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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Assuming you are a Premium member, you have provided payment method information...either a credit card or a verified PayPal account. Next, you have to Age Verify, since only people 18 or older are allowed to go to Moderate areas, and all the Linden Homes are in Moderate rated regions. Click your Account link on the left side of your dashboard page, then click Age Verification and follow the instructions.
  2. The places mentioned (especially Amacci and Damselfly) have very nice hair. I'd also add Analog Dog. The Dog's hair also moves well, but differently than other makers. It works especially well with straight styles, like the "Chicago flapper" bob called "Sasha".
  3. The answer is no, you can't use a credit or debit card to withdraw money from Second Life. You need to get a verified PayPal account. In theory, you can also use a wire transfer, but the fees for this are outrageous and it's only useful for withdrawing LARGE sums of money, like $10,000. Some third party sites allow a bit more flexibility. For example, VirWox says, "Transfer the real-world money to a PayPal, NETELLER, Moneybookers, or bank account using the "Withdraw" page." See http://www.virwox.com for more details.
  4. File a support ticket with the category "possibly compromised account", and also email security@secondlife.com with any information you have.
  5. This seems to be a resurgence of an early Viewer 2 bug. Nalates' blog offers the following fix: "I added slplugin.exe to my Windows Firewall and told my anti-virus it is an exception. I checked my computer for older versions of slplugin.exe and replaced all the older versions with a copy of the latest. I rebooted the computer after the changes. After the restart the SL2.0 Beta viewer started without the error." In the same blog post, she notes that some people also got relief by setting slplugin.exe to run in Windows Compatibility Mode.
  6. One way to tell it's a scam is the URL. Your screenshot only gives a partial, http://bit... That is NOT a legitimate Linden Lab website. On the other hand, they've used a clever disguise, shortening the URL by using the TinyURL service (which is legitimate, and LL often uses it to display short links on the login screen.) But if you click it, the URL it takes you to does NOT say "https://id.secondlife.com...." which is the correct URL for an SL website login page. DO NOT enter any information, it's a scam to steal your login information and your account.
  7. It most certainly is, Esther! With or without a Premium membership. I teach a class that covers the basics of Second Life land at Caledon Oxbridge University, on Fridays at 5 pm SL time. Hope to see you there!
  8. Sorry, your post does not make sense. Abandoned mainland is ALWAYS sold at $L1 per square meter. It's an automatic process and no LL employees are involved. As Cinnamon states, there is a grace period duing which Abandoned land can be reclaimed by the previous owner, but that's the only exception. See this page for the official word: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Abandoned-land/ta-p/846143
  9. You can't get pregnant in SL. You can ROLEPLAY pregnancy, and there are any number of devices and props to add to the realism of the roleplay. But there are NO intrinisic scripting functions or avatar commands in SL to support, er, "real" virtual pregnancy. Your sister should put "I don't do pregnancy roleplay" in her profile, as another poster suggested. The next time someone tells her, via chat, IM, or scripted device that she's pregnant, her response should be, "No, *bleep*. YOU'RE pregnant. And muted." Forget all the nonsense about sterilization, birth control, and abortions. That's just buying into the roleplay. JUST SAY NO. It's that simple, really it is.
  10. Linden Lab does not accept most prepaid cards. You're much more likely to have success by using a regular credit card or a verified PayPal account. You can use your prepaid card to buy $L from a reputable third party site, such as VirWox.
  11. Many people are having this problem. Best I can suggest is to try using the Firefox web browser.
  12. Go to Advanced/Debug Settings. Type in RenderGlow. If it is set to False, re-set it to True.
  13. Irene is correct about going first to "Destination Island". There is nothing special to do or see there, but I recommend you spend a little time there exploring your user interface. Especially see the "How To" button to learn a bit about how to move your avatar and talk to others. When you feel ready to leave, you can walk through one of the doors to be sent to a random Destination within the door's general category. Or if you want to go to a specific place, choose World/Destinations from the top menu and select a location from the many that are listed there. Or you can use Search (the magnifying glass icon button, or the Search entry space in the top menu bar) to look for other places to visit. I recommend first going to a place where you can learn more about Second Life. Two of my favorites are Caledon Oxbridge University and White Tiger Help Island. They have self paced tutorials, and live helpers to talk to if you have questions.
  14. You won't get a refunt for this week, but set it to the correct amount so that you won't be billed the higher amount a second time.
  15. Ha! I SAID it was a lot of work. ANY solution is going to be complicated, due to the fact that the "friend" has no payment method.
  16. 1. Don't use Internet Explorer as your browser for this site. Try Firefox or Safari and see if the problem goes away. 2. Don't use the Marketplace to buy items. It's buggy, and even more than usual lately. Use it to FIND items, then get the in world location and go buy it there.
  17. Mesh viewers do require more resources than non-mesh viewers. However, "don't work" doesn't give us enough information to go on. I'm going to suggest three parallel approaches. 1. Give us more information, especially about your system. Look in Help/About Second Life for specifics on your machine and paste them into your original post using the Options/Edit button at the upper right. 2. Get help for a specific viewer. Note any error messages or behaviors while trying to use either Phoenix or Firestorm, then join the in world group "Phoenix/Firestorm Support Group" and ask your questions in group chat there. 3. Have you tried the official mesh-enabled Linden Lab viewer? If not, download and install it and give it a shot.
  18. These answers are from residents just like yourself...but many of them have been in SL for years and are NOT "random know-nothings." You'll also notice that a lot of the answers consist of material from the Knowledge Base, cut and pasted here for the convenience of people who can't be bothered to look for it themselves (or, I grant you, find it in spite of trying...Search can be difficult at times.) These answers from the Knowledge Base ARE "offical Linden Lab" information. While you will find an occasional wrong answer here (sometimes from a smart, experienced person who just got it wrong for once, and sometimes from a random know-nothing), I'd say about 95% of the answers here are spot on. That's awfully good, especially considering that the answers are not vetted in any way by LL staff. No, I take that back. I got a private message from Lexie Linden once telling me I'd given out the wrong number for live help. So they DO lurk here. What I personally would distrust is any friend who tells me she "talks to a Linden". Lindens are not known for their chatty habits with Residents.
  19. Bear in mind that a Linden Home doesn't have a "price", a one time cost. It's a benefit of Premium membership. Premium membership can only be held if you have a credit card or a verified PayPal account. So your friend cannot be Premium, and they cannot own a Linden Home. If you want, you could let them use YOUR Linden Home as their own, as described by other answers here. Or you could buy a plot of Mainland, form a group with your friend, and deed that land to the group. And then pay the monthly tier on the land for your friend. This is all a lot of work. It would be easier just to 1) find a small parcel on a Private Estate, 2) have your friend lease it, and 3) send your friend enough $L every month to pay for it. EDIT: You don't say how well you know your friend. If you know them in Real Life and you want to help them that's one thing. But please be aware that there are lots of scammers and con artists in SL, who will pretend to be your friend in order to get money from you. Your decision is up to you, but if it were me I would never support a "friend" by paying for their land.
  20. Both the free Metanomics translator and the $L490 Q-Trans work fine. I'm not sure what translation engine they are using, but nobody's charged me for using them. Metanomics will only translate your outgoing chat to one language at a time, so it's not as handy in a situation where there are more than two languages in use at once. Also, it often seems to think that other people are speaking Dutch...but it translates them OK anyway. Q-Trans is more full-featured, but for everyday use I find Metanomics clean and simple and easy to use.
  21. I think Cinnamon means June 1 is the (currently advertised) date on which merchants MUST use Direct Delivery. You CAN migrate now, if you want to. I did, with no problems, although I'm certainly aware that others have not had as painless an experience.
  22. My friend Qie Niangao made a gadget that lets you position the camera in front of your avatar and watch yourself walking toward it. It does a lot of other camera tricks too...unfortunately at the moment I can't even recall the NAME of the thing. IM Qie and he'll tell you all about it.
  23. Wow. Now that's something I never even worried about. On my own OpenSim regions, which are hosted on my home PC, when I "restart" them, it means that I at least close the simulator program and re-start it. Or, it may mean I turn off and reboot my PC. I have no idea what LL does. :smileyembarrassed:
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