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Sprout Evergarden

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Everything posted by Sprout Evergarden

  1. Both basically come from the same traditions Halloween being the Evening of all Saints the day you pray for the souls of the saints. Both of these days were inspired by the Gaelic festivle of Samhain. Dia de los Muertos is the day after all Souls day a day in catholic tradition that the faithful are supposed to pray that the souls of the People who died in the past year leave Purgatory. Dia de los Muertos is a mixture of the two with a little African diaspora and a whole lot of Aztec thrown in. a Combination of Gaelic, Christian, African and Aztec it truly is one of the few real "world holidays"
  2. sorry for the double post but forgot to link another place to meet aviation minded people and grab a couple packs of free planes (scripts on these can be "meh" but they are good for a start) The people here are super friendly and helpful I can be found here on occasion Unity/Pirate Air http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fedoseev/217/38/250 for fun the commandments for Second life runways Now its time for the runway commandments I. Thou Shalt useith the runway designated for Landings to land and the Runway Designated to take off, least Thou name beith like the excrement of a thousand cattle to the one thou ramith. II. Honor the rules of the airport you are visiting and, keep them holy for thy admins who’s names are Angry will revokeith thy privilege to useith the airport. if thou rules say no jets because they are unclean than, thine Jet you shalt not land nor land whilst flying the colors of thine airline landith at a General Traffic only airport. III.Honor your Neighbors time, Thine Runway is not a place for role play if thou enterith the runway thou shalt Exit it as quickly as possible Thow shalt requestith Permission to tekeith off before entering the runway. least you Skinkith to thine neighbor like the Cheese of Limburger. Likewise thou shalt not Bitchith if thine Admin yells nor if thin Neighbor tellith you to get thine lead out.
  3. Flying in SL is a long hobby of mine best way to get into it is by getting a plane and flying you can get a awesome free MD500 at Hollywood airport this LM should take you to right to the vender for it http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Santa Catalina/240/131/23 as far as airports and gacha locations (places that will end your flight due to unfriendly Orbs etc. there is a comprehensive map here http://shergoodaviation.com/radar.php?t=air My advice is just stay over Linden owned waterways and your golden some areas like the Blake Sea / United sailing sims request you fly 100 meters above water generally i fly at 300 meters to not annoy people on the ground. there is nothing worse than being buzzed by a low flying airplane
  4. I am decorating myself. every fall i ditch the skin and dance around in my bones. Problem is I love the look so much I keep it all winter.
  5. Boarding the other ship after hearing from the captian "Avast there me harty we be havin' a party!"
  6. it's that time of year again when a lady likes to dry her bones
  7. Look at the picture below the scary fact that it was not made by a Human. But it shows more understanding of Beauty ans aesthetics than "Dunchamp's Urinal" which was lauded on art websites of having changed art in a positive way https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-duchamps-urinal-changed-art-forever Questions i have is Do you thing that AI will effect Art in a positive way by returning Beauty? and how long before we see technologies Like Stable Diffusion being used creating items in Secondlife?
  8. That Image makes me think of Skipping brain day and how our Favorite 1980's Kid friendly action actor would respond
  9. Why drive a car when you can have a Heffalump car
  10. I am guilty of this but i am ushully a bug or a Mermaid or something where a tiny frame makes seance.
  11. Remember that Long John Silvers ad "Go Fish"? i decided to take it too literally
  12. Look for the one they sell the most Leather And Latex outfits for. oh sorry you don't mean that Kind of Dominant
  13. No unfortunately they don't make a Tastefully desighned Spacious building Avatar.
  14. calling this art is a red herring
  15. open gl is long in the tooth and the standard is all but replaced now by Vulcan dome graphics card makers are even phasing out OpenGL support
  16. 5 people who proved themselves extremely worthy of said dubious honor
  17. out of character in short confusing the real person for there Rolplay Charachter example if my character in a Role play insults yours it is not me as a person attacking you as a person
  18. On a similar vain i think much of this is related to people not being able to separate their RP from there Real life Just because someone is rejecting your Anthro / Child avi ect. does not mean they are rejecting you as a person. People have this problem in RL if someone says something bad about something another part is "in too" ie Star wars they take it as a personal insult upon themself, The saddest example of this lack of ability to separate RP from RL is currently going on in the Wild West sims they currently have a Story going on involving the Suffrage movement and People acting in character who are taking the extremely Realistic and Historically accurate stance of the time are being verbally attacked OOC and being call all sorts of "ist" and "phobia" things for playing there role.
  19. Given that the series was made in the 60's I would say yes they are cursed with the same Curse of Mortality and Age we all will have to contend with at some point.
  20. Every totalitarian Regime in human history has gotten in power by promising utopia, the silencing came later after the people figured out they were sold a bill of goods. If you want to debate this in private feel free to IM i have not been able to use my History Qualifications seance i retired from teaching. Ultimately SL is a private platform like Twitter and they can host what they want .
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