfer which is never the case.
  15. It sounds like something on your avatar since you say you get a high fps focusing on everything else but your avatar. What happens when you are focused on your avatar? Low fps? I would think it's something you were wearing. Have you tried removing all attachments? Going to a different sim? Maybe logging in to a 2nd account?
  16. All animations are files that can be played directly from your inventory. If you double click on the animation in your inventory it will ask you to play inworld or locally. If you choose inworld everyone can see the animation if you choose locally only you will see the animation. To see yourself inworld walking in an endless loop you simply need to find or buy a walk animation. You can get them at almost every animation store in SL. Once you have it, double click on it from your inventory and it will make you walk endlessly since almost all walk animations are designed that way. If you have an AO (animation overrrider) you have a walk animation inside it. You can pull it out of the AO and put in your inventory but I don't know what permissions are set on the AO. You may not be able to do it. I would just get a new walk animation from a store.
  17. I just asked my nephew about learning cursive. His answer was "Yeah, they taught us that back in third grade." So I guess that actually learning cursive is not that time consuming or difficult. My niece overheard us and told me, "They tell us to write everything in cursive in grade school but in middle school the teachers say they'll flunk us if we try to write our reports in cursive. All of the kids in class were all: WHAT?" So there you go, cursive gets kicked to the curb in middle school.
  18. Also get one of these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834982150
  19. Go to Newegg.com On right click on PC's and Laptops and go to Laptops/Notebooks On the navigation bar to the left click on the advanced tab Look for Graphic Card and choose Dedicated Card from the drop down menu Then sort everything by price. Here are a few items I found by searching there: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834216539 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152464 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834312833 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834314182 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152463 Free shipping. You pay tax if you live in California. Even if you don't buy from Newegg you get the idea of exactly which laptops w/ graphics cards are available for your budget. You can shop around at other web sites for these models and see if you can get them cheaper. You want a dedicated video card from Nvida or AMD/ATI. If you go to Newegg you'll see some really cheap laptops under $500 that have the NVIDIA GeForce GT 610M. Don't get those. Those are low-end graphics cards. Also keep an eye out for OPEN items. These can be higher end models but they were returned. I would copy-paste the laptop card into google and go see what notebookcheck.net says about them. It says helpful things like: The performance of the Radeon HD 8750M should be slightly below the GeForce GT 640M. Current and demanding games like Far Cry 3 should run (more or less) fluently in medium resolutions and detail settings. I would go for a laptop with an Nvidia card.
  20. As much as I like cursive, I only use it for signatures now. It's been years and years since needing to use it in reading or writing. I think it's fallen out of standard usage so much and it should either be removed or less time should be spent teaching it.
  21. They should just make the display names much more prominent. Make it so all viewers show just the display name and hide the real avatar names in the profiles and object details. Heck, I have turned off names so now I have to actually look at people and ask them, "who are you?" and if someone IMs me I have to say, "where are you? I have no idea what you look like".
  22. Ways I have made money in SL. 1. I used to learn how to build in a sandbox that gave me small amounts of money just for being there. It was like camping except you could build things which is infinitely more interesting than just sitting on a camping chair. I don't think there is much camping now in SL. I could be wrong because I haven't tried camping in a long time. 2. Gambling. I used to play the slot machines or black jack. Sometimes certain gambling shops would have loose slots to entice users. Those usually lost a lot of money for the owners and would close down. I didn't make much money but I didn't lose much either. I don't think gambling has been reinstated yet. 3. Camping. This is where you sit on camping chair and it gives you very little money over a long amount of time. It's actually not bad if you sit with people who can chat for long periods. 4. Money trees. Do they still have these? I would make a list of money trees and teleported to each whenever I would log in for the day. 5. Sploders. These were in clubs and you would put money in the pot and it randomly gave out money to people. I tried these very rarely. 6. Random charity. Once when I was very new a furry wearing a kilt gave me 100L and took me to Yadni's freebie yard. It was the most money I had ever seen at the time. 7. Store greeter/helper. This was real actual work. Clock in, work, clock out. There were store models too. Girls just got on their pedestal and posed. I had to do all the greeting and pointing things out and some light customer service things too. 8. Dancer. I worked a very short time at a club as a dancer. I learned a lot about how a club works. The manager was mean. We had the most laggy grand opening ever. 9. Builder. I would make things and try to sell them on Xstreet. I put my magic box in a little rental area for cheap. After earning enough money I made a storefront and sold in-world. I made a 2nd store with an alt. I eventually closed up my shops and went back to Xstreet which is now the SL Marketplace. 10. Surveyor. I took a job to survey regions by going to the region and writing a description of the place. It was good money but it didn't last. There are many more ways to make money of course. You just have to explore and make yourself knowledgeable about SL which you can do for free and have fun in the process.
  23. I've been wearing this for the past month...
  24. Uhm... are we supposed to critique your avatar or something? Or simply bask in your magnificence? :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  25. First, you unbox the contents of the tangos box by dragging the box out of your inventory to the ground, right click and choose 'open' and then click on 'copy contents to inventory'. This creates a folder with a lot of lola tango stuff in it. You don't need most of it because you have an applier for your skin. Find the object that says mesh breasts (spine) or something like that and wear it. You should see your new tango breasts. You may need to shrink your avatar's real breasts so they don't show underneath and you may also need to wear a 'dehancer' to remove any other shading in your chest area. Next, you unbox your skin's applier if necessary. Wear the applier hud. It should show up on your screen somewhere. Click on whereever it tells you to click to apply your skin texture. There might also be more options available on the applier hud. Once you've set everything you can detach the hud. After all that you can click on the breasts themselves and take a look at the menu options for things you might want to adjust.
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