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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. LaskyaClaren wrote: Well, as the only people who read the education subforum tend to be educators, it would mean students surveying their professors. Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys. From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me. I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos. ;-).
  2. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: I Knew it! I KNEW IT. Martians are messing with things in Second Life disguised as mild manor reporters of interesting physical phenomena. I think it's difficult to determine if it's Martians or Murphy who's messing with things. But I don't mind, so long as the result is this... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoon_physics A demonstration...
  3. Oz Linden wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Just get a friend who owns an Estate Region to do a restart for you. You could even plan an Earthquake party! Besides, I want to know if it makes everyone's boobs jiggle. Now that would have been something... alas, no, it doesn't. We just shake the camera... That's good enough for me, Oz! I can't wait to experience it.
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: The way I view the Forum is I go to "recent posts," navigate through several pages and open in separate tabs anything that looks like it may be of interest to me. After doing this in the morning I usually only have to check the first two pages of the "recent posts" if I come back later to catch anything new. That's how I do it.
  5. LaskyaClaren wrote: Coby Foden wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here. Every day I scan and read multiple subforums - really many of them. General Discussion forum surely is not the only place where interesting things are going on. It's great that there are many subforums, lacking those the General Discussion forum would be - too general. You're absolutely right, Coby -- I know that I've often happened upon interesting threads and posts in other subforums on the occasions I've taken the time out to peruse them. And there have been many occasions I've run across dead threads I wish I'd seen earlier. Really, I'm just lazy, or too disorganized, or whatever, to explore other threads in a systematic way. And I know I'm the loser for it. :-( I've a bookmark to the place you end up when you click "Forum Posts" from the righthand column. This place... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/recentpostspage/category-id/Forums/post-type/message It's the only way I enter the forum. I do the same over in Answers. So, I'm fairly oblivious to the categorizations. I'm not being systematic, I just wander around and pick shiny things. Don't fret being disorganized, that's the mark of a creative mind. Or so I tell myself when I'm searching for my purse.
  6. I'd go there. If a survey is posted in that subforum, it's evidence the poster has done at least that little bit of homework. It may also signal that SL is a bit more welcoming of surveys. Laskya may be right, in that segregation into a subforum would decrease participation. But, given that posters here have admitted to purposely giving false data in order to screw up surveys, decreasing participation by some might be a good thing!
  7. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: But if you bring two halves together and join them, there is a flash of lightning, a great shaking of the earth, the veil of the temple is rent is twain, and you are instantly re-rezzed as Torley. So it's all worthwhile, really. You've never been married, have you? Well, not in the technical "To love, honour, and obey" sense, no. That's probably a good thing, as my partner might object to suddenly finding himself hitched to a watermelon-complexioned blonde with a propensity for giggling. When I got engaged, Dad advised my ex-hubby to pre-emptively strike "obey" from the vows and to temper his expectations for honour. He also paid my ex a sum of money to be returned in the event I was returned. A decade later, he wished he'd cut a bigger check.
  8. LaskyaClaren wrote: But if you bring two halves together and join them, there is a flash of lightning, a great shaking of the earth, the veil of the temple is rent is twain, and you are instantly re-rezzed as Torley. So it's all worthwhile, really. You've never been married, have you?
  9. LaskyaClaren wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Being a superannuated SL resident, I feel it only appropriate that I respond to this almost-as-mouldy-as-me thread. Yeah, not a good idea. We don't need more elitism, or more excuses to exclude other people than we already have. And the fact is that a great many non-premium residents enrich our experience of SL in all sorts of ways, even aside from their contributions to the SL economy in other ways. Although, to be honest, I'm surprised that LL hasn't done more to distinguish premium residents from "free" ones, as it would seem to make sense, from a purely financial perspective, to make premium accounts more "attractive," even if only because it gives one bragging rights (of a sort). I gave up my bragging rights the day I succumbed to that $1,000L and 50% off bribe. We'd have half-a-badge for discount residents. And for really short ones. Does it come with a secret decoder ring? Half a ring, for obvious reasons. Which of course is a problem, because it won't stay on your finger. That, as with so many things in life, depends on how you slice it.
  10. LaskyaClaren wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for Surveys. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6267 I think the problem with this idea is that no one would go to such a forum, and the surveys would remain unanswered. It's one thing to see a well-worded and polite request for survey-takers, and say "Ok, sure, why not!", and quite another to actually proactively go to a "survey subforum" because one has decided that what would really make one's day is taking a good survey. In other words, a survey subforum is just killing surveys by an indirect route. I honestly don't get the annoyance surveys appear to cause some people. Of course some of them are garbage, badly introduced, and thrown together at the last minute to meet a course requirement. And, equally, many of the posts here are poorly written, ill-conceived, and stupid. The answer surely, to both instances, is just to ignore . . . (And a politely-worded and helpful response to a poorly designed survey, or a post requesting surveys, is a good deed! And who doesn't like to do good deeds? :-) ) I've no idea what sub-forum I'm in when I respond to a post in the mainline "Forum Posts". I look at thread titles and posters and go from there. Maybe I'm alone in this? I had to look up at the breadcrumb trail to see that this thread is in GD. And imagine my surprise to discover a moment ago that Hippie's "Where are all my friends..." thread, which I've been posting in for years, is in "Make Friends"! Yes, I am that slow. ETA: By creating a place for surveys, any student placing a survey there avoids being harangued for posting in the wrong place, and any student making that mistake can be rightfully and enthusiastically crucified!
  11. Kelli May wrote: Jewel Laurasia wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: It is impossible to really say what the tallest building is, or the biggest, or smallest etc.. You'd have to visit every sim and measure all the tall ones. But you can't do that as many sims are private and you can't get there. Even if you could, the tallest right now might change by tomorrow because people are always building new things. You can build up to 4096m Thus, I shall make a building 4096m high The tallest height possible is 4096m + half the largest dimension of a prim placed at that height. With the build tools, that would be a 64m prim, for a maximum height of 4128m. I just tried it and it works; I even made it into a slope and walked to the top. All I'd have to do to make it a building rather than a skybox is rez stuff down to ground level (or in my case, sea floor level). I'd be the first to admit that'd make a really crappy build, just for the sake of calling it a building. Obviously there are much bigger megaprims still available out there. I'm pretty sure one of the Gene Replacement megas was a platform 65,536m on a side, and 512m squares (and possibly bigger) are still used for sim surrounds. I still have a 512m cube in inventory, but the tallest for useful height (ie. that I could fit on my parcel) is 10x10x400m. Yeah, it's not hard to build a tall structure. Many years ago, I used megaprims to build a dandelion that pierced the SL cloud deck. Jack's beanstalk may still be around somewhere. I've parachuted off the top of it. Anyone can base jump in SL.
  12. Hi Isadora, It's probably only your local copy of the inventory list that's been corrupted. Everything is still there. Although clearning cache often fixes the problem, that's clearly not the case for you. Here's a web page dealing with "inventory loss"... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss I recommend the first of the common solutions. Pay special attention to Step 6. Do not teleport or rez anything while waiting for the inventory list to rebuild. Further, to speed up rebuilding the inventory list, I recommend you log-in to a quiet sim like "Smith" or "Pooley". You can do that at viewer launch by selecting "<Type region name>" from the "Start at:> box to the right of your log-in name, or you can open the map and Find one of regions names, then teleport to it. Inventory list corruption is sometimes caused by a poor internet connection to SL. Here's a page with numerous recommendations to improve the quality of that connection... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  13. To further expand on KarenMichelle's answer. Anything you wear, whether clothing, accessories, weapons or a baby (which some people consider a weapon), affects server/scene performance but does not count against any prim allotment. Anything you rez on the ground does both.
  14. Hi Mackie, It's difficult to give advice without seeing what you're describing. Take some pics, save them to your computer, then come back to edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right), inserting those pics for us to examine. You insert pics by clicking on the little tree icon between the chain and the filmstrip.
  15. Hi Bacco, I think you're referring to the new "mesh" starter avatars. Although I haven't tried one myself, if I understand correctly, they are incompatible with the vast majority of skins and clothing available in SL. I don't know how this happened, but that's what I've read, and probably what you are hearing. If that's true, I'd also avoid them like the plague. You'll find old style starter avatars in Library->Clothing in your inventory. Have fun!
  16. Hi Nikilei, I know of no way to push the images through. I've friends that, absent knowing how to delete them, have had them "processing" for nearly a year.
  17. We'll need to know more, GString. Come back to your question and edit it (via "Options" over there on the right) to tell us: How far you get in the log-in process What error messages (if any) you get What viewer you're using What kind of connection (Wi-Fi/wired), What kind of service (DSL, Cable, Satellite?) Stuff like that.
  18. I couldn't find an online translator for Navajo, but I did find the Navy's dictionary... http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq61-4.htm
  19. Medhue Simoni wrote: Space is cool and all, I just don't get excited about space travel at this point in time. The cost is still ridiculous and it is always the public paying the bill for grown men to play. Now, if it was all done with private money, or donations, or any voluntary way, then I'd be all for it. If it is a private company building it only to have the government buy the crafts, then I'm still against it. Some day, it will be much more feasible, and we'll have many more toys to do it with. Space travel has been quite feasible since probably before you were born, Medhue. A lot of the stuff in orbit is owned by private enterprise, and they're doing it not only because it's feasible, but because it's profitable. Some level of public spending is required because no private enterprise has the resources or the incentive to get started on things deemed valuable to society long term, or when the value is simply unknown. How long would we have waited for private enterprise to loft a Hubble Space Telescope? There is an argument to be made that, absent public sponsorship, someone eventually comes around to drum up private support for things, but there are some impressive examples of public programs pushing us ahead in ways we'd not expect from private enterprise. While I'm not a huge fan of the NASA of my generation, that's because of its inefficiency, not its mission. I'm thrilled to see private enterprise enter the field. Since they haven't the ability to levy taxes, they must create value propositions we'll accept. Our government must do the same overall, but there's a level of obfuscation (both intentional and not), and a sluggishness in our response (voting) that seems to almost guarantee inefficiency. Space travel will never be "much more feasible" if we don't constantly "play" with it. Play is one of the most important things we do.
  20. Coby Foden wrote: Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for Surveys. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6267 Great idea, Coby. I voted for it.
  21. Holy mackerel Rolig, that Theraflu has a long tail! If Leona has any French friends, she can pass my response on to them. ... hangs her head in shame and wanders off to find some chocolate.
  22. Hi Cheery, http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Account-Statements-gone/m-p/2741576#M50301
  23. Phil, I'm in agreement with you. Responses to students taking surveys here are often unnecessarily harsh. But people, particularly when anonymous, are often happy to be harsher than necessary. This is not new. I bristle at poorly constructed surveys, but I'm less surprised to see them come from students than from professionals with decades of experience. Students don't yet know all this stuff, and though their professors should teach it, they often don't know it either. I'm a terror in focus groups, because I try to deconstruct the methodology to show it won't work. When I see a poorly constructed survey, I do not jump to the conclusion that the student is lazy or stupid. If you pick the right day, you can find me being both. I took co-op jobs in engineering school, and remember hearding my mentors say "today's students are lazy". I didn't think I was lazy, so I asked my Dad. "Maddy, you're 16, the age when you think you can do anything and everything better than anyone else. So, why aren't you?" "What?! I have a pilot's license and I'm in engineering school! What more do you want?" "I want you to catch your dreams." Some of this may be the perpetual battle of the generations, some of it may be the in-group/out-group dynamic I mentioned in that fella's survey thread, and some of it is one of the double edges of the sword of online anonymity. That sword is also the brush with which we paint the self portraits we hang in the rogue's gallery here for all to see. In a generations time, will we look back on our behavior and think it quaint or barbaric? I don't know, but I can already hear one of the students who lobbed a survey at us, only to watch it explode, wondering why "today's students are so lazy". ;-).
  24. Welcome to Second Life, Lana! Hippie Bowman has a Breakfast group. Every Sunday morning at 8SLT, people pop in for a little camaraderie, some music and a lot of virtual bacon. IM Hippie for a group invite. As for your profile, I highly recommend filling it in. Empty profiles signal (to me and probably others) a lack of interest. Perv profiles and note what you find interesting and attractive. You'll develop a feel for what you want in yours. At a minimum, state a few interests. You're looking for friends, so make profile show that you're approachable. Many in SL are shy, and need a little help to break the ice. Your profile can do that. Have fun, maybe I'll see you at breakfast soon!
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