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Sprout Evergarden

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Everything posted by Sprout Evergarden

  1. Sad fact is the world is never going to be be perfect inside everyone's head is a reptile brain piled on with extra layers and Milions of years of instinct and thousands of years of years early stone aged culture inter tribal warfare and the like and Post Neolithic revolution culture as well with everything from Wars between city states up to Disease vectors and transmission. Everything in our brain screams "Don't trust that different people!" and you can pretend to be over it all you want it still rests in the back of your head and comes out when you label whatever you decide what the "other" is Put more than two people in a room together and they will dream up reasons to kill each other were animals plain and simple.
  2. one of these days Victoria is going to give us all a heart attack and were something other than white and dutch angle in from the left.
  3. With todays market Food investment seems to be the easiest way to make money
  4. It does not take a Genius to see what's going on here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace%2C_extend%2C_and_extinguish
  5. People Get kicked in the Head by horses in RL I don't see any reason why you can't have Horse kicked people in SL
  6. There is an odd paradox where Furry Avatar parts tend to be more inexpensive than human Heads but be better optimized and for the most part offer Feature parody with their human counterparts. Example the head on my best looking avatar was less than 1,000L has strong slider response full set of animations including multiple styles of blinks with a Secondary Eyelid as well Multiple Antenna animation styles Mouth + Mandlble animations etc I have more linden Dollars on any given outfit she has on Than I do on the rest of the avi.
  7. I stoped expecting anything Positive out of Big tech years ago At lest with mastodon you have a Open source platform that does not Harvest your data don't forget Meta has in the past without consent performed Phycological experiments on People https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/06/everything-we-know-about-facebooks-secret-mood-manipulation-experiment/373648/ Don't trust the robot in a Human suit (not saying he actually is just that he acts like one) To be frank the fact LL even thought of using this is Disgusting
  8. Just get a Non-human looking skin and embrace the weird it's a lot less nerve wracking
  9. i dont think anyone has mentioned EXiA yet https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/41887
  10. Oh Who's havin' a Chill out under the sea! Squishy and purple jelly is She!
  11. Abyssal Mermaid Inspired by Jellyfish No eyes because you don't use those in the pitch blackness
  12. the media control button tattoo is weirding me out
  13. Being the lazy Queen Bee today i need two Nubile drones to feed me Bon-Bons
  14. BDSM can be enjoyable but Paralytic venom can be a blast
  15. i own that hair the buns are a separate attachment
  16. Thank you finally someone who shares the wisdom that Egypt was ruled by Cats! anyone who thinks otherwise is in De-Nile
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