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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. There are some conflicting policy statements on this. Here is an excerpt from LL's policy on listing items for sale in the Marketplace... The following actions are disallowed. Note that these actions are disallowed by the Second Life Terms of Service, and are restated here for clarification. Listings for Real-World Goods or Services. The SL Marketplace is only for digital content and services that are designed and intended for use with the Second Life virtual world technology. We expressly prohibit the listing or sale of any and all goods or services designed or intended to be delivered in the real world, for example, delivered in person or mailed or shipped to a physical address.
But, on the same page, they also say... References to Other E-Commerce Websites. You are free to include references and links to your in-world stores or to your own personal websites, but please do not provide references or links to our competitors in your item listings.
 Here's the page these were snipped from: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines#references-to-other-ecommerce-websites In my opinion (I'm not an official spokesperson for Linden Lab), it's OK to do this. However, I would think you are going to face some potential problems. The main problem has to do with privacy. Second Life avatars are not required (and in fact, in most cases should not) disclose their Real Life identities. If you do know the RL identity of an SL user, the Terms of Service specifically prohibit you from sharing or using this information without the avatar's consent. Your service, I would guess, will require that you know the RL identity of your clients. As for your specific questions: No, don't ask permission from anyone. It's always better to ask for forgiveness than permission. No, you don't pay anyone a commission (unless you'd like to pay ME one, for this useful free advice!) Linden Lab collects their cut by charging you tier on the land where you build your store or kiosk or offices or whatever.
  2. "Shiny new computer"? Not with Windows XP and a 2400 graphics card. Jack, you traded the cow for "magic beans", I think.
  3. Technically, the virus did NOT come from SL. It came from your web browser. Notice the word "browser" in the infected directory. When you click a web link within SL, such as one someone sends you in chat or IM, a browser opens. This can be a browser window within the Second Life interface, or you can choose to have your regular web browser open a separate window. You can also have "browsers" open if you are within draw distance of an object that has had a media texture applied to one or more of its faces ("Media On A Prim") You are doing a right thing by having an antivirus program that scans web pages you open and provides a warning. I recommend being careful about clicking on URLs strangers give you, and disable the "autoplay media" function in your preferences. The SL viewer itself is free of viruses and malware. However, as long as we have the functionality in the browser to connect to the Web, we have to live with the same risks as any other internet user.
  4. Valerie may have a clue to the problem. Does your friend still own the land? Or did the hacker transfer the land to another account while he had control of your friend's account? Also, make sure he's doing it right. To unban someone, right click the ground, select About Land. Go to the Access tab. Highlight the name of the person to remove from the ban list and click Remove/Delete. If there are several parcels, this process has to be done for each of them.
  5. The tier level only shows the charge for your land. Your Premium membership fee is added on top of that. To see your total bill, go to Account/Account Summary. That will show your billing for Premium, and your billing for land tier, in separate sections.
  6. Make sure your software and hardware firewalls have the correct ports open. See this link http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539
  7. See my blog post Phishing Comes to Second Life for an explanation of two ways this can happen. 1. Change your password at once, if you still can. 2. Go to Help at the top of this web page. File a Support Case using the steps Rolig provided in her answer.
  8. And here is yet another way! 1. Select something (anything), click Edit. 2. Hold your left mouse button and drag out a selection box. When it is large enough that the hidden curtain is entirely within it, the curtain will be selected. You have to be careful not to select OTHER objects. If some other objects do get selected, hold Shift and click them until only the buried curtain is selected. 3. Drag curtain out of wall.
  9. In addition to Cinnamon's answer, if the group land is sold, all the members with this ability enabled will get an equal share of the proceeds.
  10. Essentially zero. Linden Lab will attempt to bill the credit card or PayPal account you have on file, on the due date.
  11. SL uses a lot of bandwidth, unfortunately. It's not a good application to use if you have a bandwidth-limited account (such as a wireless provider...but you shouldn't be using SL with wireless anyway.) Turn off the bells and whistles that Nalates described...sound, media, voice, reduce draw distance. Also in your Preferences/Graphics, turn off all the shaders except Basic Shaders. Turn off Particles and Local Lights. Finally, don't move around much. Every time you change your location or point of view, new textures are downloaded to your computer, eating bandwidth.
  12. I have this problem a lot, using the Firestorm viewer (it might happen with other viewers too, but that's what I use). Sometimes even repeated re-bakes won't fix it...my upper body is clear, but my lower body is blurry, or vice versa. Firestorm has a new feature, "texture refresh" that works great on this problem. Right click yourself, select Appearance/Tex Refresh. You can use texture refresh on objects and other avatars, too. Right click, select More/more/Tex refresh.
  13. You don't have to be around him to report him. Just get his name, teleport home, file the Abuse Report from there. In the Location section of the report, it will show your current location. Override this and type in the name of the region where the abuse occurred.
  14. 1. Try a different viewer. Phoenix and Firestorm are popular. http://www.phoenixviewer.com 2. If you still get the same behavior, file a support case with Linden Lab (see the Help section of this web site)
  15. The largest "mansion" I know of isn't exactly a mansion...it's a cruise ship, the SS Galaxy. It stretches over three sims! It has a ballroom, clubs, wedding chapel, swimming pools, shopping arcades, art galleries, and you can rent a cabin and live there. It really does have the look and feel of a Real Life ocean liner. And, by the way, Greenies is no more.
  16. If they are copy/transfer, you can sell them or give them away to another resident. There are many "yard sales" in SL that do just that. If they are No Transfer, you can't sell them or give them away, all you can do is delete them.
  17. I'm sure there is some place where you can role play this. I'm equally sure it would be horrific.
  18. If you suspect someone of diddling your head, remove them from your friends list, and mute them. This solves the problem...but there is NO way to know for sure. You could be pruning an innocent friend from your SLife. But that's the uncertainty we live with here.
  19. 1. You are not talking to the Lindens, they don't even read this forum. We are only residents like you and cannot "see to" any matters. 2. Don't use the name of your friend in your post, it's against the forum rules. 3. Besides phishing scams, if your friend left "remember my password" checked on the login screen, anyone with access to his computer could log in with his account when he's not around. If his password still works, have him sign in, uncheck that "remember me" box, and change his password.
  20. This is a known bug that affects some people. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but here's the solution: 1. Download and install a third party Second Life viewer. I recommend Firestorm at http://www.phoenixviewer.com 2. Run the Firestorm viewer and accept the Terms and Conditions. You can then proceed to log in with this viewer, or close it and go back to the standard Linden Lab viewer. You will not need to accept the Terms and Conditions again.
  21. Some people have had success with the procedure found at the link below: http://neilrobinson.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/a-fix-for-dns-errors/ (This is mainly for Mac users, if I read things right) Or, you could try using Google Public DNS. See this page: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/
  22. Phishing is on the rise in Second Life. PLEASE read my blog post: http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2012/03/phishing-comes-to-second-life.html I have seen two instances of this in group chat in the last week alone. DO NOT enter your user name or password on ANY page that you open by clicking a link someone gives you. ALWAYS open the Second Life website by browsing there yourself.
  23. Sorry, but sending an Abuse Report is your only option. That, and appealing a ban if Linden Lab suspends YOU. I have to say that I feel there are two sides to this story. Linden Lab doesn't usually issue a suspension based on a "fake" report...they investigate THEIR chat and IM logs to determine who should, or should not be suspended. I hate to say this, because I don't like to recommend running away from bullies...but you may want to consider making yourself an alternate account and starting a new Second Life, far from this trouble.
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