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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. You use a third party screen capture utility. I use one called FRAPS. Tip: Remove all HUDS and close all interface windows on your screen. Otherwise, they will be recorded, too. Once captured, you will want to edit your video to remove unwanted sections, bad camera moves, and so on. For that, you use a video editing program. I use Sony Vegas, but it's pretty high end. You can do a fine job with a free program like the Movie Maker utility that comes with Windows.
  2. Avatar appearance is very subjective. Linden Lab's policies do NOT forbid youthful-looking avatars from being in an Adult sim, so your officers are actually going beyond TOS in ejecting and banning these avatars. Whether they should continue to do so is up to you (the manager) and the sim owner. You're entitled to allow or forbid anyone you want from your land. But don't go quoting LL policy as a reason for your decisions. What LL prohibits is: 1. People whose ACTUAL, real life age is under 18 from accessing Adult content. 2. Sexual age play -- using an avatar with a childlike appearance for sexual roleplay activities.
  3. Possibly the easiest and cheapest way to add to your private region is to purchase an OpenSpace or Homestead region (unless you want or need the prims associated with a full region). Have the new region placed next to your current one.
  4. The Marketplace is having tons of issues lately. I had some items in my cart, and only one was delivered. They were only freebies, so I wasn't concerned. Later, when I went to the MP again to purchase an item and clicked Add to Cart, my other items were still in the cart. You're better off finding the item in Marketplace, then buying it in world, if the merchant has a link to an in world store.
  5. It sounds as if something in that avatar's inventory is corrupted. File a support ticket. NOTE: You can only file a support ticket on this sort of technical problem if you are a Premium or Concierge level member. If you're not Premium, before you shell out ten bucks for a membership, try clearing your cache manually: locate the cache folder: Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USERNAME]\Application Data\SecondLife\Cache Windows Vista: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\local\PhoenixViewer Windows 7: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\local\PhoenixViewer Mac: /Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/Cache linux: ~/.secondlife/cache Delete all the contents of the cache folder. (These instructions are for the Phoenix viewer. Other viewers may have different cache file locations, or you may have moved it from the default location. Also, it may be a hidden file. In Windows, click Show Hidden Files in any directory window under Settings.) Then log into an empty region like Heckendorf or Pooley and wait for inventory to load. EDIT: If you are using several viewers on your computer, they should not share the same cache location!
  6. If you block a person, they cannot send you notecards. If you send a blocked person an IM or a notecard, they are automatically unblocked. So, your problem child can continue harassing you because YOU allowed it. Block him and walk away. Don't give him another thought, or another moment of your attention. Problem solved.
  7. There is not. There have been attempts to create "white lists" or even "black lists" of content creators. All such attempts have failed, because they get gamed. The different colors on tops (a clothing layer) and skirts (a prim attachment) is almost inevitable, and is very often not the designer's fault. Attachments and avatar layers (both skin and clothes) are affected differently by the light in SL. This is why it's so hard to match your prim feet to your legs. You get a good match, then the light changes and it's off again.
  8. be sure you sent the partnership offer to the person's user name, not their Display Name.
  9. Linden Lab will not sell you Maintenance land. Maintenance land is generally things like roadways and other land intended to be kept clear and passable for public use.
  10. Buy any Direct Delivery item from the marketplace and your "received items" section should appear. The free Linden Bear at the top of the Marketplace page is an easy one. (However: I have the Received Items section active, and when I bought items from the Marketplace the other day, they showed up just like they used to, in my main inventory as new folders or as boxes in my Objects folder. It could be that LL has disabled Received Items until some of the problems are fixed.)
  11. LL no longer offers educational discounts, so it would be just the same as any other private island transfer. For details of that process see here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-Private-Regions/ta-p/700115#Section_.4
  12. You cannot change your user name. You may add a Display Name, and change it as often as once a week. The only way to get a new user name is to make a new account.
  13. I search all the forums every day looking for posts from people on my Friends list, to see if they have said something bad about me. Doesn't everyone?
  14. You can't build anything in the Linden Home regions. You can only decorate your Linden Home. You can build whatever you want on the Mainland, with a few minor exceptions. This is why so much Mainland looks awful. I happen to live in an area where the owners hold large parcels, and have made adequate-to-outstanding builds. If you look around, you can find such areas...although you may have to wait a while to find a parcel for sale in them. Some mainland areas like Bay City and Nautilus City are "themed". They also have a double prim allowance. Land values there are astronomical. About 80% of the land in SL is on private estates. These can be very good places to live, but be sure you read and agree with the restrictions in the estate's Covenant. Violating the Covenant could get you kicked out, with no refund and no appeal. For the absolute maximum in freedom, you can buy an entire private region yourself. Freedom has its price though...$1,000 USD to start, and $295/mo. USD thereafter. You don't have to be a Premium member to own or rent land. You only have to be Premium if you want to buy land on the Mainland. You can rent mainland from another resident, lease land on a private estate, or buy your own entire private region without a Premium membership. I teach a class on SL land on Fridays, at 5 pm SL time, at Caledon Oxbridge University. It's free for everyone. Hope you can make it!
  15. Methinks Medhue needs to re-read the OP much more carefully.
  16. VirWox is a good, reputable third party exchange site. However, you will get the best rate by buying directly from LL on the Lindex. Any "deals" you find at a lower exchange rate should be viewed with great suspicion. It's a good bet they are "stolen" $L, and if you buy them you may be defrauded of your money at best. At worst, LL will remove them from your account and assess you a 50% penalty for distributing stolen $L.
  17. "...so we watched it a couple more times..." I fail to understand your complaint, Mr. "Letters and Numbers Resident". You found it interesting enough to watch re-runs. You even chose to promote its distribution with a link to it in your post. If it was truly horrid, why didn't you: 1. Change the channel, or 2. Turn off your media player, or 3. Hit CTRL+Q?
  18. You are referring to Infohubs, not Orientation areas. You should make a new alt and see the newest approach LL has devised for entering Second Life. It bypasses those awful Infohubs, but that is about the only good thing I can think of to say about it. For more, see my blog post, http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2012/03/are-you-new-to-second-life-and-confused.html As for removing the viewer ID feature...I miss it, right along with you. However, the head of the Phoenix team (to prove Oz Linden wrong) visited a number of infohubs, and was very surprised to find that Oz was right...people were harassing her because of her viewer choice. If it cuts down on harassment, hiding the viewer ID is a small price to pay.
  19. You can meet anyone you like, Tailsy! SL allows you on the main grid in General areas if you're 16-17. I've met some very nice teenagers in SL. As for the AR business...it's OK to ask someone their RL age. It is also OK to refuse to answer, especially if you think they might be hitting on you. If you don't want to answer and they keep insisting, you can Block them. Doggone nosyparkers.
  20. If the shirt has only "one sleeve", it's because the texture used has an alpha channel (transparency) over that part. When you add a new texture using the appearance sliders, it replaces that special texture, and suddenly you have a shirt with both sleeves. What you have to do is get a copy of the shirt template (available in many places, search "second life clothing templates"). Bring it into Photoshop or another paint program that supports transparency and layers, and paint your texture on it. Then upload the new shirt texture to SL and apply it to a new shirt.
  21. You're not limited to just one group. You can be a member of up to 42 groups. The decision to join a group can be changed at any time...you can leave groups you no longer want to be in. There are groups for everything in SL! There are club groups -- join to get notices of events and contests. There are store groups -- join to get notices of new products and sale items. Often stores have specials and gifts for group members. There are special interest groups, for everything from knitting to sailing to breedable pets.
  22. Yes! Beca's "BWind" scripts are terrific. As for the flukey SL physical wind, the BWind scripts (and others for SL sailing) include an option to set wind speed and direction. This is sort of like the "magewind" of Ursula K. LeGuin's "Earthsea" novels.
  23. This is the second complaint of this problem I've seen in the last two days. I don't have a solution, but I wonder if something is broken in the servers again.
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