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sirhc DeSantis

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Everything posted by sirhc DeSantis

  1. UEA had some similar back when I was a Kitten in the 80's. Surprised to see how parochial it all seems now. Or how parochial the approach now? So thirty years plus on it made no difference ,,,plus ça change eh probably the wrong place here anyway.
  2. There are many things I might have problems with the OP however the issue raised is valid. I am tired of dog whistle stuff. As I am tired of who shouts loudest in our shouty world. OP pointed me to a case where as a former Quebec resident it was interesting and despite misgivings I added. With real name. And BJ I have lived most if not all my life in 'the West' (and worked so many places - try looking at a globe) so as your NME - do feel free. note to mods NME was/is very bad music rag
  3. hmmm signed because debate needed. not a fan of online petitions in general but seems apt here.
  4. As users/residents of SL who do not reside in the - place across the water should we care? Checked my local ISPs (all national) and I have 4 I can choose. Two of which recently wired us up for no charge. So... should we care?
  5. ' Edited 1 hour ago by BilliJo Aldrin too many asterics again ' The word I believe is Asterisk, plural has an S. I always remember as it was always my, ahem, A*** to risk. Brought to you by the department of pointless yet correct Interjections. Carry on now...
  6. ...still going and fun to watch although needs more calls to the 'community'. As is said ' He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone..' and I can do you points, flats and packets of gravel wholesale, Squire.
  7. Little off topic, but anyone know where the blond guy got his hair? Need something silly for my human form before the next time I go - sunbathing.
  8. Usual suspects and didn't see it... Yep this is the big grid if you have not tried alternatives then tough. Confession never cashed out here but have elsewhere, All earned here goes back in. Have earned elsewhere through stuff learned here. and via OS but don't bother. Sums it up. Your choice. But that blog post was not signed so who ya gonna call (I screenshot for fun and save pages. Call me old fashioned and I read too) PS run own OS instance that is HG for fun - and still come here. And was also in that CP hihi where everyone got erm best not to use that word. If what you make is not portable then tough. I like it here.
  9. Took a few minutes to track down some of those articles referred to and with the usual 'take anything on the web with a grain of salt' : 1) I didn't know you even could farm in that game. If it is where its happening then technical resources are a lot lower - I reckon even the scrapped box I grabbed from the last bin day would run it and I was going to demolish it to make xmas ornaments its that old. 2) SL can be a bit hostile but compared to the rest of the web (in this case that perennial place of nastiness 'message board' beginning with R that has a little alien as its mascot. Used to have presence here too) its a beacon of tolerance. So yes, go ahead and make that vid - your work is always fun and anyone forced to grind games for basic survival (if they have the means) might even find a sympathetic reception. 'Might' being the operative term as ever.
  10. Just checked - I am still listed so memories Sweet so yes active in my book.... well me anyway. Now I carry a StreetSweeper StakeGun (tm)
  11. Yes I have a few. Only one solely mine. Very early I made friends with a dying man, around early 2007. Bear his name was. Last weeks before he was taken and via SL is all I have. I keep him on my 'friends list' til this day. Does that count? As an object? As apart from a few fragments of conversation that is all there was and is between us. There are others. But they are shared.
  12. Pretty much always (mostly as I forgot to turn it back off after building once and was surprised). Sometimes with shadows but actually prefer a certain wl setting (depth of field I like but it is a bit too unreal after decades of old school photography). Then its only if I have to be around more than 4 or so others and usually a quick derender is faster (attachments especially). Even wombling around the mainland (draw distance usually at 96m) . Generally pull 20+ fps which is fine for my needs. Not bad for this old windows seven 32 bit box with a huge 2 gigs - about the only change since 2009 has been a vid card (first gt 610 then gt 620 - replaced an earlier dustbin find, I am way down the food chain when it comes to new stuff). As someone noted above, sooner derender/jelly doll avs then lose the effects on builds.
  13. "I wouldn't do nothing else" and was the reason I splashed out on netscape high speed (!) for my first home net before SL. Also, cats...
  14. Scriptures for vehicles ? Well 'Blessed are the meek for they take not from the library but verily do strive to create their own'
  15. Good to hear Tommy:) From the supplier site..
  16. Feedback? OK. Another reason to lurk in the important bits - however personally defined. 'Invision Community' well - would like to comment sometimes but - urgh 'community'. Who cares, after 10.5 years insert smiley thingy.
  17. I bought it before the original was pulled and its the best MP purchase ever
  18. Everything is 'usefull' as an example of 'never never ever make this/do this/perms wahh' or 'what were they thinking. My first 2006 cube fits that as its non copy even to me (now thats a bug going back), Most 'pointless' now hihi
  19. Fabulous advice but midnight plus is a bit tricky with my time zone so I tend to read the transcripts. And joy to behold no update since mid june. Ah well. But can check the agenda.. erm well from 2 weeks ago http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group Good stuff.
  20. Funny that this apllies to MP and dashboard but not here. Have to love services integration aka left hand not knowing it is a hand.
  21. Its all a bit 'carrot' so far, waiting for the 'stick' anchor, the one that gets tied to your foot to see if you can float when thrown in the deep end. Thats how these things tend to go isn't it?
  22. Possible to choose? Well chose to belive in Anoia and never looked back.
  23. Even though I ended up with some broken kit (which the creator has made an upgrade available so very happy with them) have to agree this was a good move on the Labs part. Plus it has been front and centre in terms of discussion here (and elsewhere) for some weeks so not exactly a surprise. Double plus it kicked me in to cobbling together one for my own use.
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