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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. Ya, I don't think it an exactly high priority thing to have, but I think of it more as a "would be nice if" bit of code trickery.
  2. I added another feature request JIRA https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41637 with the hope that "/me" formatting could be added to the forums. Probably a crazy request, but it would, IMO, be handy /me hopes
  3. /me grabs a slice of pie. My goodness, but it is so cool to see so many of the group regulars check in!
  4. I would assume that it is indeed a staged photo. It's very well done, though.
  5. Linden is in a good financial state from anything we've seen, and they intend to keep Second Life around for years yet. I see no indications of that changing. There are other, similarly long-lived things, such as EverQuest or even WoW at this point.
  6. Exactly this. You can do "emoji" like expressions with your avatar. Even more so now with a bento enabled hear. Now that won't exactly be able to make a facial expression for ? or ?, but you can get a lot that way. Plus it is more like talking that way. ?
  7. We should definitely put a call to this thread on the Forum Cartel. To the new folks here, please, stretch out, feel comfy. While the talk in the old thread was usually pretty trivial, it was the home to some of the best folks you can find. It was pretty easy going, and fun, and a place to kick off the shoes and feel at home. You don't need a big discussion point, you just need to be. Long live the thread!
  8. Wasted Engineer. He of "this smells to coffee" fame.
  9. Thanks much. We had noted that some of the remaining issues had a vastly increased land impact, such as a mesh "beach hut" that went from 144LI from 22LI. Also could no longer walk into it after the reset, so I assume something went wonky with prim types or some such.
  10. I'd be willing, though I am in the midst of travel and won't be back to really delve into it til Monday. I think I can help. I was a part of the memorial park (you'll see some of my prims in Varna) and have helped my virtual community during the loss of more than a couple residents (and very much dealt with the grieving process myself). You can catch me inworld at Marianne McCann, too.
  11. Your friend should check her email. She will likely find some information there.
  12. Hey there! We had a *massive* return of content from the Livingtree region at 4:21 a.m. SLT today, with hundreds of items coming back. Region now shows as having some 400 LI available, while yesterday there was more than 5k available. The region was reset at 4:20 a.m. SLT. My spidey sense tell me there's an issue here.
  13. One such playground, if I may toot my own horn: https://places.secondlife.com/parcels/47018/slc-second-life-children-youthspot For what it's worth, there *are* still a lot of places that take pause at child avatars. While some are obvious (the adult continent!), a lot of clubs and such look down on shorter avatars. Nevertheless, most of the larger (non-adult) stores and events are happy to see us, and there are welcoming places to be.
  14. Here's a handy list of the "perks" of premium membership http://secondlife.com/premium/
  15. The feeds tend to be in a start of regular broken-ness, with photo failures being a common issue. (I hope the feeds some day get the love they need. Sadly, I know I'd best not hold any breath)
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