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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. You MIGHT be able to...although most freebies are No Transfer. But, it would be a bad thing to do. You're defrauding your buyers, since they could get the same item for free elsewhere. And it's theft of intellectual property, which is against the law, not just the LL Terms of Service.
  2. Do you have a viewer that has RLV, and is it enabled?
  3. Fine technical point: These are "griefers", not trolls. But that hardly matters. Yes, Abuse Report them for harrassment (in world, Help Menu, Report Abuse) Mute them, too. Call up their profiles and choose Block. Ban them from your land parcel (About Land/Access) Bloodlines is not an "official roleplaying game", and no one has grounds to harrass anyone else on the basis that "we were only roleplaying." No one has a right to force their roleplay on those who don't wish to participate. I'm not sure how they did all that to you, but in the future if things look like you are about to be attacked, sit on some object. That will protect you against most forms of attack.
  4. You can wear an Alpha that covers less of your ankle, or you can edit the shoes higher up your leg. This happens because your legs are longer than the model the alpha texture was created on.
  5. If you clicked a link someone sent you to "great free clothes" and it looked like an SL log in page, and you entered your user name and password, you may be the victim of a phishing scam. Contact Support in any case.
  6. When and if they do implement this, the wireless companies are going to really send you a big monthly bill. SL will eat your bandwidth allowance like nothing else.
  7. Find your collar in your inventory. Right click it, select Wear. If that's not working, please add more information to your question by clicking Options/Edit in the upper right hand corner.
  8. Contrary to Mr. Legal Writer's suggestion, there are no lawyers in Second Life...because there are no laws, only Linden Lab policies. There are people who CALL themselves lawyers. You can be one if you like, all you need to do is say "I am an SL lawyer". If you wish, you can provide all the window dressing you want...a nice suit, a suite of offices, a comely young secretary. You can advertise, and find (or build) a courtroom in which to "try cases" with other like-minded folks. You may or may not be a lawyer in Real Life...this has no bearing whatsoever on being a pretend lawyer in SL.
  9. With a kneeling animation. This can be found in several different forms. 1. Just an animation, all by itself. Open the animation from your inventory, click Play in World. There are sets of freebie BDSM animations. 2. In a poseball. Right click the poseball, select Sit. 3. In a collar. Scripted slave collars have lots of submissive animations in them. Open Collar makes a free one. Click the collar for the menu, and select your pose. 4. In scripted furniture, such as a bed. Many scripted beds have BDSM animations in them. While sitting on the bed's poseballs, left click the bed and select your animation from the menu.
  10. This looks like a job for the Firestorm JIRA!
  11. Lindal Kidd

    Selling Mainland

    I'm afraid Champale's post contains some misleading information. I think what Champale was trying to say is: 1. If you own a private estate region, you can "sell" parcels on it to other residents, but you remain the overall owner and pay tier on it to LL. You collect rent on the parcels you've "sold" to other residents to help pay that tier cost. (You can also sell the entire region to another resident, by submitting mutual support tickets for a region transfer to LL, but that is another story.) 2. You can sell your Mainland parcel to other residents. Just set it for sale using the About Land window. Land is selling very slowly these days, so if you decide that waiting for a buyer is not worth continuing to pay tier on the parcel, you can Abandon it back to Linden Lab.
  12. 6800 kb of scripts in clothing is pretty high. You could be the cause of the lag your friend is experiencing!
  13. 1. Are you 18 or older? And did you enter your correct birthday during the registration process? 2. Have you age verified your account? Do this in the Account/Age Verification section of this website. 3. Have you updated your in world preferences? Do this in the Me/Preferences/General tab, when you are logged into Second Life. 4. Have you updated your in world Search preferences? Do this in the Search window when you are logged into Second Life. 5. After doing all the above, try to re-set your maturity preferences in Marketplace.
  14. Are you using a wireless service to connect to the Internet? This is not a good idea for SL.
  15. Lindal Kidd

    Selling Mainland

    It sounds like you're doing the right things. You hit the "sell" button and determine the price you want to ask for. The land is then "For Sale" and will show as yellow on the Map. You could also put a classified ad in the For Sale listings. You don't "auction" the land. If someone finds it and wants to pay your price, they do so, and that's it. There is, at present, an oversupply of land and selling prices are very low...often less than $L1 per square meter. If you can't sell your land, you may wish to simply Abandon it, to avoid continuing tier charges.
  16. Well, first, "Linden Home" is a term specific to those free homes you find too small for your needs. 1. Just building the house costs you nothing, unless you buy parts like scripted doors for it, buy textures, or even buy a complete pre-built house. So...you can buy some or all of the things for your house, or you can make the whole thing yourself from scratch. 2. Yes. You can make stained glass window textures, or find many stained glass textures or pre-made windows for purchase. 3. Yes. I have some pretty ones at my house. IM me in world to come see and listen to them. You can search for wind chimes, or any product, on the SL Marketplace or using the in-world Search tool. 4. Yes. Spiral stairs are tricky to build, so you may want to get pre-made ones. 5. This is the key question. Your house is made up of geometric primitive shapes, or "prims" for short. Generally, the bigger and more complicated the object, the more prims it will have. The amount of prims you can have on a land parcel is determined by how large it is. From what you are describing, I think you will want to look for a parcel of land that is 4096 square meters, and can support up to 937 prims. Tier for a parcel of this size on the mainland will run $25 USD per month (plus the initial purchase cost. You generally buy the land from another resident). You can also get a similar parcel on a private estate. The monthly cost should be roughly the same, but you won't need a premium membership. 5a. The cellar is the tricky bit. You can't build underground in SL, because the land is only one-sided. There are, however, workarounds. 6. Learn to build by visiting the self paced tutorials at The Ivory Tower Library of Primitives. I have a large 3 level A frame house at Masocado. You are welcome to come by and see it. 7. Yes. Find mountainous land for sale using Search.
  17. go look at coordinates 0,0,0 (under the ground) of the sim where you tried to rez the object. Lost objects sometimes can be found at these coordinates.
  18. Besides the Wiki, there are some good tutorials in world. For links to them, see: http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2012/01/build-or-buy.html
  19. Are you trying to upload pictures from your computer to Second Life, to put in the notecard? (You can add information to your post by clicking Options/Edit in the upper right corner)
  20. 1. Find someone you like 2. Make sure they like you, too. 3. Wait for them to ask you if you'll marry them 3a. If you get tired of waiting, you can ask them. But be prepared for rejection. 4. Make sure your fiance has money. Lots of money. 5. Visit a wedding planner 6. Have your fiance give his money to the wedding planner 7. Set a date 8. Get invitations, invite all your friends 9. Have your fiance get more money 10. Have fiance buy a set of rings. 11. Drag fiance to stores to look at wedding dresses. Have him pay for the one you choose. 12. Show up at wedding venue on the correct date and time 13. Make sure fiance shows up too 14. Walk down the aisle, using the handy "walk down the aisle" poseballs 15. Stand and listen to the officiant's address 16. Say your vows. 17. Accept the partner request sent by your fiance. 18. You're married! Adjourn to reception 19. While dancing with new husband, flirt in IM with the good looking guy across the dance floor. 20. Repeat as desired.
  21. There are no rules, and whatever the landlord chooses to do, he can do. You have no recourse and LL will not intervene. Sorry about that, but that's how it is.
  22. CTRL+ALT+D toggles the Advanced menu CTRL+ALT+Q toggles the Develop menu both menus contain many useful commands.
  23. The balance shown on the web page is always the correct one. Sometimes the in world balance is shown wrongly. A relog will usually fix it.
  24. Try it and see! You might like one of the other layouts...or, if you are a diehard V1/Phoenix user, maybe not.
  25. If you are using the Phoenix or Firestorm viewers, you might have "de-rendered" your house. It's still there, you just can't see it. Try teleporting to another region and then back again.
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