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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. Deltango Vale wrote: [...] Linden Lab develops the server side for all viewers, but the company must not assume people use the LLV2 viewer.[...] there is a misconception here. LL develops it's servers to work with it's viewer, no more. it's up to TPV's to be compliant and compatible with that, just like any other aftermarket tool.
  2. specifically for a number you'd have to check either it's length or value and forcibly pad with your fill character... in short there are precious few formatting functions and most of it must be done explicitly llSay( 0, llGetSubString( "00" + (string)i, ~((100 > i) + (10 > i)), -1 ) ); //-- this would be one way
  3. I don't use them a lot, but actually, you get em for me for bringing attention to this... content creation fora thrive on kudos and and the ability to mark something as a solution. so kudos to OP
  4. Carole Franizzi wrote: I'd seen by page 2 of this thread that it was impossible to have a civil, half-intelligent discussion [...] utter hogwash considering the charged language and bias in the opening post. and exactly why I responded in kind to begin with. it's every drama mongering trick in the book... you know full well the solution, if you believe it violates law or ToS report it... done. and I suspect that you are perfectly aware that it does neither, so you are dragging the hyperbole to the court of public opinion to see if you can't scare up a new witch hunt to satisfy some inner vampiric need for attention, or some skewed moral sense that sees pedophiles everywhere (even though they'd scarcely be interested in the kind of curves you describe as hypersexualized) is what you describe tacky and tasteless? IMO yes... and if I think ti crosses the pretty well defined lines I AR and ban like a good little citizen, as I'm sure plenty of others do as well. but until it does I have no compunction in calling this thread exactly what it is... a base attempt at rabble rousing using boogeyman tactics.
  5. language is a funny thing... sarcasm, irony, inside jokes... they can tell you a lot about any person
  6. you last name is "resident", but you must not be using the official viewer if you have space for both... it's always better to ask at the source you got the software from.
  7. the subversive in me thinks that breedable tarantulas sounds like a great idea... the arachnophobe in is s even slightly happy at the idea of making them huntable.... but is much happier with the the idea of NOT having them on the grid.
  8. nuking them.... now there's a much better idea than hunting them.... (seriously, how do people keep getting pulled into these breedables scams?)
  9. congratulations, you've managed to discover that people do RP the world over including ridiculous childish elements that aren't covered as age play... you want a prize?
  10. I wouldn't sweat it too much Charolotte... it's not as if people listen to me as a general rule.... if they did, we might have image editing topics together, and building topics together and mixed up across 3 different forums.... or a dozen land forums, some of which make absolutely no sense (for sale estate parcels?)
  11. horrid idea... it'd quickly become a spam haven of resellers and subletters. there, i said it.
  12. you can't check it from any server we have access to. instead you would have to check inworld via scripts and export that information via e-mail, http, or RPC.
  13. as long as they have the settings enabled (Frame buffer objects, lighting and shadows, shadows from sun/moon projectors.... at least those are the setting to enable as of v2.6.3 I haven't updated since then)
  14. 64m^2 prims are coming with mesh, so you'll get at least 1 wish fulfilled =) ps current link distance is 54m diameter on centers and while it still takes a script, the script doesn't have to stay, simply create this script in inventory and drop a copy in the prim you want to be phantom (before linking!)... it'll stay phantom and script deletes itself.. default{ state_entry(){ llVolumeDetect( TRUE ); llRemoveInventory( llGetScriptName() ); }} (wont work for the root prim unfortunately)
  15. I don't think we are talking about the same feature.... directional lighting does not work in phoenix, only in V2 based viewers with shadows enabled, and are know as projectors. it's similar to, but not the same as volumetric lighting (light filling a shape). it has control for apeture(cone angle), focal length( the distance at which the image resolves) and even direction (via normal prim attributes of position and rotation, since projectors face along the z axis). it can be used to project a texture across surfaces, or a a plain color. the texture can be used to mask the projector allowing a limited array of lightmapping techniques. They're quite fun, but the rendering requirements are out of range for too many users. here's a few lame examples... projector across a leg to the ground behind it, notice the red and green changed across the leg and the other leg shadow at the left side projector tilted slightly up to show it's non-static nature, texture applied is the head map for skins, the sun shadow can be seen far right) I noted that texture and color control of fullbright was static, glow (bloom to texture artists) provides a measure of envorimental effect, with or without fulbright, that makes almost all gradients possible thanks to it being unchained from the texture. I never suggested they were the same thing, only that they can duplicate most effects that filter gradients would allow.
  16. my apologies for the miscue then. yes "prefs" is short for preferences, and you would indeed need to open SL to read it, which was why I was explicit about deleting the contents of that folder after the viewer was closed. on the bright side you figured out the shorthand without any trouble, which will help you for a great many programs =)
  17. directional lighting already exists if you have shadows enabled (may require GI, I don't remember), which allows an additional texture and lighting option in edit --> features --> light to a degree this also allows light mappings fullbright is an on/off setting, that basically means "do not render shadows or lighting over this surface,you can control the brightness by altering either the texture or the color, but they will always be static values. as an alternative, glow can provide some environmentally adjustable brightness. my wishlist is short for the moment. Normal Maps (will never happen) get/set/edit for all prim parameters and all links (possible, but we've been begging for years)
  18. hmmm looks like the viewer is intercepting the second click when the doubleclick-teleport option is engaged... the posted code works fine if it's unchecked.... teleport routing and/or position detection of individual av's are going to be the only available options.
  19. yes, as long as it's not publicly exposed16/17 Teens are not supposed to be able to access M/A rated land... I'm unsure how that works out for Linden homes as I thought they were all on M land...either they can't access linden homes, or there are some G rated ones somewhere) theoretically, yes, if they are connected regions, this depends on draw distance, and a few other factors, in general, only the next region or two over at a max (the servers cull smaller prims and avatar count is limited)
  20. oh and I should add that there really should be a website forum under tech.... we have a great many web resources for SL, yet no place they belong, including but not limited to.... secondlife.com (mainsite) community.secondlife.com (blogs/forums/SLA/knowledgebase) marketplace.secondlife.com (covvered I suppose) jira.secondlife.com wiki.secondlife.com my.secondlife.com (and ::cough:: world.secondlife.com) secondlifegrid.net lindenlab.com almost none of which are joined in meaningful ways
  21. well for starters, setting the pay values in the money event is a bad idea.... since the money event is triggered AFTER someone pays secondly, (integer)variable; does nothing on a line by itself,... you cannot change the type of a variable permanently like this, it only changes for that line, but you don't do anything with it. instead you need to do that inside of the set pay price call such as llSetPayPrice( PAY_DEFAULT, [(integer)PayAmount1, (integer)PayAmount2, (integer)PayAmount3, (integer)PayAmount4] ); ETA: and beat to the punch by Innula, gj =)
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