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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Sea and Rolig both have possibly correct answers. This could be either someone having access to your account, or a malicious account debiting object. Phishing scams have been on the rise in SL. Someone gives you a link, by email, IM, or group chat or local chat. You click it, and it appears to be an SL website sign in page. If you enter your user name and password, the scammer now has access to your account and can take your money.
  2. Your Premium account comes with two land benefits. You can choose which one you want to use. 1. A free Linden Home. These are pre-build homes in one of four themes. You choose the theme you want and LL will assign a home to you and send you the location via email. If you later decide you want a different style, you can abandon that home and apply for another one. See THIS LINK for more information. 2. You can purchase up to 512 square meters of Mainland from another resident, or buy it in one of the LL land auctions. You will not be charged tier (a monthly recurring cost) on mainland up to 512 square meters. If you want more land, for a bigger house and more objects, you can buy it...but you will be charged monthly tier fees on mainland in excess of 512 m2.
  3. To sell $L, you must first have PURCHASED $L, at least once. After a few days, the buy/sell limits will automatically increase. When you sell $L, the money is transferred to your $USD balance. To get it out of Second Life, you will need to use a verified PayPal account as your billing method. Then use the "Process Credit" link in your account tools to transfer money from your SL $USD balance to your PayPal account.
  4. PayPal *should* suck the additional money required from the bank account that it's linked to, but if it does not happen, you should contact PayPal.
  5. Go to Account/Billing information. Delete your PayPal account. Add the credit card. If you want, I *think* you can re-add PayPal as an alternate payment method later, but I am not sure about that.
  6. "support.secondlife.com" isn't broken for me. Perhaps it's a temporary thing, or it could be your browser. Internet Explorer does not like this website...either run it in Compatibility mode or use another browser. I'm using Mozilla Firefox. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ EDIT: Linden Lab is unlikely to be of much help in this matter in any event. Instead, try contacting the merchant you bought the item from and politely ask if they would send you a replacement. They are not required to, but many merchants will do so.
  7. You can AR the person who tried to give you this item. Just use your screenshot as an attachment to the AR form. It does look as if the thing is, or is pretending to be, a Redzone type device. EDIT: Unlike valerie or Cinnamon, I would probably AR this one. I don't AR "every object some stranger tries to send me" but this one has a very suspicious sounding name. If taking a few minutes to AR it would get a TOS-violating object removed from the grid, it'd be worth it.
  8. Lindal Kidd

    abandoned land

    What you can do is Abandon the land you don't want, then buy the Abandoned land you're looking at trading for. Costs you $L1 per square meter, of course, but that's pretty cheap. EDIT: I don't advise doing things in the order Lynda suggests at the end of her post. If you own both parcels of land, even for a minute, you'll pay extra tier for that billing period. Get rid of your old land first, then get the new land.
  9. Check to see if your Magic Box is still in world, and still working correctly.
  10. I'm not against a Received Items section per se. But please, let's do it sensibly! Items from the Marketplace, and items I buy from a vendor, should go here. I am forever going to my Objects folder, and looking for new folders of purchased items, and then sorting those things into the places in inventory where they should go. Having only one place to check for my purchases would be a timesaver. BUT Items I build, and then Take, should NOT go here. Photos that I receive from others should NOT go here (and, while we are at it, they shouldn't go into my Textures folder either. Put them in the Photo Album, please!) I am uncertain about putting other sorts of items that people give me into Received Items. If these sorts of transactions can be distinguished from photos, then maybe Received Items would be a good place for them. But I think it would be even better if they went into the proper folder for the type of object they are...an Object, a clothing item, an animation, etc.
  11. Deliveries from the Marketplace can take up to 24 hours. If you haven't received your item by then, and your transaction log shows you were billed for it, send an IM or notecard to the merchant and request a redelivery. I recommend that you do not use the shopping cart feature of the Marketplace, but purchase items one at a time with the "Buy Now" button. The shopping cart is very buggy.
  12. Call Billing at one of these numbers https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  13. "Prim" is short for "geometric primitive". These basic shapes...cube, sphere, cylinder, etc...make up all the objects you see in Second Life. Sometimes it's important to know how many prims are in an object, because how many prims you can have on your land is determined by how big your land parcel is. In a Linden Home for example, you can set out objects that total up to 117 prims. Buying low-prim furniture and decorations can be important, when you live on a small parcel.
  14. I have that product, and I've found the customer service to be excellent. One time, a store representative came to my home to help with a problem. I think the LEVAhome TVs are the best SL televsion I've ever owned. IM me in world and I'll try to help you, even though SL media devices usually make me scratch my head.
  15. I don't agree with Peggy that "selling" a parcel on a private estate is a scam. But it IS very confusing. On a private estate, you do "own" the land in the sense that you can, if the estate owner allows it, have all land management rights. But in effect, you are renting the land from the estate owner, who collects your tier (and in turn, pays HER tier to LL). Just as Linden Lab does on the mainland, on a private estate the estate owner makes the rules, and is next to God. She can, if she doesn't like you, kick you off with no warning and no refund. However most estate owners are honest, fair, and want to keep their tenants happy so they can stay in business. What was the point I was going to make? Oh yes...if you are on private estate land, you don't need a Premium membership. You can have one of course...that weekly stipend is nice. But you don't NEED one.
  16. You can do this, and it's perfectly legal. However, is it SAFE? Yes...but use some common sense. No matter how good a friend your roommate is, do the following. 1. NEVER share your SL passwords. 2. Do NOT check the box on the login screen "remember my password", or "remember me on this computer" for this website. Always enter your passwords by hand. 3. Have different user accounts on your computer for you and your roommate. Password protect them and don't share those passwords.
  17. /me bops you over the head with the legendary Clue by Four.
  18. it's not a virus. I'm not familiar with this particular griefer item, but you could a) have something attached to you that's causing the problem, or b) have something that is following you around, or c) have been given an item that you're wearing now that's doing this. Try the following: 1. Do not log back in to the region you left. Log in somewhere else. 2. If that's not it, check all the items you are wearing. Anything you don't recognize? Take it off. 3. If that's not it, check all your active gestures. Any you don't recognize? Disable them. If none of this seems to work, try a Character Test and turn yourself into a basic newbie avatar. If tha works, put on your normal appearance one item at a time, watching for a recurrence. Also, if you have RLV in your viewer and have it enabled, log off, disable it in preferences, and relog.
  19. Strictly speaking, "Partnering" just means sending a partner offer to someone and having them accept it. You are then shown as partners in your profiles. Many people like to have a wedding ceremony to mark the occasion, but it's optional. Think of it this way...you can get married with a big wedding, or you can just go down to the county clerk's office and get the marriage license.
  20. Lovers Playground usually has a live helper or two in the store. Find them and ask them to help.
  21. Lindal Kidd

    lost item

    It may be lost permanently. Do not drop HUDS. Detach them, and rez them in world from your inventory.
  22. Let me understand this. You were in some store OTHER than Truth, and you found that they were selling copybotted versions of Truth hair for $L10 each? While you CAN submit an AR for this, it's unlikely that LL will take action on it. A notecard to Truth Hawks with the names of the suspected copybotters, and the landmark of that store, is a much better step to take. As the creator, Truth can file a DMCA takedown notice against the copybotters, and by law LL is required to take action. And, just possibly, these people have Truth's permission to sell these styles. Truth, among others, is very generous in letting her older creations out into the public domain.
  23. You will still be able to see your friends on line, IF they have checked the "see when I am on line" box in their Friends list. (This is on by default). If they have unchecked that box, no, you wouldn't see when they are on line. And your viewer, if it is currently capable of this, would not show "online status" in strangers' profiles.
  24. 1. Many large yachts in SL are not driveable at all. These are boat-shaped homes, and can be quite luxurious. As homes, they need land to put them on. ("Land" can be "waterland"...a parcel of land that happens to be below sea level.) 2. A few large yachts are "driveable". This requires some explanation... Vehicles in SL...physical vehicles that you sit in and that respond to the SL physics engine...are limited to 32 prims. More complex vehicles, like a big yacht, are often split into two parts: the vehicle itself, on which the operator sits, and a much more complex object that the operator WEARS. This gets around the vehicle prim limitation, but it has a drawback...the two pieces are connected only by the operator, you. If you stand up from your driving position, the part of the vehicle that is attached to you comes with you. To see how silly this can look, wear some large object from your inventory on any avatar attachment point. 3. Many of the SL sailing areas have places where you can rez your boat. Like most sandboxes, these areas have an auto-return feature. If you don't get on your boat and drive it away within a few minutes or so, the object will be returned to your Lost and Found folder. So...yes, you can sail for free in SL. But no, you can't moor your boat somewhere and expect to find it there the next time you return, unless you buy or rent the land where you tie up. I rent slip space in the Masocado sim, and can take yachts up to about 35 - 40 meters in length. Rent for 500 prims would be about $L4,500 per calendar month, just to give you an idea of the costs. SL boats are like RL boats: A hole in the water into which you throw money. Still, it's a lot less money than you'd spend to be a yachtsman in RL.
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