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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. or just set the relevant sides to 100% transparent (by script, or most TPV's let you do it from edit)
  2. Qie Niangao wrote: [...] One objective way to slice and dice forums would be by statistical cluster analysis of who posts to which threads, then ascribing some plausible name to the resulting thread clusters. [...] that. is. NOT. funny.
  3. Anaiya Arnold wrote: If you cannot log on due to LL's technical errors, you are actually supposed to be credited for the time LL prevented you from logging on. It's in their documentation somewhere. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find that documentation, copy the pertinent text [...] here's a fun offer.... 10k$L to the first person who finds it in the current documentation and shows it to me. (easiest 10k I'll never have to pay)
  4. it's a reason for lag, but it's hardly the only one.... arguably the content creator that uses 50 different 1024^2 textures is just as bad if not worse. there are also some horribly laggy dance huds and AO's that are actually worse than the 200 resize script hair that sits idle, or the physical scanner huds that not only spam the region with dozens of physical sensors, but also spawn trackers that try to update faster than the code can actually execute.
  5. Dogboat Taurog wrote: [..] you are prejudging the issue without evidence and hearsay does not count where i come from. that's a plain silly assertion. to judge something I would actually have to be involved and take some kind of action based upon it. I'm not and haven't. I've done only what any forum goer can do... offer an opinion given the facts stated. the court of public opinion is just that, opinion; not a legal body.
  6. usually they drive over me (after all I'm at a lower latitude).... unless you count being born in canada as being Canadian, and then I usually manage to squish one of the Leporidae residents if I'm up there late spring time (not that I try, but it's pretty hard not to in some spots)
  7. if you can squeeze the data down to 40KiB in text you could actually serve it from within SL as an active downloadable file without ever having to touch an external server.... it'd probably depend on how sensitive to whitespace the importer is.
  8. Acheron Gloom wrote: I am unsure if llRegionSayTo is any better on the sim when used in similar ways to llRegionSay and only one listening object. assuming it's the only object on the listening channel, probably not much... but it's an assumption that wouldn't hold up well if there are other objects listening to the channel, making it a clear winner there. the added security and specificity do make for useful features, but people should be aware that security isn't absolute. Targeting an av grants any and all attachments access to the message.
  9. you can confirm that it's set at initialization by running looped comparisons of initializing a variable then reading it's value, as opposed to initializing a variable and reading an existing value from a different variable in similar scope. MONO has the potential to only place a default value at first read, but the speed vs size tradeoff argues heavily against it.
  10. Dogboat Taurog wrote: lets not forget they are alleged squatters. before the keystone cops start griefing. oh they have done already... seems pretty clear based on abilities and behavior.... and while I didn't advocate griefing them I can certainly understand the sentiment, having seen similar scenarios play out before. I have very little sympathy for them. rezzing a large prim in the store isn't so much griefing as it is testing and confirming a hypothesis. any legit land owner could have easily and quickly dealt with it... an squatter never can and must work around it.
  11. cheese snacks in the green room, and Bass Ale, heck, Tulamore Dew if you want it... of course I'll need full access... to make sure the stars are well taken care of
  12. those would be fun to hunt too! or ya know, just drive over them like the canadians...
  13. have you tried the tube shape? you can also cheat and use a cylinder textured only on the outside, inside the hollow of one only textured on the hollow
  14. Dogboat Taurog wrote: Chronometria wrote: Well, i would say to fight fire with fire. As such, if they are not looking after the land but anyone can build on it......you should go build on it first and put something tasteful there. Need to be pro-active, otherwise more motivated people will beat you to it and this sort of thing happens. Of course, that wont stop other people building on it, but it may well make them less likely to do so, or might fool them into thinking the land is being maintained, so they look elsewhere. Otherwise, i agree with the posters above who suggested you file a ticket about it all and ask the lindens to set an auto return. these alleged "squatters" are not being agressive, they opened a store. all i can see from the OP is spite. perhaps he should mind his own business eh?. petty. yes how horribly petty, I'm sure no legitimate RL business would ever complain if you set up a store in the adjacent empty lot... seriously? as a general rule, people that ignore one property law or rule, are much more likely to violate others.
  15. you see this very frequently with copy theft accounts that pretend to be some popular or even lesser known content creators so they can pass off their stolen goods as being legitimate.... it gets really funny when they start copying each other
  16. my example was quite literal... animation in the context of SL is the file that sits inside your AO and keeps you from walking like a duck, one of the three, soon to be for things you can upload into SL Every walk, run, sit, dance and flying action you take inworld is controlled by an animation file... every pose, every runway walk, every automated head nod when you say something, every goofy arms out pose stand for dressing, or appearance mode... even the much loathed typing action... all animation files that record the angle and position of every bone in your virtual body. It shares some of the language of animated images but is a completely different technology. Machinima is virtual movie making.... at it's base it's filming what's going on in a virtual world. it's closest relative in SL is image manipulation, although even that is stretch, considering the tools in use are as different as painting and putting on a play.
  17. I'm going to assume that was some very dry humor, and for the people that din't think it was funy say: as different as building a rocket and filming it being launched
  18. <-2.0, 0.0, 1.0> == 2meters behind (the X-axis) and 1 meter above (the z axis) the position of the rezzing prim. that would be 2m west, and 1m up if the rezzor is at zero rotation, otherwise it follows the rotation of the rezzor. 315, 0, 270 == rotate 270 on the z axis (no effect on the sahpe), o on the y, and 45deg tip toward north. I think you wanted 0, 315, 0 (top towards west)....... at least that will get you the right facing.. in the future, if you zero align the prim you rez with you can position the prim that will be rezzed manually and rotate it to where you would like it to face, then read off it's alignment and subtract it's region position from the rezzors region position to get the offset
  19. Racheal Rexen wrote: I dont get this meeroo thing at all,I thought about getting some but it seems a waste of money I think I have spotted the trouble in why it seems like a waste of money to you =D
  20. amen to that, the current categories show an utter lack of context and understanding. and while they're at it they should fix the css so that code can understandably be posted again... it's not as if the changes would be either difficult or far reaching... all the work was already done and offered up freely by Cerise within days of it being broken.
  21. those are forums run by people other than LL. I am here and not at any of those, because for a large part those forums are dominated by rampant drama (not all parts of them but still), I also stay here, because it fulfills the basic need I have for it, namely content creation and what news trickles out. I try to make sure those basics remain as functional as possible, what little I can do as a resident and just one person. I am greatly disappointed by the current cramming together of largely unrelated focuses in content creation, even though my personal "home" forum of scripting escaped unscathed from that (although it's still damaged by formatting changes). Like others I think it shows a lack of insight (or common sense) into what those forums are about, both topically and technically. And the utter Irony of the current poll that shows creation to be the leader in forumites favorite things to do is certainly not lost on me, but apparently seems to have escaped LL's attention.
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