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Cali Souther

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Everything posted by Cali Souther

  1. I am certainly impressed!!! I'm doing good, if I get stuff out of the "everything else" folder and put it into "indoor or "outdoor furniture" folder. 😛
  2. I'm pretty sure this has happened to a lot of people, especially early on in their SL adventure... I know it has happened to me more than once, and still does occasionally --- when I accidentally select "wear" instead of "add" ... End up at least half naked. Thing is, now days, when I first walk into a club - EVERYONE is naked. Yes, there are teeth and stuff flying around as well --- but it takes quite awhile for everyone to show up with clothes on, so ... I don't think much about seeing naked avatars anymore. No doubt, if you've been in the same place for awhile and suddenly get naked, it's different but..... I was in a store yesterday and there was someone trying on a new head. She was completely naked, posed for editing her body and remained that way the entire time I was there. (shrugs).... I'm guessing she didn't even realize.
  3. I had a similar reaction to that movie at about the same age. I had talked my mother into taking me, and we sat up all night - unable to sleep.
  4. I stopped by the FC yesterday. Except for the bartender, it's changed a lot since my last visit. It gave me hope that people still go there and do stuff. It would be wonderful to hang out there again from time to time. It was always so much fun.
  5. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morabeza/33/34/25 I once sang Patsy Cline @ The ~O~ Lounge "The first in SL. We do Karaoke here 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Singers get discovered here, venue owners find new talent here. Always good live music 24/7 at The ~O~ LOUNGE. All languages welcome. Idiots welcome, snobs not. Open mic, stream & voice."
  6. It's like, they don't want to admit it was already here and has been for years! Personally, I hope as time goes by and this "metaverse" craze grows, SL will get the credit it has earned. Time will tell....
  7. That looks absolutely delicious!!!! 😄
  8. Yes, I do believe that is where it started for me as well. I dislike 99.7% of my RL pics... only about 89.9% of those I take in SL. LOL ~ so I can certainly relate!
  9. ...being kidnapped and tortured... or just being tortured. clowns creep me out .... like dolls ... those glass eyes ... but I don't think they actually scare me.... burning in a fire... the usual stuff that scares most people....
  10. Certainly, you can do anything you want! Maybe take a balloon ride?! Personally, I would avoid going out to eat on V day tho... (and Mother's Day) ... unless you don't live in a very populated area. Restaurants around me are --- packed - super packed - insane wait times.... not worth it!
  11. Yes... I have to start re-naming it and add from local. Or, close Ps and wait a little while and start again. My liquify stops working as well, after a few uses.... Must be me Technology - I love it, but it hates me. LOL
  12. Very sadly, after 10 years in SL , I still do this sometimes.... have to go around apologizing because I still can't walk and lag at the same time.
  13. Things do seem quite a bit tamer than they did my first round here about 10 years ago. 😉
  14. Iggy, I appreciate that you shared something really personal. We hear a lot about this now days - how everyone is hypnotized by their phones / computers / consoles / gaming ... etc. I tend to agree, that if you spend too much time in a "virtual life", on your phone, tuned into social media, etc., you can isolate yourself and become very lonely in the "real world". All things are about balance - too much of a good thing isn't good. I like to unplug and go camping, away from the noise pollution of suburban life. It helps me recharge and when I get back and login to SL or watch a video on Tik Tok etc., I just enjoy it for what it is - entertainment. I also agree with Maryanne ~ especially in SL, you can use technology to express your creativity and that's very healthy - as long as you don't tie it into social media and a popularity contest. Best wishes to you
  15. Hello Maitimo, I am not trying to high jack this thread but I had a question directly related. I have a problem when doing this, in that, after a few saves it no longer seems to "show up" ... wondered if you, or anyone else had this issue and knows why it happens?
  16. hahahaha! Yes, I did - just amazes me how it can work one minute and be a total mess another. I think I've become obsessed with my neck. LOL
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