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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. The problem with that comparison is that SL isn't like Skyrim or other MMOs. Other MMOs have content created by the developers directly. Content in SL is almost entirely created by the users. LL can't keep breaking people's content as it breaks the whole of SL, frustrating creators and end-users alike. Even breaking-changes to closed-source code libraries aren't a good comparison, as the developers relying on those can choose NOT to include the new changes. We can't choose our preferred API version in SL.
  2. Wait. All of your answers are here? "We don't want to just enable last names." "Having to choose a last name negatively affected the sign up process." "We don't want name changes to be frequent."
  3. Yes and no. Increasing the amount of keyframes per second just makes the motion more precise. The motion between keyframes is interpolated by the viewer, so the overall "smoothness of motion" for your animation doesn't depend on the animation's framerate, but viewer framerate.
  4. Counter-question: Why do you care? What's special about: "Tσm Cαrtєr" vs "Tom Carter"
  5. Because they decided it would make a good Premium perk. If you can get non-Premium accounts to switch over to Premium (like I will) because of one perk, all of those people have the potential to keep their subscriptions active after they get a taste of all the perks during the first period. Linden purchases from new accounts is short-sighted and unreliable. A subscription is safe and stable income.
  6. This is not how gambling is legally defined.
  7. There actually aren't that many of them, and the ones that exist either cost money AND/or have terrible user interface & experience.
  8. You must not have a very good PC or VR. No matter how good your PC is, SL won't run well in a lot of circumstances. VR also REQUIRES a smooth framerate, I'm talking up to 90 FPS per eye. If you're double digits below that, especially below 50-60, nausea will follow. 30 FPS will physically bring me to my knees. You forgot the physical strain of just doing the motions. There have been a couple times I've rendered my arms and/or shoulders almost unusable for a couple days after a long session of Beat Saber. 😥 There's also a couple positions my other arm just doesn't like and causes "popping" or pain.
  9. Do you think it's okay to buy something off the market and give it to everyone full-perm? Talk to the creator you bought that from, don't just share it.
  10. I have that (V-Tech Boi Chest) as well and it doesn't have any boob rigging. Absolutely flat.
  11. I have both and no, it's not possible to make one look like the other. Kemono's proportions are too different from Maitreya. I'm gonna shorten the names because I'm on mobile. Mait can't be made as short without looking squished and bloated. Mait can't even resize it's feet to match Kem's. Mait's breasts deform as soon as you go below 50, though they can look okay until like 35-40 with help from other sliders. Kem uses a deformer to squish the shoulders closer together to get its correct shape.
  12. Just in case nobody's mentioned it yet, the whole point of these fishing games is traffic. The land owner pays, the people come, traffic goes up. Whether or not the money goes to multiple people or one person with multiple alts, traffic goes up equally. The land owner gets what they intended. There's few arguments you can make besides appealing to fairness, as the goal isn't really to provide a fair game to people. Paying for traffic isn't any better.
  13. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Normie-Head/13071631?id=13071631&slug=UTILIZATOR-Normie-Head This probably fits your "realistic anime head" criteria. It has Omega built in.
  14. This issue is real but totally unrelated to the new scheduling system. "Scripts don't execute at all, or are delayed indefinitely" is a problem that has always existed in heavy-lag sims and situations. When Scripts Run is below 60-30 %, the problems become very obvious for very obvious reasons.
  15. I can't tell if this is supposed to be light-hearted or not.
  16. Until they come back to give clarification, I don't think they meant that they're literally going to be making something like a solar system. It was just an example of how the tilt of the object (Earth) doesn't change as it rotates around its own axis. (Which, by the way, isn't even true about the Earth. 🤔)
  17. Trigonometry was never my strong-suit. vector angle = <0, 45, 0>; llTargetOmega(<0,0,1> * llEuler2Rot(angle * DEG_TO_RAD), 1, 1); Same effect, but making a child rotate from the root script: integer link = 2; list data = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]); rotation local = llList2Rot(data, 0); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link, [PRIM_OMEGA, <0,0,1> * local, 1, 1]); This is my interpretation of what the OP wanted, anyway. "360 degrees on its same position while keeping its angle."
  18. The Maitreya and Belleza bodies follow the standard LL avatar UV mapping (usually just called LL UV). You can find the UV templates for example here: https://robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/AVUVTemplates.html After you have the textures finished and uploaded, you need an applier dev kit (Omega is free, not sure about Maitreya/Belleza's own) and use those. Or you might be able to just use the official SL avatar model and texture that within Blender, extract the UV map yourself, or something.
  19. If your avatar is standing freely, this will be impossible to do accurately, because LSL can only get an approximation of the avatar's rotation. Edit: Click here to see what it looks like when a prim tries to copy the rotation of an avatar. This inaccuracy will cause unfixable problems for any kind of rotational calculations.
  20. Okay but literally: All you need is llSetRot to change the HUD's rotation. llEuler2Rot is there to just make things more "human-readable." This is also exactly what the Catwa HUDs do, since that's what you gave as an example.
  21. Typically you can't. If everybody was able to just take a peek at the code of a real product, they could find away to exploit whatever bug there might be, and break the product for others or worse. If you're looking for generalized examples, I'm not sure which in-world locations to suggest, but there's plenty of code here and in the LSL Library.
  22. This poem is even more poorly constructed than anything LL has come up with in the recent years.
  23. I strongly disagree. The average SL user doesn't want to juggle their body parts in a system where detaching your jacket gets rid of your entire torso, not to mention trying to wear separate pieces of clothing like a crop-top and an open jacket, which would cause a lot of the "exposed skin" to be duplicated. SL doesn't have the capability nor standardization to create a clothing system like in The Sims. If you have a finished body on sale, taking that model, removing the UV map and reducing the topology to create a more simplified "dummy" model protects you from people uploading that model back to SL and having a full-perm version of your body. These are just a couple things I as a non-mesher can come up with off the top of my head. I realized I missed your point and just kinda repeated what you said. I don't think "having to work with a limited-quality dev-kit" is a bad thing. Even just removing the UV map from the model makes it really hard (or at least too much work) for people to reupload the body to SL and have it work with other content made for the same model. Copybotters can get your fully detailed body with its UV map and rigging preserved from in-world, you have nothing to lose and all the content support to gain from just putting your paranoia aside and making a dev-kit easily accessible to as many people as possible. You need people to create clothes for your body, because without outfit variety your body is useless to most people.
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