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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi William, I'm going to guess that's a rhetorical question. Anonymous social platforms like SL allow people to behave like jerks. It also allows people to do wonderful and imaginative things and to share of themselves in ways they might not otherwise. You'll have to thicken your skin, temper your expectations, work on your patience and believe that there are neat people here. And I apologize for swearing at you when you came out of your house the other day. I mistook you for my *^@#$ neighbor. ;-).
  2. There may not be magical unicorns here, but I have reason to suspect there are dogs ;-).
  3. Hi Stormy, Your old account should be connected to an e-mail address. To reset your password, go to this page and enter your username. A password reset link will be sent to your e-mail account. If you no longer have that e-mail account, file a support case. Select "Account Issue" from the "What type of problem are you having?" drop-down, and "Reactivate an old account" from the "Account Issue" drop-down. Then tell them the name of the account you want to access and, in the additional information field, tell them you've forgot your password and closed your e-mail account. Be prepared to provide proof of your identity in any subsequent communications with Linden Lab. Good luck!
  4. We get a lot of questions like this over in Answers. It would be helpful to hear from people using Intel PCs with integrated graphics from the HD3/4/5000 series, so we can give more informed answers. We routinely say that integrated graphics just won't make the grade for SL, but I think I read of someone who's been happily wandering SL on an Intel laptop with HD4000 graphics. So, if anyone out there is using such a machine, I'd love to hear how well it's working. How's the frame rate? Are you able to run advanced lighthing? Stuff like that. Anyone?
  5. Hi fordmasters, It's as Rolig says. Once a post has been responded to, it cannot be deleted by the originator. However, your friend could "Report Inappropriate Content" (Over there under "Options") his question, with the explanation that he's being harassed because of it and would like it removed. Good luck to your friend!
  6. Hi again leGustav, That's a bit of an improvement over the last PC configuration you inquired about. Try asking your question out in the General Discussion forum. I'm sure there are people running SL on Intel machines with HD4000 family graphics. They'd be the best to tell you how well SL runs. Ask if anyone's running SL on an Intel machine with integrated graphics, and how well does it run (ask about frame rate, etc.). Are you looking at laptop or desktop machines? If you are looking at desktop machines, consider budgeting for a dedicated graphics card down the road, and live with the modest performance of the integrated graphics until then. As for creating, that doesn't require anywhere near the horsepower of wandering around SL. Any modern PC will handle Photoshop, GIMP, Blender or the like. Then it becomes more a matter of screen size (in pixels). You can never have too much desktop space! (If you want to add more information here, edit your question via "Options" over there on the right to update your question. The stupid forum software won't let you participate in the discussion beyond asking the original question. (Let's hope that Linden Lab doesn't run that way internally, though that would explain a lot about the design of SL ;-).
  7. Hi chaos, If you're using Firestorm, go to World->Asset Blacklist and remove the derendered AVI name from the list. You may have to TP away and back again or relog to see them. ETA: If you're using the official SL Viewer, it will be as catty describes. Relogging (or changing active groups) will clear the temporary derender list.
  8. Hi Gem, While I sympathize with the plight of those who are griefed, if video cards really are being destroyed by software, i think the best legal recourse would be with the card manufacturer for selling a defective product. I understand that heavy computational loads will cause increased power consumption in the CPU/GPU, but managing that safely is the responsibility of the computer manufacturer. Read your computer's warranty, I don't think you'll see any exclusion for using your computer to do hard work. And because computer manufacturers should not (and generally do not) produce products that can be damaged by normal use (running software), I think you'd find it difficult to prove in court that damage to a computer was caused by running an application.
  9. Hippie, remind me never to fertilize my lawn again. It's 40F and I've gotta mow! Happy Monday, Kids!!!
  10. Hi NavaBatia, One or more files may have been corrupted during the update. Try a clean install. Take note of the "Note": on that page about preserving your Chat and IM logs if you wish to save them. Good luck!
  11. Hi wizogirl, Syn covered the most likely explanations for the apparent loss of your contest board. If it turns out the sim owner did return more than one object to you in a single action, you will see something in your Lost and Found folder with that "broken Rubic's cube" (or "li'l pile of boxes") icon. That is a "coalesced object" and contains all the objects that were returned en masse. To recover them, you'll have to go to an uncluttered spot with rez permissions, so you can rez the coalesced object and take back all the indivdual bits, which will include your contest board. The Fermi sim's public sandbox is one place you could do this. If your objects were spread widely across the owner's sim, they'll rez widely across the sandbox. If you don't find and "Take" all the objects in the collection, those you leave behind in the sandbox will again be returned as another coalesced object. You'll find that in your Lost and Found once again and can repeat the process until you've separated everything in the collection. Good luck!
  12. Good morning, Hippie. I'm just about to hit the road. Share my bacon with everybody else. I'll ask if you hogged it next Sunday... so behave! Hi, Kids!!! ;-).
  13. Hi Sarah, Since it's been over a year since your last visit, make sure you've updated to the latest version of the viewer by doing a clean install. If your inventory is still missing, try the first of the Common Solutions on this page, paying particular attention to Step 6, which wants you wait in place (a quiet place like Smith or Pooley is best). That means don't TP while your local copy of the inventory list is rebuilding. Welcome back and good luck!
  14. I don't mean to hijack Mike's first two weeks in SL, but my introduction to live Chicago Blues was via Corky Siegel at a cafe in Milwaukee. I must have been about 8-9 at the time. I was mesmerized. Here's why... I suppose it didn't hurt that Corky tousled my hair during the show. ;-).
  15. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Hoppimike, You look like you are having a grand time...... I shall be sure to look for you in-world and invite you to one of my Blues gigs Mike, Looking through your photos brought a big smile to my face. KM, invite me too, especially if you're anything by Lead Belly, Robert Johnson, Jelly Roll Morton, Mississippi John Hurt, Bessie Smith, Elizabeth Cotten, Lightnin' Hopkins, Muddy Waters, Pinetop Perkins, Big Mama Thornton, Howlin' Wolf, etc. ;-).
  16. Hi leGustav, The CPU is more than fast enough, the GPU less than fast enough. Here's a benchmark page showing the relative performance of various graphics processors. There's a search box on that page with autocomplete, making it fairly easy to find a particular card... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php The 8330 under consideration scores 345. An entry level Intel processor with HD 4000 graphics scores 456. Integrated graphics units, which must fight the CPU for access to memory, generally perform poorly on graphics intensive games like SL. A modest dedicated graphics adapter like an nVIDIA GTX 650 scores 1840. If you can stretch your budget to cover a dedicated graphics adapter, you'll have a much better SL experience. Good luck in your hunt.
  17. Hi Xerick, For something so simply, why not make it yourself. The easy way requires six prims (four walls, floor, ceiling). The low prim way requires two prims (hollow cube for four walls, another for the floor and ceiling).
  18. Hi Shimaka, Others have had this problem. Here's a brief thread with a suggestion from KarenMichelle Lane... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Partnership-Accept-button-not-working/qaq-p/1895477 ETA: I forgot about the "unicode in profile" problem, which could also be the culprit... Open both affected accounts' profiles. Somewhere in the Biography and/or Real Life Biography sections of your profiles may lurk a Unicode character (those funny looking characters you often see in display names) that is messing up the partnership process. You may not be able to see them, some are invisible. To rid yourselves of that potentially troublesome character, remove all text from the Biography and Real Life Biography sections (copy/paste it elsewhere fo you can recover it later, then click in the text box, Ctrl-A, backspace). Don't forget to save the changes. After you have cleaned and saved your profiles, retry the partnership offer. If your partner is able to accept, ensure that you are now listed as each others partners. If so, repopulate the biography fields of your profiles. Good luck... and congratulations!
  19. Tari Landar wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Especially since I homeschool...and everyone knows what people say about homeschool kids and their lack of socialization (it's a myth, but.. whatever, lol) According to some, I am living proof that home schooled kids can't socialize! ;-) Tari, I hope you (it sounds like it) are having as much fun as a home school parent as I had as a home school kid. ... runs outside to play. Hahahaha. Yes I know, my kids are the most anti-social beings in the world. Hence why I rarely see them from sun up to sun down-even in crappy weather. It's a bit funny to hear from other parents around here, as most have that same stereotypical opinion of homeschoolers. Though to most of them, my kids seem to be the exception, as my kids are the ones who get all the others around here outside and away from the tv, pc, video games, etc... The kids around here hate it when we go on vacation(which we are for the next two weeks, and leaving Sunday) because they have no one to play with. As much as my kids love technology, they really shy away from it during most hours of the day. I love that even my teens still play outside and enjoy being kids. We absolutely love homeschooling, every aspect of it. The world is our classroom, and it is absolutely awesome! This year has been a very interesting year though, as I'm going back to school myself to finish getting my degree. Totally went off topic there.. YAY for derailment I loved family vacations (I'm an only). I think our first big camping trip was in 1976, when I got to eat strawberry snow (tastes like watermelon rind) in the Rockies above Estes Park Colorado. We were there during the Big Thompson Flood, which killed 143 people. Four years later, we were about 100 miles from Mount St. Helens when she blew. We camped at Yellowstone and watched a park ranger set a bear cage trailer in the slot next to ours. I once used Dad as a matress because our tent flooded and we had only two cots. I've been inside the Stanford Linear Accelerator and leaned out of a helicopter (in the rain, owwie!) to drop virgin paper dolls into Mauna Loa. I enjoyed Bunraku in Kyoto and watched people eat live baby octupus (I won't link to that, but kids seem to love . One bite was enough for me, I had to share with Mom and Dad ;-). I saw dapper businessmen in three piece suits reading porn comics on the Shinkansen, or passed out next to beer vending machines. I met the founders of Pixar long before it was a household name.I've been hit by golf ball sized hail (big owwie!), seen tornadoes and witnessed lightning strike trees and houses. I've fed a cat by milking a cow. I've made simple crop circles in the moonlight. And all of this because my parents shared your understanding that the world is our classroom. I'm happy for you and your kids! ETA: Mom and Dad worked from home, so every day was "Take Your Daughter to Work" day! :-).
  20. Hippie, I can hear Monday coming down the tracks. Choo choo! Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  21. Tari Landar wrote: Especially since I homeschool...and everyone knows what people say about homeschool kids and their lack of socialization (it's a myth, but.. whatever, lol) According to some, I am living proof that home schooled kids can't socialize! ;-) Tari, I hope you (it sounds like it) are having as much fun as a home school parent as I had as a home school kid. ... runs outside to play.
  22. I had a li'l time on my hands, and whipped together a little demonstration of some "math" that is not really computery (no bitwise stuff), but is magical. It's a simple bit of arithmetic that demonstrates the inextricable relationship between trigonometry (sinusoids, as in water waves and pendulums) and logarithms/exponentials (as with populations of bacteria and bank account balances). I don't offer this as a suggestion for math skill pursuit, but I hope any of you who try this feel at least some small sense of wonder that such a simple equation as... targetPosition = currentPosition * 1.99 - pastPosition; ...yields a sine wave oscillation, so long as you keep track of where you are (currentPosition) and where you were (pastPosition), and that simply changing from 1.99 to 2.01 switches from an oscillation to exponential growth. My Dad taught me this when I was perhaps 12, and I made shapes on the screen of his Apple II using this very equation. It's also easy to do in Excel, where you can chart the values. Unfortunately, SL is too slow to really do a good demonstration of this. Run on the bare metal of a modern PC, this equation computes so fast that you can generate sine waves at radio frequencies. Magical math like this is the foundation of "digital signal processing", where simple math yields astonishing variety and complexity. Nature is far, far ahead of us in her use of magical math. What fun it is trying to catch up. Here's the script... float pastPosition = 0;float currentPosition = 1;//float magic = 2.00; // linear growth//float magic = 2.01; // exponential growth//float magic = 1.99; // sinusoidal oscillationfloat magic = -1.99; // binary oscillation with sinusoidal envelope//float magic = -2.01; // binary oscillation with exponential growth//float magic = -2; // binary oscillation with linear growthfloat time = 0.3;default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(time); } touch_start(integer num_detected){ pastPosition=0; currentPosition=1; } timer(){ float targetPosition = currentPosition * magic - pastPosition; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL,<0,0,targetPosition/10>] ); pastPosition = currentPosition; currentPosition = targetPosition; }} Rez two prims (I used a 0.5, green cylinder for the root and a <0.1,0.1,0.1> red sphere for the child) and link them together, then drop this script into the root prim. There are six magic constants at the top of the script. Uncomment one of them at a time to see what happens when you change them. Touch the root prom to re-zero the simulation.
  23. Rolig, didn't you know Lindal is in a 12-step program for recovering Zyngo addicts? And there's no shame in that.
  24. Hi Candi, Since Firestorm works and the SL Viewer doesn't, I'm going to guess that the SL Viewer's settings are different, or something has been corrupted. Carefully check the settings, particularly the graphics settings. Advanced lighthing can drop your frame rate into the 1fps range if you have an older graphics adapter. Having a huge draw distance can really slow things down as well. If the settings appear fine, then I'd recommend doing a clean install of the viewer. Good luck!
  25. Hi Talisien, Notecards cannot contain clickable links. People must copy the link from the notecard and paste it into their browser. :-(
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