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CyberSpyder Swords

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  1. Thanks, this helps me a lot. I have never scripted before and now that i'm learning the basics it's just a matter of trial and error. Thanks, CyberSpyder Swords
  2. Ahhhh now that is more of what i was looking for. A way to get the local time per user time zone and trigger an event accordingly. Thanks, you guys have lead me to the water now it's up to me to drink it :-) Thanks, CyberSpyder Swords
  3. Now that i take a closer look at it you're right. I will pick it apart and see what i can come up with.. Thanks CyberSpyder Swords
  4. Thanks for your reply. I did find Ceera's script and looked it over, but it's not exactly what i'm looking for. I just need a script to read the time and play a sound on the hour. It doesn't need to tell time, just play a specific sound at the right time. Thanks again CyberSpyder Swords
  5. Thanks for your reply, i had looked over Ceera's clock script before and although it's very well thought out, it's not exactly what i'm looking for. I just need thescript to get the owners local time, and chime on the hour with the 12 different sound files. It doesn't need to tell time or even be linked to the clock hands. I have found several clock scripts out there, but none that allow for different sounds specified by the hour of the day. I will keep looking and reading and reverse engineering though to see what i can come up with. Thanks Again CyberSpyder Swords
  6. Hello all and thank you for looking, I have just recently started to build in SL and have been looking at scripts trying to see what i can learn. I have built a really unique grandfather clock in world and it already has a clock script (not a pim script for each individual hand). My question is this, all i want to do is have the clock chime on each hour with the correct chimes per hour. I have the 12 sound files and i just need the script to sync with the owners time zone and chime accordingly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks CyberSpyder Swords
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