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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Morning Maddy! Um! It is Wednesday! Are you time traveling again? Ha! Hugs! Peace! I'm trying to get to Monday as fast as I can!
  2. Hi Naidy, You may be running into a bug that's exposed by Firestorm's AO. Someone else recently had this problem. Here's the thread... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/quot-Animate-my-Avatar-quot-window-does-not-pop-up-when-clicking/qaq-p/2576374 ETA: I've copied two responses that may be particularly helpful... First, from Theresa Tennyson... A popular furniture poseball system was written so that it wouldn't ask you permission to animate you if you've previously used that poseball, even if the furniture had been stopped previously. This was for convenience. However, recently changes were made to the "Stop Animating Me" viewer menu command to fight a griefing issue but had the side-effect of disrupting this poseball system. If you've used "Stop Animating Me" on the region your furniture is it will take away the animation permission from anything you've granted permission to now, but this furniture system won't ask you permission again because it thinks you already gave it permission. The work-around would be to have someone else sit on the ball you want to use and then stand up. Then you can sit on the ball - it should ask you for animation permission again, as you become a "new user" of that poseball after someone else sits on it. Once you grant it permission again it should work normally - just be careful with the "Stop animating me" command. Another, slower way is to edit the object and choose "Restart scripts" from the "Build" menu. I think this will only work on things you can modify though. And second, from Lindal Kidd... There is an ongoing bug in SL that works like this to "break" these items: You, or anyone in the region, uses the pose stand utility built into the popular Firestorm viewer. Doing so messes other scripted items up so that they think they have sent you the animation request, when in fact they have not. And so, you just sit there like a potato. The workaround of choice is a region re-start. If you're on the mainland, this usually happens every Tuesday when LL does server maintenance and updates, or you can submit a Support Case. If you are Premium, you can try Live Chat. If you are on a private estate ask the estate owner or manager if they would re-start your region. As a somewhat less-drastic fix, you can try taking the scripted item back into your inventory and re-rezzing it. If I recall correctly, simply re-setting the scripts in the thing doesn't fix this problem. And don't use the Firestorm pose stand! Good luck!
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie, Maddy and all! I hired a few security guards in case you two would come and raid my fridge again. Happy Wednesday and hugs! You trust cats?... Happy Thursday, Kids!!!
  4. LaskyaClaren wrote: I find it enormously ironic, after the scorn heaped upon Mark Kingdon for supposedly moving Second Life towards social media, that it is actually The Great LeaderWanderer, Philip Rosedale, who may finally be responsible for the Facebookization of virtual worlds. Oh well. The NSA at least will love this database. As will the project's investors, who will have access to all of that lovely minable data!
  5. Hi Tonya, From this page... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103 Finding your Linden Home Your welcome email will provide the location of your Linden Home. If you lost or did not receive your welcome email, then there are two ways to locate your Linden Home: On the Second Life website:Log in using your Second Life username and password. Go to your Account Dashboard. On the left, click Land Manager. Click My Mainland. Look for the name of the Linden Home that you chose when you registered. Click the link in theLocation column to teleport there. Inworld: Login to Second Life with the Second Life Viewer Choose World > My land holdings... Select the parcel that matches your chosen Linden Home name. Click Teleport. You will be teleported to your Linden Home. Have fun in your new home!
  6. Create a global variable called "ready" and initialize it to TRUE, with the presumption that your web server will be ready to accept a request when the script first starts. When the timer fires, only send a web server request if ready==TRUE, and then immediately set ready=FALSE. Wherever in your code you check for a response from the webserver, upon getting one set ready=TRUE. That should prevent your timer from overrunning your server. You'll simply skip timer beats until the web server becomes ready.
  7. I noodled with this long ago and I'm convinced nobody knows what the fourth number means (certainly not me). Although the SL documentation somewhere says the four numbers are RGBA, the fourth number is definitely not alpha. And the RGB numbers reveal the color of the display pixel as you see it, not the underlying value of a pixel in the texture on the prim under the cursor. And that makes sense. To report actual face pixel values would require the viewer to traverse the display list to find the object/face/texture pixel under the cursor to report the color, which would almost always be the average of a few pixels in the texture, depending on the angle and distance from the object to the camera. For this reason, pulling RGB values from the "color under cursor" tool is nearly useless. If you were to apply that pulled color to a prim in-world, it would only appear the same if the face was set "full bright" and the texture was "blank". My Mac has a built in Digital Color Meter, which does the same thing and copys the values to the clipboard in a format that I can paste directly into the SL edit window. I imagine Windows has a similar tool. I use it to tint the backdrop of my photobooth (always Full Bright) to match areas in photos I'm going to insert myself into. But that's bringing an external color into SL. It's very rare that I need to pull a color from SL to copy elsewhere in SL.
  8. Walker, What precisely are you trying to match? If you query a prim face color, either by using the Edit window's color picker or a script, you're only getting the tint of that face. If the face is textured, you won't get a match. A face's color multiplies across the texture pixels, so a pure blue color on a pure red texture will yield black, regardless of incident light. And if you use the "color under cursor" method, you'll be getting the product of the prim face's color, texture and incident lighting.
  9. Coby Foden wrote: Phew... it was great that I didn't throw away my LP record player. It is still sitting boxed near my computer. Now I just have to start searching for a record changer for it. ... going to ebay... :matte-motes-big-grin: Coby, you only need the changer if you've got better things to do with your life for the next five years. Just set the turntable next to your computer and flip discs while you're in-world. I can see it now... "Coby Foden:brb, flipping platters, only 42,999 to go."
  10. valerie Inshan wrote: I'll have to double check my security orb settings.
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Was wondering who left the fridge door open! Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  12. In a press release today, High Fidelity CEO Philip Rosedale announced that the company's virtual world simulator will be released on a trucked set of vinyl LPs. The program's 4.2 gigabyte bitstream has been encoded using 300 bit per second Kansas City Standard. The nearly 2.6 million minute amelodic release fits neatly on 43,000 12 inch 33.3RPM platters. "We thought it only natural that Hi-Fi be Hi-Fi" said Rosedale. A release date has not yet been set. Beta testers, armed with 78RPM record changers, are expected to complete their first wave of testing in March of 2019, mere hours after finishing the download. When asked "What next?", Rosedale revealed plans for Hi-Fi-3D, which will be released in stereo.
  13. I can do this! Haiku for llAbs... Whether good or bad We are not here to judge you Just to to ask... How much?
  14. LaskyaClaren wrote: Tarina Sewell wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Hmm. Yeah. I have to admit that I'm a little surprised at how harsh the response has been here. Are you really? You must be new. Eh. Not exactly. She's just a slow learner!
  15. Hi Megumi, I'm hardly a fashionista, but I know that Dura specializes in short and boy-cut styles... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/44895 Happy hunting!
  16. Hi Atop, The distortion you describe (as surmised by Freya) sounds like "clipping". Somewhere in the path from your good sound to the bad one, the amplitude of your passage was incorrectly limited in range. The result of this is that the smooth crests of the sound waves have their tops and bottoms clipped flat, like skipping a jump rope inside the house, where the rope must go straight where it hits the ceiling and floor. Clipping is very annoying, as I think you've just discovered. The question is, who clipped your sound? I don't know why your sound would be fine within the Goldwave app, but distorted in SL. Have you tried importing your exported sound back into Goldwave to give it a listen? If it sounds terrible, then Goldwave is the culprit and you must dig into the owner's manual to find out why the software is misbehaving. If the re-imported sound is fine, make sure it truly is in the correct format WAV PCM, 44.1KHz, 16-bit, mono. I don't think SL will import anything else, but you never know. Presuming you can locate the cause of the clipping, you may be done. Even so, I have a recommendation for getting the most volume from SL sound clips. I use Audacity to process sound files. When I want to maximize the volume of a clip, I select the entire thing and "normalize" it. I expect Goldwave has a similar function, which looks for the loudest passage in the clip and makes that the loudest possible sound, minus an amount of headroom you can specify. If your sound will be the only one playing, you'd need no headroom at all. If it will be part of a melange of sounds playing, you may want a few dB of headroom. so that when added to the melange, the result isn't driven to distortion. Now, if you have a sound clip with quiet passages you want to be louder without distorting the loud passages, or you want to reduce the loud passages without losing the quiet ones, so you can increase the overall volume, you will want to apply a "compressor" to the clip. I'm sure Goldwave will have a compressor that accepts at least a parameter or two to control the degree and nature of the compression. Experiment with those parameters until you get the sound the way you want. You may have to normalize again when done. Good luck!
  17. Hi Bella, On the off chance that Sven has misunderstood your question and I haven't, I think the answer would depend on the size of the ship your partner has requested. I'd not accept a request for anything so large that it required a crew. If the two of you can't sail it yourselves, it's too big. Congrats, and have fun!
  18. Hi lolachiq, I've never heard of that problem before, and I'm going to take a wild guess that the viewer thinks the Ctrl key is being pressed. Make sure that's not the case. And if it's not the case, I'd wait for someone else to pipe in here before taking the only suggestion I can offer, which is to re-install the viewer. Good luck!
  19. Hippie, I bet you know what day it is. It appears Val got robbed of one hour of it, but I'm gonna fly through all 24 hours of mine!... Happy Monday, Kids!!!
  20. Hi Tesslyn, I'm as stumped as Rolig. Local textures work fine on my Mac. Have you restarted it? Have you verified your HD with Disk Utility?
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