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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Welcome to Second Life, Discokitten! Only attachments can contain scripts. The Second Life starter avatars are (I think) script free. If you haven't yet gone shopping for attachments like hair, shoes, jewelry, you should be wearing no scripts. I suspect the script counter that reported you wearing 455 scripts was broken. Maybe so. BUT there was a wave of them put out in 2010, right during the height of the scripted-resize-hair nightmare... when makers were putting a script inside every prim, resulting in... 455 script hairs... Or worse... Those avatars were contracted out to a rather poor quality builder (look at how bad the anatomy is), who's responses when called on issues with them suggested a person who was not open to learning, but more of the 'my way or the highway' mindset. So they're outdated, and may in fact have issues. They appear script free - but we might do well to check them all, and report any offending ones to the lindens for 'cleanup / removal'. I'm just playing the odds here. It seems unlikely Discokitten would have obtained such a hairstyle, then visited a script counting sim, all on her first day in SL.
  2. Welcome to Second Life, Discokitten! Only attachments can contain scripts. The Second Life starter avatars are (I think) script free. If you haven't yet gone shopping for attachments like hair, shoes, jewelry, you should be wearing no scripts. I suspect the script counter that reported you wearing 455 scripts was broken. As for the slowness of your computer, that can be caused by an iffy internet connection. Second Life is very fussy about the quality (not so much the speed) of your internet connection. Here's a tome, filled with things to try to improve that connection, written by Nalates Urriah... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Tell us more about your PC and operating system. Someone may have other ideas for improving your performance. Good luck!
  3. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: I have quite a collection of kilts in my inventory... Some men can rock a skirt, btw. :smileytongue: Navy sleeves and white socks? Nooooooo!
  4. LaskyaClaren wrote: That's the best attitude to take, I think. There are people who pride themselves on their "ability" to spot people who are representing as a different gender. They mostly tend to be those who care a lot about such things. I suspect that they are fooling themselves as often as not. And there are "voice verfication" groups in-world for people who are really paranoid about it -- men and women who belong have to be voice "verified" as representing their "real" gender. (As though that can't be gamed too . . .) I think it's natural to sometimes be curious, or to have "suspicions" about someone, mostly in instances where one meets a female who is hyper-sexualized or "feminine" in really stereotypical ways. But I think most people really just don't care. I try to accept people as the gender that they choose to represent: it just seems to me the civil thing to do. I like Hoppimike's attitude as well. I recently learned that Facebook USA has 56 genders to pick from. If I wasn't confused before, I am now. I think that for me to spot someone representing as a different gender, they'd almost have to be doing a caricature. Some do that accidentally, but I think virtually anyone with some intelligence and self awareness could, with one arm behind their back, help me pull the wool over my own eyes. I do judge (with error), along the dimension of good/bad egg. A bad egg can make you sick, but hatchlings are soooo cute.
  5. There will be three more over the next 18 months Hippie. The next one is October 8th. Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  6. Hoppimike wrote: I thought it was sad or out of bounds. I came here because it was out of bounds and discovered it was boundless. Welcome aboard, Mike!
  7. Hi Myst, I'll agree mostly with Lindal, but not completely. Her statement that LL's censorship somehow results from the operation of any sort of mind is simply not supported by evidence. But yes, please do file a Bug Report and/or open a Support Case. ;-)
  8. I gotta fly somewhere, anywhere! I wonder if Southwest flies from Port Washington to Milwaukee. I can drive the distance in 25 minutes, but I get tired of Mom's insisting she can't see through the bugs on the windshield. Wiper fluid ain't cheap!
  9. Yep, it's multiply. So if you have a black texture, it's gonna stay black, regardless of your tint color. A pure red texture will be black if you color it with pure green, etc.
  10. Hi Lucky, Here's LL's official statement... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/Account-Safety-and-the-Heartbleed-OpenSSL-Bug/ba-p/2619322
  11. I got a late start today. I was up all night howling at the blood moon... Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  12. Hi Anita, LL does not allow the transfer of accounts from one person to another.
  13. Hi LShort, You've purchased an outfit that's boxed. You've got to unbox it before you can wear it. Here's how... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 Have fun and welcome to Second Life!
  14. Hi Spooky, I don't think the Phoenix viewer works with SL anymore (but what do I know), but if that's what you're trying to use, and it has a "Last name" text box, type "resident" into it. If there's only a single username box, try "spookyharmony.resident". Good luck!
  15. Cat, you're also on a Mac? The problem happens everywhere? Only in SL?
  16. Hi Titania, This is probably a graphics driver issue, as Rolig Loon discusses, here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/why-is-everything-pink/qaq-p/1814583 and most recently here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Is-there-away-to-use-Second-Life-with-out-me-haveing-to-Undate/qaq-p/2410429 Good luck!
  17. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: and she is practicing perfection in her chosen occupation of nefariousness. ...beams
  18. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Syn Anatine wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Syn Anatine wrote: This thread has turned so entertaining, yet informative at the same time. I am impressed! And whoever plays judge in the end, PLEASE slap LL on the wrists and make them bring our spellchecker back ... slaps LL's rist and poynts you to this... When did they change that button? When did my spelling get so good that nothing has had to be underlined!? I noticed at the end of March and asked a question about it on the 1st of April... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Is-it-just-me-or-has-Spell-Check-on-SL-Answers-amp-SL-Forums/qaq-p/2584484 We first chatted about it back on the 9th - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/LOOK-We-have-a-New-Spell-Checker-Thingie/td-p/2609678 I reported the SPELL CHECK being missing on the 3rd of April - It was assigned a JIRA bug status > Key: BUG-5618 > URL: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-5618 > Project: 1. BUG Project > Issue Type: Bug > Security Level: Public > Environment: All Internet viewers on many PC OS's - IE version 09, 10, 11 - Firefox & Google Chrome were all tested > Reporter: KarenMichelle Lane Precisely. And because I couldn't find your post, I had to rebuild it from memory.
  19. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Neither Martians nor Meeroos are people. And both grill wonderfully. You don't find them chewy and a little bitter? Bitter? You nibbled, didn't you? Pop 'em...
  20. Neither Martians nor Meeroos are people. And both grill wonderfully.
  21. Syn Anatine wrote: This thread has turned so entertaining, yet informative at the same time. I am impressed! And whoever plays judge in the end, PLEASE slap LL on the wrists and make them bring our spellchecker back ... slaps LL's rist and poynts you to this...
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Is it just the sheltered life I lead, or are people in SL way sillier and more estranged from reality than average (which is really saying something)? Ebbe may go down in history for this quote: "The customer is often wrong when asking for something specific. When they express a need, that’s right. When they tell us how to meet that need, it’s often wrong." Ebbe may have been staying 'politically correct' when he said that. p.s. /me waves back at a certain purpose who for some odd reason things a certain person would disagree with something they actually agree with here. I don't know if he's politically correct, but my career experience leads me to believe he's correct.
  23. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: "Tuppance for a roll Governer?" Take two, they're small...
  24. Pamela Galli wrote: Is it just the sheltered life I lead, or are people in SL way sillier and more estranged from reality than average (which is really saying something)? You say that like it's a bad thing, Pamela.
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