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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Peter is correct. The reason for this lies in how and why Zindra was created. When LL introduced the Adult maturity rating, they created the Zindra continent. They required everyone who had Adult content to participate in a "land swap", leaving their old Moderate mainland and moving to Zindra. Some people did that. Others simply quit SL and abandoned their mainland. To keep from messing up the geography of the world, LL did NOT reduce the existing Mainland by the same amount as the new regions they created on Zindra. The upshot was that there is now a ton of Abandoned mainland in the Moderate/General continents, and little or none on Zindra. It's a simple case of supply and demand. There is too much Moderate and General mainland for the current demand, while land on Zindra is enough in demand that sellers can easily find buyers. In fact, there is so much unwanted land lying around that Abandoned land is going unsold, even at $L1 per square meter. Individuals trying to sell Mainland are having to reduce their asking price BELOW the price of Abandoned land, and Auction parcels are often going for under $L1 per m2 too. The only Mainland going for anything like a "reasonable" price is protected waterfront or double prim land.
  2. Yes, it's possible, as the others have shown you. The Map and the "What's Hot Now" listings are good tools. But, good grief! Why do you want to visit the MOST populated regions? That's where you'll run into severe lag. Look for regions with something in the neighborhood of 6 to 15 avatars. That's enough of a group to insure social interaction, but few enough to keep you out of the tar pit.
  3. You need to think "outside the box" as we say in English. There are some ways to solve this problem. First: Here is some information about credit cards. Please note the LAST part of this: Accepted currencies and payment methods You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online JCB Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal The currencies accepted for payment vary depending upon the payment type you use. Note: If you have had a payment method on file since before December 7, 2011, you may need to remove and re-add that payment method before making payments in non-USD currencies. Second: You can buy $L on a reputable third party site. I like VirWox, but there are others. Third: Send another Support ticket. Be sure to reference the first ticket you sent that was not answered. Fourth: Find a friend who speaks English, and have them help you make a phone call to Billing Support.
  4. I'm sorry to hear that, Jules. Quite frankly though, your parents are right. Second Life is really for people 16 and older and, in my opinion, should really only be used by those 18 and older. But there are still ways you can experience a virtual reality that is very much like Second Life, without nearly the amount of, um, adult material permeating the place. Do a search for "Open Sim" and "OSGrid". If you download and install this, be sure to show it to your parents. If they say OK, all's well. If they still say no...well, you'll have to cultivate patience.
  5. In addition to the other excellent answers: 1. You must have a verified PayPal account if you want to transfer a $USD balance out of Second Life. A credit card won't do the trick. 2. You must have BOUGHT $L at least once in order to sell them (i.e., exchange $L for an increase in your $USD balance).
  6. No, no, no! There ARE ways to have your own house without becoming a Premium member. 1. Lease (often called "buy") land on a private estate. Actually, MOST land in SL is in private estates. Build or buy a ready-made house that will fit on your parcel. 2. Rent land from another resident on the Mainland. Some rentals come with a pre-build house, while others will rent you bare land that you can build on as you wish. Note that whatever you choose, you WILL have to pay a weekly or monthly fee to the estate owner or your landlord. Depending on the size of the parcel you get, this fee may be less than, or more than, the cost of a Premium membership. I teach a weekly class on the basics of Second Life land at Caledon Oxbridge University, on Fridays at 5 pm SL time. Anyone is welcome to attend, and it's free.
  7. try this: 1. Detach the objects (try Detach All, but you may need to detach them individually). 2. With ALL attachments removed, go into Appearance and save your appearance as a new Outfit. 3. In Preferences/Network, click the Clear Cache button. 4. Log out. Turn off your computer, and your internet modem and router. Wait a minute or two, then power everything back up. 5. Log into SL in an empty region, such as Heckendorf or Pooley. Wait for your inventory to load. 6. If you still have the many-attachment problem at this point, file a support ticket with Linden Lab. This bug has been affecting a number of people lately. You should also be able to work around it by going to the no-attachment outfit you saved. Right click it and choose "Replace Outfit".
  8. I'm glad you managed to fix the problem...but those specs are not particularly good for running SL. You need more RAM (Windows7 takes a minimum of about 2GB, and does much better with more. 4GB should be your minimum, I'd recommend at least 8GB, and even more would be better still). You should use an NVIDIA GeForce or AMD Radeon graphics card, SL tends to have lots of problems with Intel cards. If you find you like SL as much as we do, a new computer may be in your future.
  9. The way new avatars are funneled into SL has changed. On first login, you arrive on one of a number of identical "Destination Islands". There's nothing there except seven teleport doors. Each one has a category label...Music, Editors Picks, Art, and so on. On walking through a door, the avatar is sent to a random destination taken from that category of the Destination Guide, rather than an Infohub. Like the old Help Islands, Destination Islands are not accessible by ordinary SL residents. You CAN make a new alt to help people at these starting places...just make sure she never leaves that spot, or she will be unable to return. To help newcomers as your main avatar, hang out in some of the "newbie friendly" areas. My favorites are Caledon Oxbridge University and White Tiger Help Island. Both are run by groups that will be happy to have you volunteer as a helper, although they may ask you to take some training that they provide.
  10. In addition to Ryota's answer...if this is a very recent cancellation and hasn't yet taken effect, I believe Linden Lab will send you at least one email giving you the chance to change your mind.
  11. Linden Lab never ignores Abuse Reports. However, they may have determined that your neighbor's actions don't constitute a violation of the maturity policy. Nude statuary has a long history, going back to the classic Greek sculptors and earlier, and is considered by many to be artistic rather than pornographic. On the Mainland, there is a great deal of real estate available. If you feel you simply cannot live next door to your neighbor, the simplest solution to your problem is to move somewhere else. EDIT: One thing that Second Life will teach you, if you will let it, is greater tolerance for the views and opinions of others. It would appear you have a ways to go in that department. Good luck to you!
  12. "keep the peace" = using attack functions. This is a Terms of Service violation, unless you are in a roleplay or combat area where everyone agrees to the rules. If you are a bouncer, you will have been given mute, eject and ban authority. These are much better tools than any scripted HUD. EDIT: Best defenses -- Sit on an object. Mute the attacker. Teleport somewhere else.
  13. Look for transparent objects by hitting CTRL+ALT+T. Fly up and look in the air over your parcel. If you use Phoenix or Firestorm, use the Area Search feature to find objects belonging to you. If you've done all that and still can't find the mystery prims, you may have "ghost" prims. These are completely invisible and non-selectable, although you can collide with them. If you have ghost prims, the only way to get rid of them is a region re-start. LL generally restarts regions on Tuesdays, but you can file a support ticket and request it, too. Also, double check to make sure you are in the right Linden Home!
  14. Second Life does not have levels. If you want levels, go to WoW. No, I take it back...there is a sort of measure...how many linden dollars have you made? Some people measure their Second Life success the same way they measure their Real Life success...how wealthy are you? Of course, this limits you in one way...many people (like myself) are overjoyed if they just break even, making enough $L to cover their expenses. To become a successful business owner in SL, you pretty much have to give up everything else...exploring, developing relationships, and so on. But if you are a creative and entrepreneurial type, perhaps this is the SL "game" you want to play. Or another way some people measure their success...how many different avatars have you had sex with? Or another...how many posts have you made in the forums? See? There are no "levels" in Second Life. But there are all sorts of ways to measure your progress. And you get to choose which are important to you. Just like Real Life!
  15. The marketplace is having many problems. I think you will need to file a support ticket.
  16. "earn free lindens" is an oxymoron. If you earn them, they aren't free! But quibbles aside, IMO "Earn2Life" is a scam. Don't waste your time. You can get small amounts of $L by playing the Linden Realms game. Collect crystals and exchange them for $L. I believe there are still some money trees around, for avatars less than 30 days old. Most jobs in SL aren't available until you are at least 30 days old, and most of them pay far less than RL minimum wage. It's a much better use of your time to work a little longer in RL and then simply buy $L, with a credit card or a PayPal account. The real money in SL is made by content creators and a few land barons, but these are not "jobs", they are starting and running your own business...and success is not guaranteed, any more than starting a business in RL.
  17. Send a politely worded IM and a backup notecard to the merchant and request a redelivery.
  18. My advice: 1. Don't bother contacting LL about this matter. IMO, you are not anywhere close to violating TOS. 2. Tell anyone who thinks that you are to lighten up, already.
  19. Check your Junk folder, both in your email client on your computer, and on your ISP's website or the website for your email. But even if you don't find it, don't worry. Just log in.
  20. No one will give you, a third party, another user's user name, password, or email.
  21. Charlotte, I had someone hijack one of my email accounts and spam my contacts list too...but it wasn't the contacts list on my computer, it was the backup contact list I'd stored with my ISP (Verizon). Deleting that online contacts list seems to have solved the problem.
  22. Tommy, it may appear that other large yachts don't have this "problem", but it's most likely that you're looking at the "display model", rezzed where autoreturn won't delete it. There's no way around the 32 prim limit on physical vehicles, except the workaround that's already been mentioned. So no, you can't walk around your yacht while it's under way.
  23. Lexie is still with the Lab, and I believe she's still the forum manager...at least, when I gave totally wrong advice once, I got a PM from her correcting me.
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