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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. Charlene Linden is apparently a contact point for policy issues, but don't expect any clarifications.
  2. I don't recommend giving edit permissions via profiles, unless you REALLY trust the person, and I recommend immediately revoking them when they are not needed. deeding objectscan be troublesome with permissions (the group counts as a new owner) so be aware of that, and next owner permissions will apply... returning deeded items send them back to their previous owner with next owner permissions applied. contents can be added ad deleted but not edited (scripts, for example)
  3. when you say compress, what exactly do you mean? floats store that much precision in only 6 bytes, so you aren't going to get much better than that. if you mean as text, then a key crusher isn't what you want.
  4. the setting is "show light radius" although I have no memory of WHERE the setting is.
  5. Marigold Devin wrote: [...] this is what I think people mean when they say SL loses it's gloss/shine/magic/fantasy element). If people can stay in character on roleplay sims in voice then that must be pretty awesome. [...] sort of, but not quite... at least not for me... I associate certain voices with certain appearances, and vice versa... to hear a normal voice coming from a rather abnormal (by RL starndards) character removes the suspension of disbelief for me. likewise if hearing a tiny little girl voice from a big hulking brute (or other mismatched variations) really just kind of kills the feel of it. I imagine voice mods help for some but still it limits the range... I could never manage to get the small quiet voice I image for my child av, or even the underlying growling rumble of my furry av, even using voice synth, and I think it would spoil the characters to do less for them.
  6. prejump and landing animations introduce delays on movement... no animations, no delay
  7. canceling you account does remove things like email and payment infornamtion, not not inworld materials. after a time your inventory will be purged from the database. you can always choose to reinstate the avatar as long as you know the password.... to get around that, type a string of random charaters then copy and paste into the password change, and then delete the original string you copied from... unless you have photographic memory it'll keep you from reopening the account.
  8. not as a toggle no, it's hold only. however it may be possible to script.
  9. you can make it play for just specific people though, although that solution requires scripting to target specific avatars with the target parameter... if the script only detects avs in a certain area it would effectively work by height.
  10. roughly it's order added, then work to do accounting for delay times of functions. just added scripts take a short time to set up, which is less if they have only a single state and no globals or user functions. multiple mono scripts are throttled for large numbers at once (like entering a new region) and temp on rez objects are throttled even further, and are a frequent source of the "wall of bullets" and cycles of rubberbanding during heavy combat (there is a request to add some control of this at the estate level for combat full regions). homesteads and open space regions have much lower limits of what they can process at once as well, since they share space with other regions of the same type
  11. check in preferences to make sure that you don't have auto camera movement checked for build mode, (only appearnace mode is auto movement is vaguely useful) you can also disable camera constraints in the advanced menu (ctrl+shft+d), and you may want to disable limit select distance there as well
  12. you can also limit lists to a specific length by adding and then only grabbing elements from the front or the back (depending on where you are adding and which ones are important.
  13. you need to have preferences --> sound & Media --> autoplay, checked in the viewer, you have to set autoplay true in the script, and you need to set the current page as the home URL for the media in the script. miss any of those and it won't do what you are hoping for. ps. technically it won't just stay on, but only turns on automatically when you see it.
  14. oh I dunno, could be the comment formatting or the naming convention, but the teltale for me was the leading "f" for a function name instead of "u".... because I swapped those up for readability years ago.
  15. Ceka Cianci wrote: it had something to do with a group or something in there tying thier names together.. could probably be found through "Early Beta Members" or one of the related groups.... IIRC Stellar has the oldest rez date because her account was imported first... that really all it amounted to. @Del: that list is clearly broken, I'm obviously an Archdaemon and not some lowly wraith.
  16. ever looks at code you wrote and have no memory of writting it but instantly recognize it? here's a little help for the OP integer gIntHrs;default{ state_entry(){  llSetTimerEvent( 30.0 ); }  timer(){  if ((gIntHrs = (llGetUnixTime() % 86400) / 3600) != gIntHrs){   //-- hour changed  } }}
  17. none of the owners of land linked from Stellers profile has an earlier rez date.... Tweke Underhill is a charter member, but only since '03 (and is probably the main of Typote Beck if the profile pic is any indication) if you come across someone whose account type isn't Resident, Charter Member, or Beta Member then they are a Linden account... I can't remember which linden has "Server God" as an account type, but I do remember it. Philip has Ex Ordium for account type, there are a few others floating around if memory serves. all those special account types are Linden alts.
  18. you can get a little better performance by checking if the flight status has changed rather than hitting prim params every single time regardless integer gBitSwp; //-- swap variablekey vKeyOwn; //-- owner keydefault{ state_entry(){ gKeyOwn = llGetOwner(); llSetTimerEvent( 1.0 ); } timer(){ //-- lsl variable evaluation runs right to left  if ((gBitSwp = (llGetAgentInfo( gKeyOwn ) & AGENT_FLYING)) == gBitSwp){  if (gBitSwp){ //-- has a value  //-- changed to flight   }else{ //-- is zero  //-- changed to not flying  }  } } changed( integer vBitChg ){ if (CHANGED_OWNER & vBitChg){ llResetScript(); } }}
  19. works the same either way, because assignment is a higher precedence, although the parens could be used to make it explicit. in most languages it will either work as expected, or give a compile error w/o the extra parens it is quasi-bad practice to do reuse variables like that... normally if you would be using the channel value, you shouldn't re-use it for something else... but since we never actually use it's original value, there's no sense in declaring another variable when one is already sitting there, so that part is good. quasi bad, in that if you do later want to edit it and add code that makes use of the original value, you may get unexpected results.
  20. My Thanks to whomever took care of the preformatted text problems of non-scrolling and non-fixed width fonts. Many Kudos. there is one remaining niggling problem, of whitespace being collapsed inside of <span> elements, which are used for code highlighting, I'm not sure why spans should be overriding the pre definition, but they are.
  21. you will like it... but Robin Williams doesn't make bad movies, even when they're goofy ones (this one is very Not goofy). and if you like the artsy visuals, and enjoy psych horror, also check out The Cell... it's creepy and horrifying, but the artistic nature is a brilliantly tied together series of vignettes.
  22. agreed, at the beginning it's very jarring to get used to the non linear layout to find options. i find that I rarely ever read them anymore, but simply click through based on vague muscle/positional memory, much the same way I dial telephone numbers that I'm familiar with. And although big they allow more transparency while maintaining readability... which is actually something that could be applied to the linear ones to make them faster to navigate.
  23. dunno... I just striped that from the login form for the dashboard
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