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Cali Souther

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Everything posted by Cali Souther

  1. Keli Kyrie wrote: Some people think whatever is true in Real Life should be true in SL. It is true you can see SL as an extension of RL but I think you will take all the fun out of it. For example my two friends below, let's call them Puff and Scuff. Puff likes to warm things up a bit, setting fires where ever she pleases and just causing general mayhem. Scuff on the other hand likes to poke his nose into what ever he can, scare people, and tries to eat their pets. We have all kinds of wild and crazy things, even Vampires in SL that would be more than happy to suck all the happiness out of you. Do you let them? Do you mute them? Do you make friends with them? Do you wish they were banned? And for you Hard Core SLers how do you deal with the Real Lifers that want to set rules for how you are to live your Second Life that want to tell you your SL experience is a reflection on your RL? Do you let them? Do you mute them? Do you make friends with them? Do you wish they were banned? We all see things from different points of view. I am not to saying one is right and the other is wrong, but they are different. When we are inworld there are ways to keep these different groups of people apart but here in the forums we all come together and there is no way to separate us. So how do you react to people that are very different from yourself? All characters appearing in this post are fictitious. Any resemblance to real or virtual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I enjoy all the creative options in SL. Quite often, my avatar is non-human. Still, regardless of my avatar, I am me ... so my RL persona does extend into my SL. If that makes sense. =) PS - That is one cool looking dragon!
  2. This is a very interesting topic, I have debated with a few friends more than once. I feel that people should be able to wear what ever avatar they want. This new trend of the dolly looking avatars with pouty lips, and wide, bow legged hips is not my cup of tea, but as I always say~ Whatever Floats Your Boat! Some people are appalled to find that, the person wearing a 20 something av is really 60 something. C'mon, it's the internet! Anything is possible. Those who choose to look older do stand out, because most of us (like someone said already) are only as old as we feel .. and it shows in our av. :-) << at least that's my 2 cents on the subject.
  3. Iamnothereorthere wrote: Hello people, My name is Iamnothereorthere I am bored and I have no one to talk with, I am mostly inworlds alone travelling place to place and doing nothing, not even sure why I even log on sl I would like to meet new friends..... share, learn, talk with them, I am kind of shy person... but once I get to know a person, I am fine I am funny at times and I can be sarcastic too..Please IM me if you want to know me Waiting to talk with you I am not in-worlds at the moment because I have to log out now I'll be back in 4-5 hours Sorry for my horrible English, but I am trying to improve!! Welcome to Second Life!! :-) I've been playing a lot of D3 lately, but I'm usually inworld in the evenings (after work) and weekends. Feel free to IM me, I enjoy meeting new people and chatting.
  4. ~pops in, waves hellooooooooooooo ~ Happy Hump Day! ~~~~~~ hugssssssssssssss~
  5. Pamela Galli wrote: Do you use mesh things? If so, worn or rezzed items? If you do not use mesh (worn or rezzed), what are your reason(s) (eg do not use mesh viewer, have heard bad things about mesh, other)? I do, and I really really like it! To creators: Please offer demos ... I simply will not buy mesh without trying first, for fit. :-) Most do, but not all .. I went to a shop over the weekend and there were such cute clothes, NO demos :-(
  6. There is nothing I don't change ... and nothing that stays the same... hair, skin, clothing... 1/2 my fun in SL is shopping, and changing! :-)
  7. Coby Foden wrote: • In a nude beach stranger wearing a HUGE appendix asking "Do you like what you see?" :smileysurprised: That is funny!! Such pride in something anyone can buy on the marketplace! LOL !!
  8. Random friend requests in various languages Anyone who begs for lindens Meaningless excessive spamming in chat Club owners who let some people get away with anything, and others nothing Non Club owners who think they own the club Rudeness period
  9. 5001 :-PPPPP LOL @ Lia .. ~ you mean~ Fly Cali Flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy If only I had wings! ;-) hugsssssssssss
  10. What chat do you own? If you own the LAND you can ban someone from that land. You can mute someone, and block them from contacting you. You can report a person to SL for breaking TOS. To my knowledge, there is no way for YOU as a user, to ban someone from SL - just because you want to.
  11. I have a phone, Ipod, Ipad and a PC. Each does what it does well. Everything evolves.. So, when they make a mobile device that can project a giant screen image and run all the programs we like to use – sure .. the “box” PC, as we know it will go away. As someone said, the sky has been falling on Second Life since I came here… and that was less than two years ago. What do I say? Nothing last forever. I disagree that online interaction bring only shallow connections – that is up to the end user. =) This is, however, an interesting topic. Watching trends, and predicting the future ~ good times!
  12. One? Have two or three!!!! Wh00p! or fourrrrrr haha Happy Birthday Hippie!!!!!
  13. :matte-motes-big-grin: Ya know... a few days ago, I accidentially took my house into my inventory. I tried to restore it to last position, but I had several copies of the same house - and it didn't work out so well. One of them ended up back on the old lot I had rented ... on top of some poor horses that live there now. Then, I proceeded to take everything in - so I could put out a new house ... might as well start fresh, I thought. I tell ya, long story short, I ended up with things being grouped wrong - then taking them back out - my belongings were just everywhere! My friend madi has an eagle eye, so we scanned the neighbor hood and I went about collecting my things. If poofy hadnt been so rude, she would have been pretty adorbable ... I just love watching new people (that are NOT rude) discover the wonders and often confusing things in SL. Over a year later, I'm still laughing with myself when silly things happen. When madi found my house 3 doors down, we both had a laugh. I guess I better get back to work ... tho, I really don't want to. :-P
  14. Lexxi Gynoid wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Hi ya Lexxi! Here we are! Make you self at home. Peace! No roasting kitty! I not s'mores! Oh wait ... I misinterpreted the picture. Warm As long as I dont have to be the ugly one with the really big nose!!! :-P
  15. ~peeks in~ Is it safe? ;-) Hippieee!!! Dude, you have kept this going ~ good for you!!! ((( hugss ))))) I've gone to the feeds.. lol ... but I do try to come back and visit!
  16. I have been working on tutorials, and such - trying to get better at taking and framing pictures in Second Life. If I look at it from the left angle, it looks good - the drop shadow looks fine... If I pan over, and look at it from the right, the drop shadow prim appears to be in *front* of the picture instead of behind it. I use the grippers to move things, since I have even less luck trying to adjust the numbers. Any tips or tricks for this one? I took some pics for example, but do not see where I can attach those here. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Thanks for assistance below.. will take me some time to work on that .. I can't figure out how to "respond" ... LOL .. 05.14.12 Lindal Kidd Thank you! I would really like to do that, but I do not know how to get it to upload without losing the transparency. Sorry for the delay in my reply, and thank you very much for the advice. I will go by and see what you have done! I like this solution the best!! Now to figure out how to do it! :-)
  17. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Agreed, given an infinite number of possibilities (which the multiverse theory posits) it's not hard to imagine that complete randomness could create what appears to be exquisite planning. I think it is, and may always be, premature to say that, if we can't explain it, it must be a grander plan. For me, it's sufficient to say "we can't explain it" and get back to work. I always agree with Maddy!
  18. valerie Inshan wrote: Awww, that is so cute! Long time no see, Cali, it's good to have you back! Hugz back! Thank you! I am trying to peek in when I can. I just don't seem to have enough time to do all the things I want to do these days. What time is breakfast on Sunday? :matte-motes-wink:
  19. Lia Abbot wrote: Oh all right... I just love this!
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