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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Kelli May wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: ... In Second Life I noticed that many people treat me like a woman, even if they don't know my real gender. They do it automatically or just assume that I'm female. The interesting thing is, on the other hand, there are a few people who have an extreme fear to flirt with a man by acciedent and require at least a promise, or better, some sort of verification that I'm a real woman. ... This seems to come up a LOT. I can go a long time on SL thinking no-one cares about gender, until flirting, romance or teh sexxorz comes up. Suddenly the other party wants voice, documentation, genetic samples and a signature from three heads of state to proceed. The problem with getting those three signatures is that it requires having sex with them. That's the impression I got when they patted their laps as I entered the room. Where they SL heads of state, we'd be looking at a Catch-22. Maybe I should write-in Melissa Etheridge for president in 2016. How about Sinead O'connor or Annie Lenox? I'd vote for Annie in a heartbeat. Are we selecting write-in candidates on the basis of sexual orientation or baldness? Cuz if we're going for bald, I'll vote for the doll on the right...
  2. I wish I'd been more helpful. I hate losing stuff as well, which is one of the reasons I build what I can for myself and shy away from no-copy items.
  3. Hola Ares40Bellum, No hay un "adulto" estableciendo para grupos. Los filtros de búsqueda se clasifican a su grupo como "adulto", si cualquiera de los términos de adultos se encuentran en la descripción del grupo.
  4. Kelli May wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: ... In Second Life I noticed that many people treat me like a woman, even if they don't know my real gender. They do it automatically or just assume that I'm female. The interesting thing is, on the other hand, there are a few people who have an extreme fear to flirt with a man by acciedent and require at least a promise, or better, some sort of verification that I'm a real woman. ... This seems to come up a LOT. I can go a long time on SL thinking no-one cares about gender, until flirting, romance or teh sexxorz comes up. Suddenly the other party wants voice, documentation, genetic samples and a signature from three heads of state to proceed. The problem with getting those three signatures is that it requires having sex with them. That's the impression I got when they patted their laps as I entered the room. Where they SL heads of state, we'd be looking at a Catch-22. Maybe I should write-in Melissa Etheridge for president in 2016.
  5. Sassy Romano wrote: You can also do something like this using modulo maths, very simply to have a running "tick" and from that pull off timers as desired. integer i;default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(1); } timer() { if (i%3 == 0) { // this happens every 3 seconds llOwnerSay("3 second trigger"); } if (i%8 == 0) { // this happens every 8 seconds llOwnerSay("8 second trigger"); } if (i%19 == 0) { llOwnerSay("19 second trigger"); } i++; }} Ya gotta love modulo arithmetic.
  6. Hi CdnValleyGal, You probably did NOT lose 1100 items. Your inventory list is a local copy, on your PC, of the list maintained inside SL's servers. As with other items in cache, that inventory list can be corrupted during a crash. The result is that the next time you log in, you see a whacked out inventory list, which has little to do with "reality". Here's a fix, I hope... https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss The first of the "Common Solutions" should work for you. In particular, heed the advice in #6, to "wait in place". Your SL connection will be busy refreshing everything in your cache. Teleporting somewhere in the middle of the cache rebuild risks crashing the process. It'll also go faster if you log into a quiet sim like Smith or Pooley, where are are few people and simple scenery. Regarding in-world purchase history, that only goes back 30 days. Your marketplace history goes back forever. Good luck! ETA: In the permalink replies to me, CdnValleyGirl reasserts that she really has lost a lot of things, and that it's happened twice. I've heard of rezzed no-copy objects being lost with a sim crash, and there are the accidental deletions, but what else can make stuff go missing? So, can any of the rest of you jump in here and help us understand how this may have happened? CdnValleyGirl, if you'd come back and tell us more about the circumstances around these losses, that would be helpful.
  7. Hi Cyber, If you have a firewall or antivirus software running, either may have sequestered "slplugin.exe", resulting in the message you see. Here's a thread in which Rolig Loon offers hopefully helpful advice... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Getting-Started/I-keep-getting-a-message-of-quot-slplugin-exe-has-stopped/qaq-p/1659257
  8. Hi Maria, I doubt the responses you get will be representative of the SL population as a whole. There's likely to be a difference between those who'll respond to your questions and those who won't. And there's likely to be a difference between those of us who dwell in the forums and those who dwell solely in-world. For me personally, the genders of the avatar driver and avatar aren't terribly important. Even when I had a SL partner, her RL gender was not something I inquired about. If she was an RL male, her sensibilities were sufficiently feminine to keep me happy. And I was apparently sufficiently feminine to keep her happy, which is something I might not have been for my RL ex-hubby. This is as much a matter of expectation as delivery. And it's about setting reasonable expectations for yourself as well as others. Growing up takes time. I grew up in a world where gender wasn't viewed as a limitation or a guide, but as something akin to eye or hair color. That's an exaggeration of course, but my parents did not swim with the school. What I've found interesting over my years of engaging people online, first in chat rooms then here, is that I needn't change a thing about the way I behave to be percieved as either male or female. If I have a female name or look, I'm female, end of story. I can set people on fire, throw stuff at them, push them off cliffs, bury them alive, and nobody questions my gender. Meanwhile, in RL I've had people say "Geez Maddy, you are such a guy." I think SL is ahead of RL in understanding that we're people first, nutty people yes, but people first.
  9. Hi Mandel, With an i5 and HD4000 graphics, your Surface Pro should be able to run SL on low settings. And you have run it in the past, so we know it's possible. I found a thread at Microsoft dealing with Second Life (and other OpenGL applications) on the Surface Pro. Perhaps you'll find something useful here... http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/forum/surfpro-surfupdate/surface-pro-5142013-firmware-update-breaks-second/cd973538-2218-4cca-a53d-6125b01bf2cb Theresa's theory, that an update may be the culprit, sounds good to me. Good luck!
  10. Hi Culuf, The catsuit you are wearing is translucent, or is made to appear so. You want something opaque. Have you tried Kayliwulf? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kayliwulf%20West/79/158/3004
  11. Hi Ginger, Open the Camera Controls tool (the little window with the tilt and pan arrows and the zoom slider) and make sure you've enabled the "Rear View", which is a li'l head/shoulders icon as seen from the back. It's the rightmost of the three views. You probably clicked that by accident. If that doesn't work, try typing Esc a few times and or Ctrl-9 to reset the camera's position. If that doesn't work, try: Advanced->Show Debug Settings, type CameraOffsetRearveiw, click Reset to Default Advanced->Show Debug Settings, type FocusOffsetRearveiw, click Reset to default If the Advanced Menu isn't showing, type Ctrl+Alt+D. Good luck!
  12. Yep, the local texture you used to modify your hair exists only on your computer at the moment. Your own viewer has access to that, but nobody else does. To make your hair's new texture visible to everyone, you must upload the texture to SL's servers, which will then distribute it to any viewers that encounter you in-world. So, go to the Build menu and select "Upload", navigate to the texture you used, pay your L$10 and you're half way there. Now go back to your hair and apply the texture from your inventory to all the parts, just as you did with the local texture. Local textures are an efficient and free way to test out textures during the build process. You save the time of uploading each iteration. If you edit the texture, the changes will automatically propagate into your view. Only when you are happy with the texture do you incur the cost of uploading it.
  13. Hi Nuria, As Sven says, connecting to a TV won't change matters, other than to give you a physically larger screen. We don't know the specs of your netbook, other than it's able to run CoolViewer, which means you're running Windows or Linux. It may be possible to dial the graphics settings down as low as they'll go, set your draw distance very low (32meters) and use one of the other SL viewers. You'd have to try it to know. You may also benefit from shrinking the SL viewer window, so it has fewer pixels to draw. The screen will get pretty cramped if you've got chat windows open, but performance may improve slightly. Good luck!
  14. I like your elongation idea, Fenix, but it would be the reverse of what you suggest, and the contraction completes long before the end of the drops journey. Particle scale changes occur linearly over the particles lifetime, so the contraction would complete at the end of the drip. I do think each drip must be made entirely within one call to llParticleSystem. In that case the timer has only one thing to do, launch the drip.
  15. Good morning, Hippie. It's finally Friday. It's been ages since I last saw an episode of Saturday Night Live. Tonight's the night!.. Happy Sunday, Kids!!!
  16. Hi jlmed, Welcome to Second Life! I believe the only way to track avatar routes on a region would be to populate the area with sensors that feed their results into a database somewhere. Those sensors would have to be designed by you, as would the database. That sounds like a huge effort. The basic SL region statistics won't give you much more than a crude traffic-hour meter. There are traffic counter/meter tools available in the Marketplace, but I don't think they offer the kind of information you want. You can engage in conversation with anyone in SL via "IM". When they are within local chat distance of you (20m), you can converse with multiple people simultaneously via local chat. And you can also have group chats via IM, though those have historically been slow and buggy.
  17. Hi Rae, It's possible the local copy of your inventory list got corrupted. Here's how to force it to rebuild... https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss#COMMON_SOLUTIONS After clearing cache and re-logging, stay in place until your inventory list is rebuilt. Don't TP anywhere. There's also a Firestorm viewer bug that causes the Received Items button at the bottom of the inventory window to vanish. Good luck!
  18. Hi Rex, Lindens do not get involved in resident-to-resident disputes. If this other person has violated the SL Terms Of Service or Community Standards, you can file an Abuse Report. Good luck!
  19. Woo hoo! I've set MaxFPS to 24 and FSLimitFrameRate to TRUE. I'll spend the saved watts on my electric blanket. Winter still has it's teeth in my ankle. Thanks, Sassy! ;-)
  20. Oy, you are Queen of the Damned, aren't you! ;-) Okay, this sound is coming either from something you are wearing, or something you've rezzed on the ground nearby. Open your inventory and either look in the "Worn" tab, or search for "(worn" (no right paren) to see what you've got on. Look for attachments (they're the only wearables that can contain scripts) that are new or unfamiliar and remove them one by one until the sound stops. The last attachment removed before the sound stops is the culprit. If you've yanked them all off and the sound is still there, then it's in something rezzed nearby, or the coming from an LSL bridge your viewer may be running. If it's the bridge, I'm not up to date on how to handle that, but here's an old old thread dealing with it that may point you in the right direction... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General/Sound-explorer/qaq-p/697665 If the thing is in world, got to World->Show(or Show More)->Beacons and enable Beacons and Sound and set the Width to 10 or so. Then look around for yellow lines. They'll be emanating from any sound sources in the area. One of them is hopefully the thing that's annoying you. You can also go to Build->Pathfinding->Linksets and click on your name to see all the things in the region that belong to you. Look at only the "Scripted" things to see if one of them is the culprit. Good luck!
  21. Stipends pay out on Tuesday evening, so you'd have to wait until then. Your L$1000 signing bonus arrives about 45 days after you become a premium member. Here's the full scoop... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/tkb/articleprintpage/tkb-id/English_KB@tkb/article-id/203
  22. Hi again, Sagezila, I'm a little confused by your question. Linden Homes are not updated via a website. You change textures on Linden Homes in-world, via a control panel located just inside the front door. The texture change should be immediate. Here's much more information about Linden Homes... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103#Section_.4.7
  23. Hi Sagezila, If you are currently a premium member and elect to disconnect your payment method, not only will your Linden Home vanish but you will too! If you no longer wish to pay for SL, you should abandon your Linden Home and downgrade to basic membership. As a basic member you can certainly continue to enjoy most of what SL has to offer. Here's a thread containing Rolig Loon's explanation for how to downgrade from premium to basic membership... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/how-can-I-cancel-my-premium-membership/qaq-p/1695801
  24. Sassy Romano wrote: "it's a common idea that we only "see" around 30fps but that's just not the case. Persistence of vision and fooling the brain into resolving static but regularly changing pictures such as with cine film does not preclude us from seeing faster events." The human visual system is a remarkable conglomeration of completely whacked out optics, sensors, and processing. Clearly the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I have an unusually high flicker fusion threshold (>80Hz frequency, <1% modulation). I can walk into Best Buy and sort the plasma from LCD TVs from across the store with unfailing accuracy. I hate old style fluorescent lamps, and CRTs, especially in TVs. Gamers who rave about 120Hz monitors are not imagining the improvement, they're seeing it. And we see the difference between 60/120/240Hz HDTV, so long as the interpolation algorithms work well. Curiously, high frame rate TV can give movies a look many (including me) don't like, called the "soap opera" effect. There's a hell of a lot going on when we watch motion, and we're still learning about it. We're analog creatures in an increasingly digital world that's increasingly good at modeling analog. That said, I lock my GTX 680 to 25fps purely because when allowed to run away, it uses around 60W of extra power, fans speed up, it gets noisier for little benefit but that choice of frame rate isn't based upon anything else. Now that you mention this, I remember a discussion about it. Didn't someone say that MaxFPS is actually ignored in the latest release? And as I think harder, I believe I tried changing this and saw no change in power consumption. I'd probably limit my MaxFPS like you, to save power. But I'd set it at 24fps, simply to recall memories of the old 1916 Motiograph projector via which I watched movies in my barn when young.
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