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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. It happens in the forums all the time. Someone asks a question or makes a response in a thread that contains dog whistle terms meant to stir someone else into a frenzy. Then the frenzied reply stirs predictable partisan posts and more dog whistles. Everybody manipulates everybody else and nobody can remember how it all started. It's chaotic manipulation, like poking a wasp nest with a stick.
  2. Yes, the group has to be associated with your parcel. Open the group profile and assign appropriate abilities to the group role that you want your visiting DJ to be in. Just check any boxes in the profile to activate the ability. In this example, I show some of the abilities I have assigned to the Officer role:
  3. Peeve: The unfortunate tendency for people in a crowd to blame each other for starting a fight (or keeping it going) when it's clear that everybody did it. 🙄 Unpeeve: I saw myself in the mirror again this morning, so I must still be here and there's another day of fall weather ahead.
  4. No lawyers here. We're all SL residents like you. All we can do is direct you to the Tilia TOS , Sect 4.3.
  5. That's one of the many advantages of living without voice in SL. People babble a lot in voice. They like to hear the sound of their voices and they say a lot of dumb things that would never come out if they had to take the time to write them. Typed chat gives you time to think twice before making a snappy comeback that you ought to regret later. It also puts your words on record so they are hard to refute later. You can't just claim "I never said that!"
  6. I'm not sure why the OP is upset. She asked for suggestions of things to do and I offered the most logical suggestion: wait. Support tickets are handled by a triage system. High priority issues are dealt with first, especially if they involve theft, malicious harassment or other serious TOS violations. Lower priority issues, like not being able to log in temporarily, are likely to take longer and will probably not be addressed after normal working hours or -- usually -- on the weekend. So you wait patiently. If nothing happens in a while, you can submit a new support case, referencing the first one, to try and jog the system. That's the way things work.
  7. I have no idea, but you might check to be sure that you are trying to download the right one for your machine. The Mac version won't download to a PC. Check also to be sure that your machine meets minimum requirements. You can't download the standard viewer to a mobile device or to many small things like tablets.
  8. Nope. I get what support I need from within and from friends in both RL and SL. Support groups may be important for some people, but I've never felt the need.
  9. That kind of depends on how many movies you go to in the time it takes before your RTX4090 gets fried or becomes obsolete and, of course, it assumes that you're not going to do anything else with the computer except SL. 😎
  10. Oh, my. The sky is falling again. Right. That's the way it's designed. L$ are not currency; they are game tokens. And, in accordance with the Banking policy, they are not investable: "The Second Life Terms of Service prohibit offering interest or any direct return on investment (whether in L$ or other currency) from any object, such as an ATM, located in Second Life, without proof of an applicable government registration statement or financial institution charter. This applies to inworld investment funds, stock offerings, and banking services and the like. Linden Lab will remove any virtual ATMs or other objects that facilitate inworld "banking," that is, that offer interest or a rate of return on Linden dollars invested or deposited. Those who continue to offer these services may be sanctioned with suspension, termination of accounts, and loss of land." If you treat any property in SL as an investment, you are deluding yourself. As Bill Fletcher says, anything you spend here on land, houses, clothing, vehicles, etc. is like money spent to go to a movie or an amusement park. And it's a lot less expensive than those entertainments too.
  11. I've done many things in RL, developed (and forgotten) many skills and enjoyed almost everything, including retirement. Among the common threads I've dragged through my life, two that stand out are a love for language and a passion for solving puzzles. I have semi-fluency in a couple of languages other than English, I read voraciously and I have done quite a lot of writing. Puzzle solving meant that I fell easily into writing computer code, starting in Fortran II and machine code for now-extinct machines. It's also meant solving and creating a ton of crosswords. None of my paying jobs in RL were ever centered on either of those threads, but they have been important and I have brought them into SL. In SL, I've been scripting in LSL since 2007 even as the goalposts have kept shifting. I learn something new every day and there is never a shortage of puzzles. I've also made friends with people all over the world (rarely using the languages I know, but they are handy anyway) and I have spent a lot of time answering questions and helping other people figure out how SL works (or why it doesn't). All of that means a fiddly attention to saying what I mean. It's also taught me a lot about being patient and tolerant, which were rarely among my RL talents before I started here. On balance, I don't know whether I've brought more into SL or taken more new skills out. I've been here long enough that the two worlds have a sort of blurry interface.
  12. And yes, you are correct that LL will not do anything about the matter. It is entirely between you and the rental company. You should be able to get Caspar to respond, though. They are generally a supportive company and their products are generally quite reliable.
  13. llKey2Name will only work if the avatar is on the region at the time. Otherwise, you have to use llRequestAgentData to get DATA_NAME.
  14. So @Bazzilla, as you see, people tend to have strong feelings about viewers. They are mostly rational , reflecting the sorts of things that they find themselves doing a lot. RLVa is a valuable feature of FS for many people because it makes quick costume changes easy, for example. The FS built-in AO is also a nice feature -- I use it myself. They also have handy "macros" that you can use to teleport yourself to any altitude and back to ground level, rez a temporary platform or do several other neat things. As some people have pointed out, those features can come at a performance cost and they do make for a bewildering collection of options. The average user doesn't deal with more than a handful of those features -- sort of like a lot of the bloatware that is installed on new computers these days -- and the rest lie dormant in several extra pages of Preference settings. Many of those same features are in Debug Settings provided by the standard LL viewer and available in any of the TPVs, so they aren't really unique to any of them. Excellent AOs are a dime a dozen in SL too, so while it's handy to have one in the viewer, it's like choosing a new car model because you like its radio. As Sid says, the choice between Firestorm and the LL viewer is like the choice between Apple or Android, Pepsi or Coke, PC or Mac, or pineapple/anchovy/banana/artichoke on your pizza. (I won't get into the potato chip debate.) People make a choice and they get comfortable with it. It becomes familiar and easy; other choices seem clumsy or backwards by comparison. They develop brand loyalty and reinforce each others' opinions -- loudly and rationally for the most part. I continue to use both viewers as I have for many years, because I can find things to like -- and dislike -- about each one. Instead of making your own choice on the basis of forum opinions, I still strongly suggest trying them yourself and giving them a fair side by-side comparison to see what you like. As Zalificent and others will tell you, there are also other TPVs to consider too. Make up your own mind.
  15. Put your trigger in a changed event instead of state_entry and activate it if (change & CHANGED_TELEPORT).
  16. Nope. It's entirely a matter of preference. The viewer wars have been fought here for years, with active partisans on both sides. "Better" is really a matter of what sorts of features you value and which ones you think are either unnecessary or outright wrong-headed. You'll hear rational arguments for both viewers. My own advice is to load both and give them a fair trial. Not just a few days but a few weeks, side by side. Personally, I use both FS and the standard LL viewers interchangeably depending on my mood and what I happen to be doing.
  17. Well, if you read my 2013 post and the two below yours, you'll see it all depends on context. It's a permission issue. The script needs your permission to control it. Most vehicle scripts are like that, for example. It's possible that it's written to only allow the current owner to operate it, or members of a specific group. Most scripts that are meant to restrict use like that are written to reset on change of ownership or at least on rez. It's possible, as I suggested above, that it was poorly scripted. It's also possible that it is simply broken. If you wrote the script or if you have permission to modify it, it's fairly easy to "fix" it. If not, then you are out of luck.
  18. Yes. Void was a good friend. When I began scripting here, she gave me a surprising amount of her time, showing me how LSL works and teaching me her own idiosyncratic hacks for saving time/memory. I still use a lot of the shortcut functions she taught me, many of which I have since put into sticky threads on the Scripting forum and into utility scripts that I have added to the Scripting Library. Her coding style was, indeed, idiosyncratic -- to the point of being almost opaque at times unless you had seen it in several contexts. It was efficient and compact. Void left SL in about 2012 -- my memory is a bit hazy -- along with several other first-generation creators who disagreed with LL's rewording of the TOS provisions about intellectual property. She was still active on another forum for a year or two after that, but left SL completely by about 2014. Again, my memory for dates is lousy. I do miss having Void to bounce ideas off of. She, Dora Gustafson (who died in maybe 2014?), and others in that first wave of LSL scripters were more than pioneers. They were good teachers as well.
  19. Did you remember to verify your account with PayPal? Not with Linden Lab or Tilia. You have to verify with PayPal that you have a registered backup source of funds (like a credit card or bank account). The instructions for verification are on the PayPal web site. Until you have done that step, Tilia will not accept your PayPal account as a valid payment method.
  20. There is no tier in private estates. Tier is only a Mainland concept. As the estate owner, you are fully responsible for paying the monthly fees to Linden Lab. If you rent parts of your land to other people, they are responsible for paying you. They owe nothing to LL. You may eject your tenants if they don't pay you, but you still have to pay LL yourself.
  21. Fortunately, that's the best place to buy L$ anyway, so you're in luck. When you buy through the viewer, you're having to deal with in-world lag and connection issues that can make the transaction slow and sometimes make it fail. It's wiser to buy directly from the LindeX with the connection on your dashboard at secondlife.com .
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