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sirhc DeSantis

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Everything posted by sirhc DeSantis

  1. Well harsh responses or not, the part where the OP says '... and since lightning rarely strikes twice, tranfered my REAL trove of lindens to the recently attacked avie...' strikes me as - hmmm better not say:) Lets settle for foolish, especially as this would have been done after, by OPs account, having the hijacking reported to the Lab... Also, why would an 'attacker' set the password back so the OP could get into the account to do so anyway?
  2. User logs in to SL. Opens desired recipients profile. Sends IM... So a little more info on desired functionality would be nice..like actual usage.
  3. Oooh, this promises to be a fun one ! Well, "word is" pictures, no wait, video or it never happened. I believe some sort of salty corn thing is in order.
  4. Ah the press "All the News That's Fit to Print" and "V Pravde net izvestiy, v Izvestiyakh net pravdy."
  5. to add to the answers - please tell us how you identify these copybotters. Please share how you do it
  6. If its in your inventory you can check the creator - so ask them
  7. It really depends on what part is not working...if for example it requires an external data server perhaps? Please add more details as to exactly what is not working.
  8. Rodvik did a great job and i vote for .. anyone but M and phil:) And Torley is too good for the job anyway
  9. 30 years ago .... I was a car cleaning uni fail who got a job on ability to bluff,,,and machine code if we are doung 30 years stuff....tech is the wave i surfed for a while and still have my zx 81 very heavily moddes
  10. but you forgot to say 'forumite' so you fail =^^= As someone who got stung once this way, after the anger ebbed I realised that the Lab do this kind of thing rather well. Edit as i spelled anger wrong
  11. Play nice - we should be more supportive if the poor thing can only count to five - even I have to think if its more than one paws worth you know
  12. Until you (re)posted the link? No. So well done there
  13. '...Our loss is High Fidelity's gain..' Very true and certainly makes me want to take another look. Thanks for your time and work Andrew and the best of luck.
  14. And it took you 49 days to reach these conclusions - triple checked i guess Coo even I move faster than that...
  15. mmmm chewing yep most of em and lets throw in sum chum i a ESLer eh?
  16. And you bring this up specifically for mesh uploads because...no seriously..it (or something like it) has always applied. Why start worrying now:) All I can think of is people having an outworld commercial quality model that they worry about bringing in here to grab a few L$ with that might in some way complicate things.
  17. I think whatever I really feel about another 'royal' parasite being whelped would never make it past the filters here. Thankfully, I won't be paying for it.
  18. 'I tend ot travel' too. So its not a real service its just another ad scam? Nothing wrong with that of course - theres people here who think salesperson is a career choice.
  19. Also in a good mood so in no order: Because I feel like it. No don't really care. They do it because they want to as well and good for them And the biggie - because we can.
  20. Arghhh I spend 20 years fleeing that dreaded game and think I find a place blissfully bereft of a mention but no - stumps and pads and wickets follow even here - I must be cursed or being punished... As for the OP, yes all very generically worthy (unless the 50 shades was some sort of vague book plug) but the text can be found practically verbatim all over the net. Even got a mention at various 'meme' tracking sites.
  21. Well please create a pared down toy that can run SL then Seriously, its a pretty intensive thing this SL - needs a real computer.
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