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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Porscha, As Rolig says, it's both allowable and necessary to obtain your IP address for the purpose of streaming audio or video to you. If you don't want that to happen, disable media, or at least tighten up the controls a little in the Sound and Media pane of Preferences. Personally, I've unchecked: Allow media to auto-play when entering a region Allow in-world scripts to play media Play media attached to other avatars I've checked: Enable media filterThat give me time to decide if I trust the media sources on any sim. Good luck!
  2. SaraCarena wrote: Taking a fish head out to see a movie never fails for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTpUVAcvWfU oooops...sooo don`t know how to paste the box thingy instead of just the link. Hi Sara, here's how... When creating the post, click the little movie film icon. Then paste the YouTube video URL in the "Video URL" box and click "Preview". Then select the "Video Size" and click "Insert Video". The little image of the tree to the left of the film icon is for pasting pictures and the chain to the left of that is for turning a selected bit of text in your post into a hyperlink. Have fun experimenting. Start with your post here, so my response won't make any sense! ;-).
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: That did put a smile on my face. Is it Adam or Jack that you have the hots for? Jack. I don't like Adam.
  4. Hi Layna, Go here and log-in, using the same username and password you use to log into SL itself. And don't trust that I've given you a safe link, presume I'm nefarious and I'm trying to send you to a phishing site. Look at the URL and make sure it ends in "secondlife.com". Once you are logged in, you post by clicking on "Home" over on the left, then typing your message into the "Share something..." box. Go to "Settings->Privacy" to control who can see and post to your feed. You can edit your profile from the "Profile" tab, and you'll get notifications when friends post in the "Notifications" tab. You'll have more questions once you get going. You know where to find us. Have fun!
  5. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: mom? Oh geez no, three more mouths to feed?
  6. Syn Anatine wrote: I had been toying with the idea of having a child avi for a long time now, they're just silly and cute and adorable. Usually. I think my finger must have slipped during my purchases. I can't quite explain it. That or I am secretly Madelaine McMasters' hell spawn. Odder things have happened. I wanted a super cute little toodleedoo but I ended up with a bloody nightmare in the most literal sense. I want to share the nightmares with you! PS; Yes I have been chasing people with my bloody machete. You're so cute, and the resemblance is undeniable. I did actually spawn 23 little hellions a few years back, here's Dave #3... Daves 9 and 11 can be found here.
  7. Hi Juliana, I'm not sure I understand you, but I think you're saying that your camera's default view is messed up. This happens sometimes. Try typing Esc or Esc+Shift a few times, or type Ctrl+9. If that doesn't work, try: Advanced->Show Debug Settings, type CameraOffsetRearview, click Reset to Default Advanced->Show Debug Settings, type FocusOffsetRearview, click Reset to default If the Advanced Menu isn't showing, type Ctrl+Alt+D. Good luck!
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: We get a lot of questions like this over in Answers. It would be helpful to hear from people using Intel PCs with integrated graphics from the HD3/4/5000 series, so we can give more informed answers. We routinely say that integrated graphics just won't make the grade for SL, but I think I read of someone who's been happily wandering SL on an Intel laptop with HD4000 graphics. So, if anyone out there is using such a machine, I'd love to hear how well it's working. How's the frame rate? Are you able to run advanced lighthing? Stuff like that. Anyone? I thought that was what you made Snugs use? Ya know, I'm getting tired of these insinuations that Snugs is a red headed stepsibling or god's gift to humanity (I'm looking at you Dil). I don't need you people chiding me to lavish gifts on the jackass riding on my back, thank you very much.
  9. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: You can be unceremoniously booted & banned from any Parcel or Region by the owner of said place. Them is the rules. No higher court will hear your case. I've had to boot a few people in my day, but I've always wrapped that in a bit of ceremony. A year or so ago, I logged into my house to find a couple chatting on my sofa. I said hello, then quietly waited on my ottoman for them to finish their conversation. After a few minutes, I asked if they wouldn't mind allowing me some privacy in my own home. They rebuffed my request, so I decided to rearrange the furniture... I started with just a nudge here and there, then progressed to violently tossing and flipping the sofa and setting it in the fireplace. I finally took it back into inventory to be cleaned. Sometimes the circumstances require a li'l pomp. ;-).
  10. Hi William, I'm going to guess that's a rhetorical question. Anonymous social platforms like SL allow people to behave like jerks. It also allows people to do wonderful and imaginative things and to share of themselves in ways they might not otherwise. You'll have to thicken your skin, temper your expectations, work on your patience and believe that there are neat people here. And I apologize for swearing at you when you came out of your house the other day. I mistook you for my *^@#$ neighbor. ;-).
  11. There may not be magical unicorns here, but I have reason to suspect there are dogs ;-).
  12. Hi Stormy, Your old account should be connected to an e-mail address. To reset your password, go to this page and enter your username. A password reset link will be sent to your e-mail account. If you no longer have that e-mail account, file a support case. Select "Account Issue" from the "What type of problem are you having?" drop-down, and "Reactivate an old account" from the "Account Issue" drop-down. Then tell them the name of the account you want to access and, in the additional information field, tell them you've forgot your password and closed your e-mail account. Be prepared to provide proof of your identity in any subsequent communications with Linden Lab. Good luck!
  13. We get a lot of questions like this over in Answers. It would be helpful to hear from people using Intel PCs with integrated graphics from the HD3/4/5000 series, so we can give more informed answers. We routinely say that integrated graphics just won't make the grade for SL, but I think I read of someone who's been happily wandering SL on an Intel laptop with HD4000 graphics. So, if anyone out there is using such a machine, I'd love to hear how well it's working. How's the frame rate? Are you able to run advanced lighthing? Stuff like that. Anyone?
  14. Hi fordmasters, It's as Rolig says. Once a post has been responded to, it cannot be deleted by the originator. However, your friend could "Report Inappropriate Content" (Over there under "Options") his question, with the explanation that he's being harassed because of it and would like it removed. Good luck to your friend!
  15. Hi again leGustav, That's a bit of an improvement over the last PC configuration you inquired about. Try asking your question out in the General Discussion forum. I'm sure there are people running SL on Intel machines with HD4000 family graphics. They'd be the best to tell you how well SL runs. Ask if anyone's running SL on an Intel machine with integrated graphics, and how well does it run (ask about frame rate, etc.). Are you looking at laptop or desktop machines? If you are looking at desktop machines, consider budgeting for a dedicated graphics card down the road, and live with the modest performance of the integrated graphics until then. As for creating, that doesn't require anywhere near the horsepower of wandering around SL. Any modern PC will handle Photoshop, GIMP, Blender or the like. Then it becomes more a matter of screen size (in pixels). You can never have too much desktop space! (If you want to add more information here, edit your question via "Options" over there on the right to update your question. The stupid forum software won't let you participate in the discussion beyond asking the original question. (Let's hope that Linden Lab doesn't run that way internally, though that would explain a lot about the design of SL ;-).
  16. Hi chaos, If you're using Firestorm, go to World->Asset Blacklist and remove the derendered AVI name from the list. You may have to TP away and back again or relog to see them. ETA: If you're using the official SL Viewer, it will be as catty describes. Relogging (or changing active groups) will clear the temporary derender list.
  17. Hi Gem, While I sympathize with the plight of those who are griefed, if video cards really are being destroyed by software, i think the best legal recourse would be with the card manufacturer for selling a defective product. I understand that heavy computational loads will cause increased power consumption in the CPU/GPU, but managing that safely is the responsibility of the computer manufacturer. Read your computer's warranty, I don't think you'll see any exclusion for using your computer to do hard work. And because computer manufacturers should not (and generally do not) produce products that can be damaged by normal use (running software), I think you'd find it difficult to prove in court that damage to a computer was caused by running an application.
  18. Hippie, remind me never to fertilize my lawn again. It's 40F and I've gotta mow! Happy Monday, Kids!!!
  19. Hi NavaBatia, One or more files may have been corrupted during the update. Try a clean install. Take note of the "Note": on that page about preserving your Chat and IM logs if you wish to save them. Good luck!
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